Annual Report 2014 Consolidated time series Report preparation guidelines


The BBVA in 2015 report has been prepared in accordance with the latest reporting trends, the Conceptual Framework of the IIRC, the G4 Sustainability Reporting Guidelines under the Global Reporting Initiative Guidelines for preparing sustainability reports (GRI G4), at a comprehensive level, and the AA1000 standard. In addition, this information reflects the 2015 Progress Report on the United Nations Global Compact and includes actions related to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.

As supplementary information, it also presents the consolidated historical series for BBVA Group's balance sheet and income statement, a specific and complete table showing the GRI Indicators, as well as the principles followed in the preparation of this Integrated Annual Report.

Lastly, the information has been compiled, registered, analyzed and presented so that it can be reviewed by an external auditor. The scope and methodology of the external review conducted can be found in the auditor's independent assurance report.