The BBVA in 2015 report has been prepared in accordance with the latest reporting trends. This involves following various internationally recognized standards, such as the Conceptual Framework of the IIRC (hereinafter the <IR>
The <IR>
In accordance with the <IR>
In addition, BBVA's quantitative key performance indicators (KPIs) are presented following the <IR>
The report includes a materiality analysis that can identify the relevant issues for stakeholders that are subject to reporting. The focus of BBVA Group's actions in 2015 is digital transformation as a strategy, which has a direct impact on the activity of the businesses and the relationship with them. Its drafting follows transparent, clear and responsible communication (TCR) criteria.
This report has also been drafted in accordance with the Global Reporting Initiative Sustainability Reporting Guidelines (GRI G4), at a comprehensive level, including information about basic, general and specific content and the financial supplement for which information has been available for publication. It also follows the AA1000 APS standard.
In addition, this information reflects the 2015 Progress Report on the United Nations Global Compact and includes actions related to the United Nations Millennium Development Goals.
The principles for preparing the non-financial information of the BBVA in 2015 report are in line with the GRI G4 guidelines in terms of definition of content and information quality: