Shareholder Report
2012 Earnings

BBVA's revenues rise
in all geographic regions

and exceed €22 billion
in 2012

The market remained upbeat in the final quarter of 2012, with the Ibex 35 gaining 6.0% over the quarter.

The BBVA share price appreciated by 13.9% in the quarter to €6.96 per share. Adjusted earnings per share stood at 0.63 euros per share.

In the financial sector, the Stoxx Banks and Euro Stoxx Bank indexes have posted quarterly rises of 10.5% and 10.6%, respectively.

Share performance ratios
P/E (Price/earnings ratio; times) 21,5
Dividend yield (Dividend/price; %) 6,0
The BBVA share
Number of shareholders: 1.012.864
Market capitalization (million euros): 37.924

BBVA pays out a €0.10/share dividend on January 10, 2013

BBVA earned €1,676 million in 2012, 44.2% down on the previous year, once real-estate provisioning in Spain was completed.

Gross income increased in all of the Group's business areas

Gross income breakdown

BIS II ratio
EBA ratio


Total emissions in 2012: 14 billion euros

NPL ratio
Coverage ratio

Efficiency ratio 48,1%

Income statement by business area.

Geographical Diversification

Highlights of the quarter
  • Earnings
    Generation of revenue to absorb loan-loss provisions
  • Risks
    Risk indicators under control
  • Liquidity
    Ongoing improvement of the funding structure
  • Solvency
    Capital improvement and maintenance of dividend policy
Emerging markets:
Invest to reap the benefits of growth
Developed markets:
Priority focus on
Group strategy:
Make the most of opportunities to strengthen the core business
News highlights
BBVA carries out its first global debt issue of the year, with €1,500 million of 5-year senior debt; this maturity reflects market confidence in BBVA

The BBVA ‘Tu solidaridad vale el doble’ (Your solidarity is worth twice as much) campaign ends with nearly €5 million raised.

BBVA Sustainability Indices.

© Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. 2012