“In 2019 we achieved excellent financial results, the best of the last ten years, additionally we made great progress in our transformation journey. Looking forward, we want to help our clients to make better financial decisions and to support them in their transition to a more sustainable world. This aspect is crucial for all of us taking into account the important social and environmental challenges we are facing. To this end, we have evolved our strategy and defined six new strategic priorities that seek to broaden the impact of our transformation journey on our clients and society, with the team, data and technology playing a key role to achieve our Purpose: to bring the age of opportunity to everyone.”
Carlos Torres Vila. Group Executive Chairman
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BBVA has proven once again the strength of its diversified business model and its ability to generate strong results with double-digit returns, leading our peer group. Despite the challenging environment, the net attributable profit of BBVA Group in 2019, excluding non-recurring impacts, was €4,830 million, which is the highest since 2009.”
Onur Genç. CEO
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