Shareholder Report
2013 Earnings


  • The Board of Directors decides to call the Annual General Meeting of shareholders, to be held on March 14, at second call.
  • BBVA receives the IFR (International Financing Review) award for the best debt issue in the Financial Bond category.

The bank has received the IFR award for the issue of $1,500 million of a new type of perpetual debt eventually convertible into equity completed by the bank in April 2013. BBVA has been the first European bank to issue this new generation of instruments that are eligible as capital under the new regulatory framework of Basel III.

  • BBVA launches a new campaign in Spain to boost current demand for finance for private individuals and companies.

This new campaign is targeted at private individuals and companies and is designed to boost current demand for finance. This action reflects BBVA's role as a responsible bank committed to society.

  • BBVA creates a new digital financial service through the Wizzo web app.

BBVA presents Wizzo, its first native digital product in Spain, with which it creates a completely new category of financial services. Wizzo is a mobile web application for iOS and Android that speeds up payments between individuals, and makes it possible to create spending allowances online with friends or to take money out of an ATM without a card, among other innovative features. In addition, Wizzo users may request a physical card or a contactless sticker to make payments from a cellphone.

  • Momentum Project launches its 4th call in Spain to promote social entrepreneurship.
  • BBVA's 'Yo Soy Empleo' program, which aims to create up to 10,000 new jobs among SMEs and self-employed workers, signs a partnership agreement with CEPES.

BBVA will offer CEPES (Spanish Business Confederation of Social Economy) member companies 1,500 euros for every employment contract they sign. This intermediation and selection service for the recruitment of unemployed people by SMEs and self-employed professionals is free of charge and aimed at companies that have fewer than 250 employees.

  • BBVA launches BBVA Wallet in Spain, a mobile app for making payments from cellphones.

BBVA Wallet, which is available for both iOS and Android terminals, offers customers a new way of managing their card transactions quickly and safely via smartphones.  BBVA thus becomes the first bank in Spain to support mobile payments.

  • BBVA reinforces its offering of retirement savings products with new pension plans tailored to all risk profiles.

The bank is committed to providing advice to its customers and makes available tax and contribution simulation tools through websites and mobile apps to help customers plan for their retirement.

BBVA Banca Privada is chosen for the fourth year in a row best Private Banking in Spain by The Banker.

The use of new technologies, an area where BBVA is a pioneer, has been one of the aspects most highly rated by The Banker and PWM (Professional Wealth Management), two prestigious Financial Times Group magazines.

  • BBVA Research presents the “Consumer Outlook” report, which states that consumption in Spain is showing signs of recovery.