Shareholder Report
january - march 2013

BBVA earns €1,734 million,
72.6% up on the same period last

From the point of view of the markets, the quarter started with a positive general mood and a drastic reduction in the perception of risks for the euro zone.

The general European Stoxx 50 index closed March with a quarterly gain of 4.7%. In contrast, the Ibex 35 and the euro zone banking index, Euro Stoxx Banks, closed down for the quarter.

The BBVA share gained more than 12.0% at the start of 2013 on the close of 2012, but following the recent events in Cyprus, finally closed the quarter at €6.76.

Share performance ratios
P/E (Price/earnings ratio; times) 8.7
Dividend yield (Dividend/price; %) 6.2
The BBVA share
Number of shareholders: 990,113
Market capitalization (million euros): 36,851

BBVA pays a dividend of €0.121 per share in April 2013 using the "dividend option" formula.

BBVA had a net attributable profit of €1,734m in the first three months of 2013, 72.6%up on the same period in 2012. The keys were strong, resilient revenue and the divestment of non-strategic assets, such as the life insurance portfolio in Spain and the pension business in Mexico.

Gross income remained high, with emerging markets acting as the driver of growth.

Group Earnings

BIS II Ratio
BIS II ratio increase
+ 42 b. p.

Active liquidity management

NPA ratio
Coverage ratio
Efficiency ratio 50.4%

Income statement by business area.

Geographical Diversification
Highlights of the quarter
  • Earnings
    Resilient revenue and good earnings
  • Risks
    Under control and well hedged
  • Liquidity
    Reduction in the liquidity gap
  • Solvency
    Strengthening of capital ratios
News highlights

BBVA holds its Annual General Meeting on March 15, with the approval of all the items on the agenda and a voting attendance of 66.5%.

BBVA allocates €60m to new social programs, including the “Yo Soy Empleo” (I'm Employment) plan and the “Tu solidaridad vale el doble” (Your solidarity is worth double) initiative.

BBVA Sustainability Indices.

yo soy empleo
© Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. 2012