Shareholder Report
january - september 2014

The BBVA share

Shareholders, trading and share price

Share price index

Global growth has slowed, according to the latest available figures for the first half of 2014. This slowdown is largely due to the reduction in U.S. GDP in the first quarter of the year. The latest cyclical confidence and financial volatility indicators are consistent with a gradual improvement. Uncertainty remains weighted to the downside due to the reappearance of geopolitical risks and doubts about the impact which the forthcoming interest rate hike in the United States will have on capital flows and on financial asset prices.

In Q3, the main stock market indices have reported weaker performance than in the previous quarter. Euro Stoxx 50 registered a slight 0.1% decline and the Ibex 35 was down 0.9%. However, the Eurozone's banking sector index, Euro Stoxx Banks, was up 1.8% over the same period, largely because of the latest measures applied by the ECB.

As of September 30, 2014, the BBVA share stood at 9.55 euros, having risen 2.6% during the quarter and 6.7% since the end of 2013. Hence, its quarterly performance has been significantly better than that of the Ibex 35, the Euro Stoxx 50 and the Euro Stoxx Banks. At the close of the third quarter, BBVA had a market capitalization of 56,228 million euros.

BBVA share

Shareholder remuneration

Place in October, to implement the so-called "dividend-option" shareholder remuneration system. New shares were assigned on October 23. Normal trading began on October 24. The holders of 85.1% of the free allocation rights chose to receive new shares.

Shareholder remuneration