Shareholder Report
january - september 2014


  • In October, BBVA pays a dividend of €0.08 per share under the “dividend option” remuneration scheme. The holders of 85% of the free allocation rights chose to receive new shares.
  • BBVA proceeds with its digital transformation process: 3.6 million active customers on mobile devices; 3 million digital customers in South America (30% year-on-year increase); BBVA Wallet adds new benefits and exceeds 280,000 downloads in Spain; lastly, the Group currently has one of the best technological platforms in the banking industry, enabling BBVA to process 260 million transactions per day (vs. 90 million in 2006).
  • Euromoney magazine describes the Group's transformation as an example in digital banking and states: “Francisco González – the digital banker”.
  • BBVA proceeds with its investment plan in South America and now has more than three million digital clients, with an expected increase to 6 million in 2016.
  • BBVA passes the European solvency stress tests comfortably, thus confirming the adequacy of the business model and the benefits of diversification. The results show that by December 2016 BBVA would reach a CET 1 capital level of 9.0% in the most adverse scenario, well above the minimum requirement (5.5%).
  • BBVA launches the retirement savings campaign “Acuérdate de tu futuro”. It provides customers with pension simulation tools.
  • BBVA creates 6,600 jobs in Spain through Yo Soy Empleo.
  • The chairman of BBVA presents the 6th Integra Prize to AMIAB for its innovation and contribution to creating quality employment for people at risk of exclusion.
  • BBVA receives the Latin American Corporate Responsibility award for its commitment to education for children and young people from the most underprivileged areas in Latin America. This prize was awarded for the second time by Foro Ecuménico Social (Social Ecumenical Forum).
  • BBVA renews its agreement as the NBA's Official Bank. This agreement consolidates BBVA's position as "Bank of Sports".