Shareholder Report
january - march 2014

BBVA increases profit excluding corporate operations by 19%, to 744 million euros

The BBVA share

In the first quarter of 2014, the world economy continued to show signs of recovery. In the United States the recovery is consolidating and the Federal Reserve has continued with the gradual withdrawal of monetary stimulus actions initiated at the end of 2013. In Europe, the ECB is maintaining the base rate at all-time lows and while in emerging economies the situation seems to be stabilizing after the significant devaluation of some currencies.

In financial markets, the Stoxx 50 general European index closed the month of March with a quarterly revaluation of 1.7%. The Ibex 35 closed with a 4.3% revaluation. The banking index for the euro zone (Euro Stoxx Banks) rose 9.8%.

Share performance ratios

Price/book value (times) 1.1
P/E (Price/earnings ratio; times) 15
Dividend yield
(Dividend/price; %)

The BBVA share

Number of shareholders: 968,213
Market capitalization
(million euros):

Shareholder remuneration

A share capital increase funded from reserves was held in April, to implement the so-called "dividend-option"  shareholder remuneration system.

The new stocks shall be assigned on 24 April 2014, and their normal subscription shall begin on 25 April. The holders of 89.2% of the free allocation rights opted to receive new shares.

Group Earnings

The first quarter of 2014 saw the start of a new growth cycle for BBVA operating results. Profits after taxes, excluding corporate operations, grew by 18.7% (+76.1% discounting the exchange rate effect) with respect to the first quarter of 2013, to 744 million euros.

Revenue continues to be resilient


BIS II ratio 13%

Core capital CRD IV

10.8% (Phased-in)    9.9% (Fully-loaded)
NPA ratio 4.6%
Coverage ratio 59%