Shareholder Report
january - march 2014


  • BBVA holds the Shareholders' General Meeting on 14 March. All points on the agenda are approved with a quorum of 63.18% of the capital total.
  • In April, BBVA pays a dividend of €0.168 per share under the “dividend option” remuneration scheme.

The holders of 89.21% of the free allocation rights opted to receive new BBVA shares.

  • BBVA creates the Digital Banking business area to accelerate the digital transformation of the Group.

BBVA enacts changes in the organizational structure of the Group and its steering committee to permit the creation of the Digital Banking business area, with the double mission of accelerating the transformation of the Group and boost the development of new digital businesses.

  • BBVA acquires Simple, a US company, to accelerate the digital banking expansion.

Simple, headquartered in Portland (Oregon, USA), was founded in 2009 and began its commercial journey in 2012. It offers its customers all they need to spend more intelligently and save more.

  • BBVA carries out an issue of perpetual debt eventually convertible into equity (Contingent Convertible) in ordinary BBVA shares.

This is an issue directed exclusively at qualified shareholders and foreign private banking customers and not traded or subscribed in Spain or among Spain residing investors.

  • BBVA is the first financial institution to publish a global assessment of the impact of its activity on the societies in which it operates. The information is published on the social Web site of the Group "". 
  • - Contribution to development and social welfare: through its financial activity, BBVA supported 348,445 SMEs and 1,117,411 micro-enterprises and self-employed workers.
  • - Wealth generation: BBVA contributes 0.5% to the value of the economies in which it operates.
  • - Job creation: In Spain alone, the employment created by SMEs and micro-enterprises funded by BBVA has benefited 1,364,883 people.
  • - Contribution to society: 97.1 million euros in social programs and 1.5 million people benefiting from social integration programs through education.
  • BBVA launches 3,000 training scholarships for students, degree holders, and postgraduates in Spain with a view to promoting training and future employability.

Thirteen million euros shall be paid out during 2014 and 2015. Includes the entire university cycle. This group of young people will have the opportunity to gain practical work experience over a period of six months in various departments in the bank in both corporate areas and the branch office network.

  • BBVA selected for the Social Media Sustainability Index as the best entity in the world in the field of online communication of corporate responsibility and sustainability through its channels and social network profiles.

BBVA a leader in the ranking for the communication of sustainability in social networks, with 91 points out of 100.

  • Throughout the quarter, BBVA Research presents its Situation Reports for Latin America, Spain, Extremadura, Valencia, and the Canary Islands.