The BBVA share

Global economic growth has been stable, in line with the start of 2018, although with greater dynamism in emerging economies and some signs of moderation in developed countries. The economic indicators for the first quarter of the year show global growth to be around a quarterly 1%, similar to the figure recorded during 2017. Economic activity continues to benefit from the good performance of global trade and the solid expansion of industrial output. However, confidence indicators appear to have reached a high, with little room for greater optimism, above all in manufacturing industry. Together with a moderation in retail sales, these factors suggest that recovery in consumption will take more time.

Most stock-market indices posted losses in the first half of the year. In Europe, the Stoxx 50 and the Euro Stoxx 50 fell by 6.7% and 4.1% respectively, while in Spain, the Ibex 35 lost 4.4%. The falls were smaller in the United States, where the S&P index lost 1.2% in the last three months.

In Europe, the banking sector also posted losses between December 2017 and March 2018, although it performed relatively better than the general market indices. The European Stoxx Banks index, which includes British banks, lost 5.9%, while the Eurozone bank index, the Euro Stoxx Banks, lost 3.7%. In contrast, in the United States the S&P Regional Banks index gained 2.6% compared to the close of 2017.

The BBVA share closed March at €6.43, a fall of 9.6% over the quarter.

BBVA share evolution compared with European indices
(Base índice 100=31-03-2017)

The BBVA share and share performance ratios

31-03-18 31-12-17
Number of shareholders 890,146 891,453
Number of shares issued 6,667,886,580 6,667,886,580
Daily average number of shares traded 26,731,574 35,820,623
Daily average trading (million euros) 185 252
Maximum price (euros) 7.73 7.93
Minimum price (euros) 6.21 5.92
Closing price (euros) 6.43 7.11
Book value per share (euros) 6.81 6.96
Tangible book value per share (euros) 5.58 5.69
Market capitalization (million euros) 42,868 47,422
Yield (dividend/price; %) (1) 3.4 4.2
  • (1) Calculated by dividing shareholder remuneration over the last twelve months over the closing price at the end of the period.

Regarding shareholder remuneration in accordance with the resolution of the Annual General Meeting held on March 16, 2018, a cash payment of €0.15 gross per share was made on April 10, corresponding to the final dividend for 2017. For 2018, subject to the appropriate approval from the corresponding corporate bodies, BBVA plans to make a cash dividend payment in October 2018 and April 2019, pursuant to its shareholder remuneration policy announced by publication of a Significant Event on February 1, 2017.

Shareholder remuneration
(Euros gross/share)

As of March 31, 2018, the number of BBVA shares was 6,668 million, and the number of shareholders was 890,146. By type of investor, residents in Spain held 44.2% of the share capital, while the remaining 55.8% was owned by non-resident shareholders.

Shareholder structure (31-03-2018)

of shares
Shareholders Shares
Number % Number %
Up 150 182,313 20.5 13,020,118 0.2
151 to 450 181,483 20.4 49,653,847 0.7
451 to 1,800 280,184 31.5 273,013,938 4.1
1,801 to 4,500 129,109 14.5 367,903,641 5.5
4,501 to 9,000 60,272 6.8 379,933,611 5.7
9,001 to 45,000 50,337 5.7 876,385,289 13.1
More than 45,001 6,448 0.7 4,707,976,136 70.6
Total 890,146 100.0 6,667,886,580 100.0

BBVA shares are included on the main stock-market indices, including the Ibex 35, Euro Stoxx 50 and Stoxx 50, with a weighting of 8.4%, 1.9% and 1.2% respectively. They also form part of several sector indices, including the Euro Stoxx Banks, with a weighting of 8.1%, and the Stoxx Banks, with a weighting of 4.1%.

Finally, BBVA maintains a significant presence on a number of international sustainability indices or ESG (environmental, social and governance) indices, which evaluate the performance of companies in this area, as summarized in the table below.

Sustainability indices on which BBVA is listed as of 31-03-2018 (1)

(1)The inclusion of BBVA in any MSCI index, and the use of MSCI logos, trademarks, service marks or index names herein, do not constitute a sponsorship, endorsement or promotion of BBVA by MSCI or any of its affiliates. The MSCI indices are the exclusive property of MSCI. MSCI and the MSCI index names and logos are trademarks or service marks of MSCI or its affiliates.