
financial statements 2013

5. Business performance: earnings and activity by business area

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The BBVA Group’s activity is geographically diversified in Spain, Mexico, South America and the United States, with an active presence in Europe and Asia, especially Turkey and China. As mentioned in Note 6 of the accompanying consolidated financial statements, the BBVA Group has modified the business areas used by the BBVA Group as a basic management tool. In 2013 they are as follows: Spain (banking activity), Real-estate business in Spain, Eurasia, Mexico, South America and United States.

The Corporate Center, as stated in Note 6 above, is an aggregate which contains all the assets and liabilities not allocated to the business areas, as they basically correspond to the Group's holding function.

In drawing up the Income Statement in this Management Report, two effects have to be taken into account:

  • Garanti Group has been accounted for under the proportionate consolidation method.
  • Earnings from certain corporate activities mentioned below are now classified under a new heading, “Income from corporate activities", and the historical series for 2012 have been reconstructed. These corporate operations are:
    • The sale of the pension business in Mexico, Colombia, Peru and Chile.
    • The sale of BBVA Panama.
    • The pricing at market value of the stake in CNCB after the signing of a new agreement with the CITIC group, which includes the sale of 5.1% of CNCB.
    • Operation on the individual life and accident insurance portfolio in Spain.
    • Negative goodwill resulting from the acquisition of Unnim.
    • Sale of the Puerto Rico business.
    • Tax impact of corporate operations.

The reconciliation between the Group's summarized consolidated income statements for 2013 and 2012 and the management account is as follows:

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BBVA Group Consolidated Income Statements Millions of Euros
2013 2012
Consolidated Financial Statements Reconciliation Management account Consolidated Financial Statements Reconciliation Management account
NET INTEREST INCOME 13,900 713 14,613 14,474 648 15,122
Dividend income 235 130 365 390 136 526
Share of profit or loss of entities accounted for using the equity method 694 (622) 72 1,039 (997) 42
Net fees and commissions 4,250 182 4,432 4,156 197 4,353
Net gains (losses) on financial assets and liabilities and net exchange differences 2,511 16 2,527 1,705 62 1,767
Other operating income and expenses (632) 19 -613 60 22 82
GROSS INCOME 20,958 438 21,396 21,824 68 21,892
Operating expenses (10,796) (405) (11,201) (10,374) (412) (10,786)
Administration costs (9,701) (366) (10,067) (9,396) (372) (9,768)
Depreciation and amortization (1,095) (38) (1,133) (978) (40) (1,018)
OPERATING INCOME 10,162 33 10,195 11,450 (344) 11,106
Impairment losses on financial assets (net) (5,612) (163) (5,775) (7,859) (121) (7,980)
Provisions (net) (609) (21) (630) (641) (10) (651)
NET OPERATING INCOME 3,941 (151) 3,790 2,950 (476) 2,474
Other gains (losses) (2,781) 1,741 (1,040) (1,368) (358) (1,726)
INCOME BEFORE TAX 1,160 1,590 2,750 1,582 (834) 748
Income tax (46) (547) (593) 352 (77) 275
INCOME FROM CONTINUING TRANSACTIONS 1,114 1,043 2,157 1,934 (911) 1,023
Income from discontinued transactions (net) 1,866 (1,866) - 393 (393) -
Results from corporate operations - 823 823
1,304 1,304
NET INCOME 2,981 - 2,981 2,327 - 2,328
Net income attributed to non-controlling interests 753 - 753 651 - 651

The contribution of the different business areas to the Group's management income statement in 2013 is as follows:

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BBVA Group Consolidated Income Statements 2013 Millions of Euros
BBVA Group Operating Segments Corporate center
Spain Real Estate Eurasia Mexico South America The United States Total operating segments
NET INTEREST INCOME 14,613 3,830 (3) 911 4,484 4,703 1,407 15,332 (719)
Net fees and commissions 4,432 1,376 8 391 1,184 976 557 4,492 (61)
Net gains (losses) on financial assets and liabilities and net exchange differences 2,527 807 67 194 208 764 139 2,180 347
Other operating income and expenses (*) (176) 82 (111) 225 325 (812) (3) (294) 119
GROSS INCOME 21,396 6,095 (38) 1,721 6,201 5,630 2,101 21,711 (314)
Operating expenses (11,201) (3,014) (152) (733) (2,335) (2,386) (1,475) (10,096) (1,105)
Administration costs (10,067) (2,903) (130) (683) (2,173) (2,213) (1,296) (9,397) (671)
Depreciation and amortization (1,133) (111) (23) (51) (163) (173) (179) (699) (434)
OPERATING INCOME 10,195 3,081 (190) 987 3,865 3,244 627 11,614 (1,419)
Impairment losses on financial assets (net) (5,775) (2,577) (643) (330) (1,439) (701) (78) (5,768) (8)
Provisions (net) (630) (315) (20) (39) (39) (150) (5) (568) (62)
NET OPERATING INCOME 3,790 189 (853) 619 2,388 2,393 543 5,279 (1,489)
Other gains (losses) (1,040) 34 (988) (26) (26) (7) (9) (1,022) (18)
INCOME BEFORE TAX 2,750 222 (1,840) 593 2,362 2,387 534 4,257 (1,507)
Income tax (593) (60) 595 (139) (557) (530) (144) (834) 241
INCOME FROM CONTINUING TRANSACTIONS 2,157 163 (1,245) 454 1,805 1,856 390 3,423 (1,266)
Results from corporate operations 823 440 - - - - - 440 383
NET INCOME 2,981 603 (1,245) 454 1,805 1,856 390 3,863 (883)
Net income attributed to non-controlling interests 753 20 9 - 1 608 - 637 116
NET INCOME ATTRIBUTED TO PARENT COMPANY 2,228 583 (1,254) 454 1,805 1,249 390 3,227 (999)
(*) Includes the following headings: Income from equity instruments, Share of profit or loss of entities accounted for using the equity method and other operating income and expenses

The breakdown by business area of “Net income attributed to parent company” in 2013 and 2012 in the Group is as follows:

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Profit by Bussiness Areas Millions of Euros
2013 2012 % Variación
Spain 583 1,162 (49.8)
Real Estate (1,254) (4,044) (69.0)
Eurasia 454 404 12.4
Mexico 1,805 1,689 6.8
The United States 390 443 (11.8)
South America 1,249 1,199 4.1
Corporate Activities (999) 823 n.m.
Total 2,228 1,676 32.9

The explanations for the changes in the income statement and the main figures on the balance sheet for each of the business areas are given below.
