Business areas

This section presents and analyzes the most relevant aspects of the Group's different business areas. Specifically, for each one of them, it shows a summary of the income statement and balance sheet, the business activity figures and the most significant ratios.

In 2019, BBVA Group’s business areas reporting structure of the BBVA Group's business areas differs from the one presented at the end of 2018, as a result of the integration of the Non-Core Real Estate business area into Banking Activity in Spain, now reported as “Spain”. In order to make the 2019 information comparable to 2018, the figures for this area have been re-expressed.

BBVA Group's business areas are summarized below:

  • Spain mainly includes the banking and insurance businesses that the Group carries out in this country.
  • The United States includes the financial business activity that BBVA carries out in the country and the activity of the BBVA, S.A branch in New York.
  • Mexico includes banking and insurance businesses in this country as well as the activity that BBVA Mexico carries out through its branch in Houston.
  • Turkey reports the activity of BBVA Garanti group that is mainly carried out in this country and, to a lesser extent, in Romania and the Netherlands.
  • South America basically includes banking and insurance businesses in the region. With respect to the agreement reached with Banco GNB Paraguay, S.A., for the sale of BBVA Paraguay, it is estimated that the closing will take place during the first quarter of 2020, once all the required authorizations are obtained.
  • Rest of Eurasia includes the banking business activity carried out in Asia and in Europe, excluding Spain.

The Corporate Center contains the centralized functions of the Group, including: the costs of the head offices with a corporate function; management of structural exchange rate positions; some equity instruments issuances to ensure an adequate management of the Group's global solvency. It also includes portfolios whose management is not linked to customer relationships, such as industrial holdings; certain tax assets and liabilities; funds due to commitments to employees; goodwill and other intangible assets.

The information by business area is based on units at the lowest level and/or companies that comprise the Group, which are assigned to the different areas according to the main region or company group in which they carry out their activity.

As usual, in the case of the different business areas in America and in Turkey, the results of applying constant exchange rates are given as well as the year-on-year variations at current exchange rates.


Business areas
BBVA Group Spain The United States Mexico Turkey South America Rest of Eurasia ∑ Business areas Corporate Center
Net interest income 18,202 3,645 2,395 6,209 2,814 3,196 175 18,435 (233)
Gross income 24,542 5,734 3,223 8,029 3,590 3,850 454 24,880 (339)
Operating income 12,639 2,480 1,257 5,384 2,375 2,276 161 13,933 (1,294)
Profit/(loss) before tax 6,398 1,878 705 3,691 1,341 1,396 163 9,173 (2,775)
Net attributable profit 3,512 1,386 590 2,699 506 721 127 6,029 (2,517)
2018 (1)
Net interest income 17,591 3,698 2,276 5,568 3,135 3,009 175 17,860 (269)
Gross income 23,747 5,968 2,989 7,193 3,901 3,701 414 24,167 (420)
Operating income 12,045 2,634 1,129 4,800 2,654 1,992 127 13,336 (1,291)
Profit/(loss) before tax 8,446 1,840 920 3,269 1,444 1,288 148 8,910 (463)
Net attributable profit (2) 5,400 1,400 736 2,367 567 578 96 5,743 (343)
  • (1) The income statements for 2018 were reexpressed due to changes in the reallocation of some expenses related to global projects and activities between the Corporate Center and the business areas incorporated in 2019.
  • (2) As a result of the amendment to IAS 12 "Income Taxes", and in order to make the information comparable, the 2018 income statement has been restated.


(1) Excludes the Corporate Center.


Business areas
BBVA Group Spain The United States Mexico Turkey South America Rest of Eurasia ∑ Business areas Corporate Center Deletions NCA&L (1)
Loans and advances to customers 382,360 167,341 63,162 58,081 40,500 35,701 19,660 384,445 813 (1,692) (1,205)
Deposits from customers 384,219 182,370 67,525 55,934 41,335 36,104 4,708 387,976 308 (2,598) (1,467)
Off-balance sheet funds 107,803 66,068 - 24,464 3,906 12,864 500 107,803 - - -
Total assets/liabilities and equity 698,690 365,374 88,529 109,079 64,416 54,996 23,248 705,641 6,787 (12,018) (1,721)
Risk-weighted assets 364,448 104,925 65,170 59,299 56,642 45,674 17,975 349,684 14,765 - -
Loans and advances to customers 374,027 170,438 60,808 51,101 41,478 34,469 16,598 374,893 990 (1,857) -
Deposits from customers 375,970 183,414 63,891 50,530 39,905 35,842 4,876 378,456 36 (2,523) -
Off-balance sheet funds 98,150 62,559 - 20,647 2,894 11,662 388 98,150 - - -
Total assets/liabilities and equity 676,689 354,901 82,057 97,432 66,250 54,373 18,834 673,848 16,281 (13,440) -
Risk-weighted assets 348,264 104,113 64,175 53,177 56,486 42,724 15,476 336,151 12,113 - -
  • (1) Non-current assets and liabilities held for sale (NCA&L) from the BBVA Paraguay.

Since 2019, a column has been included in the balance sheet, which includes the deletions and balance adjustments between different business areas, especially in terms of the relationship between the areas in which the parent company operates, i.e. Spain, Rest of Eurasia and Corporate Center. In previous years, these deletions were allocated to the different areas, mainly in Banking Activity in Spain. Accordingly, the figures from the previous year have been re-expressed to show comparable series.






  • Growth in consumer, retail and commercial portfolios.
  • Net Interest income influenced by the impact of IFRS 16.
  • Continued decrease in operating expenses.
  • Positive impact of the sale of non-performing and write-off portfolios on loan loss provisions and risk indicators.


(1) Excluding repos.





Income statement 2019 ∆% 2018
Net interest income 3,645 (1.4) 3,698
Net fees and commissions 1,751 4.1 1,682
Net trading income 239 (54.9) 529
Other operating income and expenses 98 65.2 59
Of which: Insurance activities(1) 518 6.7 485
Gross income 5,734 (3.9) 5,968
Operating expenses (3,253) (2.4) (3,335)
Personnel expenses (1,883) 0.1 (1,880)
Other administrative expenses (895) (22.0) (1,147)
Depreciation (476) 54.8 (308)
Operating income 2,480 (5.8) 2,634
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (216) (43.6) (383)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results (386) (5.9) (410)
Profit/(loss) before tax 1,878 2.1 1,840
Income tax (489) 12.0 (437)
Profit/(loss) for the year 1,389 (1.0) 1,403
Non-controlling interests (3) (16.0) (3)
Net attributable profit 1,386 (1.0) 1,400
  • (1) Includes premiums received net of estimated technical insurance reserves.
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 15,903 (44.3) 28,545
Financial assets designated at fair value 122,844 14.5 107,320
Of which: Loans and advances 34,175 13.1 30,222
Financial assets at amortized cost 195,269 (0.1) 195,467
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 167,341 (1.8) 170,438
Inter-area positions 21,621 54.2 14,026
Tangible assets 3,302 155.2 1,294
Other assets 6,436 (22.0) 8,249
Total assets/liabilities and equity 365,374 3.0 354,901
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 78,684 10.8 71,033
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 41,092 (10.5) 45,914
Deposits from customers 182,370 (0.6) 183,414
Debt certificates 35,523 13.3 31,352
Inter-area positions - - -
Other liabilities 18,484 27.3 14,519
Economic capital allocated 9,220 6.3 8,670
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (1) 164,150 (1.4) 166,396
Non-performing loans 8,635 (14.3) 10,073
Customer deposits under management(1) 182,370 (0.3) 182,984
Off-balance sheet funds (2) 66,068 5.6 62,559
Risk-weighted assets 104,925 0.8 104,113
Efficiency ratio (%) 56.7 55.9
NPL ratio (%) 4.4 5.1
NPL coverage ratio (%) 60 57
Cost of risk (%) 0.12 0.21
  • (1) Excluding repos.
  • (2) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.


The most relevant aspects related to the area's activity in 2019 have been:

  • At the end of 2019, lending activity (performing loans under management) was lower year-on-year (down 1.4%), with a reduction in mortgage loans and in the institutional and corporate portfolios (-3.2%, -10.4% and -5.1%, respectively), partially offset by consumer growth (including credit cards, up 15.8%) as well as retail and medium-sized businesses (up 3.4% and up 6.4% year-on-year, respectively).
  • In asset quality, the reduction in non-performing loan balances continued over the quarter, with a positive effect on the area's NPL ratio, which fell by 66 basis points along the year to stand at 4.4% as of December 31, 2019 (5.1% as of December 31, 2018). This evolution was mainly the result of the sale of non-performing and write-offs loan portfolios in 2019, as well as a lower level of non-performing loans in mortgage portfolios. The NPL coverage ratio was 60%, up from the figure at the end of 2018 (57%).
  • Customer deposits under management stayed flat during the year (down 0.3%) and showed an increase in the last quarter (up 1.0%) as a result of the evolution of demand deposits (up 1.5%), which managed to offset the fall in time deposits (down 1.8%).
  • Off-balance sheet funds showed a positive evolution (up 5.6% since December 31, 2018), in both mutual and pension funds.


The 2019 net attributable profit generated by BBVA in Spain was €1,386m, slightly below the same period of the previous year (down 1.0%).

The main highlights of the area's income statement are:

  • The net interest income registered a slight increase in the quarter (up 1.3%) that allowed the annual rate of decline to decrease (-1.4%, compared to -1.9% year-on-year at the end of September 2019). This is mainly due to the smaller contribution from the ALCO portfolios and the effect of IFRS 16, which entered into force on January 1, 2019.
  • Net fees and commissions also evolved very positively in the quarter (up 5.0%), mainly due to corporate banking operations, and also due to the good performance of the commissions charged for asset management. In the year, they increased by 4.1%.
  • In the NTI line, the quarterly evolution was very notable, which did not manage to offset the smaller contribution compared to the previous year (down 54.9%) due to the irregular behavior of the markets in 2019, as well as the lower portfolio sales.
  • The evolution of other income and operating expenses improved significantly compared to 2018 (up 65.2%) despite the increase to The Deposit Guarantee Fund in the last quarter of 2019, and thanks to the positive evolution of net insurance earnings and the lower costs associated with the real estate business, which are also included in this line of the income statement.
  • The excellent trend in operating expenses (down 2.4% year-on-year) continued as a result of the cost reduction plans. As a result, the efficiency ratio stood at 56.7%.
  • The impairment on financial assets fell compared to 2018, helped by the positive effect of the sale of non-performing and written-off mortgage loan portfolios in the year.
  • Finally, provisions and other results closed at €-386m, or 5.9% lower than the previous year.

The United States


  • Activity impacted by Fed’s interest-rate cuts.
  • Good performance of net fees and commissions and NTI.
  • Continued improvement of the efficiency ratio.
  • Net attributable profit affected by the impairment on financial assets.


(1) Excluding repos.



(1) At current exchange rate: +11.4%.


(1) At current exchange rate: +19.9%.


Income statement 2019 ∆% ∆%(1) 2018
Net interest income 2,395 5.2 (0.2) 2,276
Net fees and commissions 644 8.1 2.6 596
Net trading income 173 58.8 51.6 109
Other operating income and expenses 12 31.7 29.3 9
Gross income 3,223 7.8 2.3 2,989
Operating expenses (1,966) 5.7 0.3 (1,861)
Personnel expenses (1,126) 7.2 1.7 (1,051)
Other administrative expenses (621) (1.7) (6.7) (632)
Depreciation (219) 23.1 16.8 (178)
Operating income 1,257 11.4 5.8 1,129
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (550) 144.9 132.3 (225)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results (2) n.s. n.s. 16
Profit/(loss) before tax 705 (23.4) (27.3) 920
Income tax (115) (37.7) (40.8) (185)
Profit/(loss) for the year 590 (19.9) (23.9) 736
Non-controlling interests - - - -
Net attributable profit 590 (19.9) (23.9) 736
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 8.293 71,5 68.3 4,835
Financial assets designated at fair value 7,659 (26.9) (28.3) 10,481
Of which: Loans and advances 261 67.1 63.9 156
Financial assets at amortized cost 69,510 9.4 7.3 63,539
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 63,162 3.9 1.9 60,808
Inter-area positions - - - -
Tangible assets 914 36.7 34.2 668
Other assets 2,153 (15.0) (16.6) 2,534
Total assets/liabilities and equity 88,529 7.9 5.9 82,057
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 282 20.2 18.0 234
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 4,081 21.1 18.8 3,370
Deposits from customers 67,525 5.7 3.7 63,891
Debt certificates 3,551 (1.4) (3.2) 3,599
Inter-area positions 3,416 77.3 74.0 1,926
Other liabilities 5,831 3.1 1.2 5,654
Economic capital allocated 3,843 13.6 11.5 3,383
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (2) 63,241 4.0 2.1 60.784
Non-performing loans 730 (9.0) (10.7) 802
Customer deposits under management (2) 67,528 5.7 3.7 63,888
Off-balance sheet funds (3) - - - -
Risk-weighted assets 65,170 1.5 (0.4) 64,175
Efficiency ratio (%) 61.0 62.2
NPL ratio (%) 1.1 1.3
NPL coverage ratio (%) 101 85
Cost of risk (%) 0.88 0.39
  • (1) Figures at constant exchange rate.
  • (2) Excluding repos.
  • (3) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.


Unless expressly stated otherwise, all the comments below on rates of change, for both activity and earnings, will be given at constant exchange rates. These rates, together with the changes at the current exchange rates, can be found in the attached tables of financial statements and relevant business indicators.

The most relevant aspects related to the area's activity in 2019 were as follows:

  • Lending activity (performing loans under management) increased quarter-over-quarter and year-on-year (up 3.0% and up 2.1%, respectively), mainly due to the dynamism of the corporate banking and commercial portfolio. The retail portfolio remained practically flat during 2019 (down 0.9%), with slight declines in the mortgage and consumer portfolios, which were partially offset by the increase in credit cards, mainly due to BBVA’s commercial effort to promote this product amongst its clients.
  • With regard to the risk indicators, there was a significant reduction in non-performing loans in the quarter that caused the NPL ratio to stand at 1.1% at year end. The NPL coverage ratio improved to 101%.
  • Customer deposits under management increased 3.7% year-on-year, explained by an increase in demand deposits (+10.6%), which offset the decrease in term deposits (-15.4%).


The United States generated a net attributable profit of €590m during 2019, which is 23.9% lower than the previous year as a result of the increase in the impairment of financial assets. The most relevant aspects related to the income statement are summarized below:

  • The net interest income was stable during the year, since the good performance during the first half of the year was hampered by the Fed rate cuts in the second half of the year. This line decreased 2.1% in the last quarter of the year.
  • Net fees and commissions increased 2.6% in the year mainly due to the increase in those fees and commissions related to investment banking, cards, commercial establishments and, to a lesser extent, those associated with syndicated loans.
  • Significant increase in NTI (up 51.6% in the year) as a result of greater capital gains from the sale of ALCO portfolios.
  • Operating expenses remained stable (up 0.3%) in 2019.
  • There was an increase in the impairment of financial assets during 2019 (up 132.3%), due to provisions for specific commercial portfolio customers, more write-offs in the consumer portfolio and an adjustment in the macro scenario. In addition, the comparison was affected by the release in 2018 of hurricane-related provisions from the previous year. Consequently, the cumulative cost of risk as of December 2019 increased to 0.88%, compared with 0.39% as of December 2018.



  • Good performance of the lending activity, boosted by growth in the retail portfolio.
  • Positive trend of customer funds especially in demand deposits.
  • Net Interest Income growth in line with activity.
  • Excellent performance of the NTI.
  • Cumulative cost of risk at historically low levels.


(1) Excluding repos.




(1) At current exchange rate: +12.2%.

(1) At current exchange rate: +14.0%.


Income statement 2019 ∆% ∆%(1) 2018
Net interest income 6,209 11.5 5.9 5,568
Net fees and commissions 1,298 7.8 2.3 1,205
Net trading income 310 38.7 31.7 223
Other operating income and expenses 212 7.6 2.1 197
Gross income 8,029 11.6 6.0 7,193
Operating expenses (2,645) 10.6 4.9 (2,392)
Personnel expenses (1,124) 9.8 4.3 (1,024)
Other administrative expenses (1,175) 5.3 (0.0) (1,115)
Depreciation (346) 36.6 29.7 (253)
Operating income 5,384 12.2 6.5 4,800
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (1,698) (9.2) 3.6 (1,555)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results 5 (80.4) (81.4) 24
Profit/(loss) before tax 3,691 12.9 7.2 3,269
Income tax (992) 10.0 4.4 (901)
Profit/(loss) for the year 2,699 14.0 8.2 2,368
Non-controlling interests (0) 14.1 8.3 (0)
Net attributable profit 2,699 14.0 8.2 2,367
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 6,489 (21.6) (26.0) 8,274
Financial assets designated at fair value 31,402 20.7 13.9 26,022
Of which: Loans and advances 777 n.s. n.s. 72
Financial assets at amortized cost 66,180 14.7 8.2 57,709
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 58,081 13.7 7.2 51,101
Tangible assets 2,022 13.1 6.7 1,788
Other assets 2,985 (18.0) (22.6) 3,639
Total assets/liabilities and equity 109,079 12.0 5.6 97,432
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 21,784 20.8 14.0 118,028
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 2,117 209.9 192.3 683
Deposits from customers 55,934 10.7 4.4 50,530
Debt certificates 8,840 3.2 (2.6) 8,566
Other liabilities 15,514 0.2 (5.5) 15,485
Economic capital allocated 4,889 18.1 11.4 4,140
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (2) 58,617 14.1 7.6 51,387
Non-performing loans 1,478 29.9 22.5 1,138
Customer deposits under management (2) 55,331 11.2 4.9 49,740
Off-balance sheet funds (3) 24,464 18.5 11.8 20,647
Risk-weighted assets 59,299 11.5 5.2 53,177
Efficiency ratio (%) 32.9 33.3
NPL ratio (%) 2.4 2.1
NPL coverage ratio (%) 136 154
Cost of risk (%) 3.01 3.07

(1) Figures at constant exchange rate.

(2) Excluding repos.

(3) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.


Unless expressly stated otherwise, all the comments below on rates of change, for both activity and earnings, will be given at constant exchange rates. These rates, together with changes at constant exchange rates, can be found in the attached tables of financial statements and relevant business indicators.

The most relevant aspects related to the area's activity in 2019 have been:

  • Lending activity (performing loans under management) showed a strong dynamism in the final quarter of the year, with growth of 1.7% that boosted the year-on-year variation to 7.6%. It can be seen that even when economic uncertainty was observed throughout the year and there was a slowdown in credit growth in the system, BBVA managed to maintain its leadership position in Mexico, with a market share of 22.8% in performing loans, according to local figures from the National Banking and Securities Commission (CNBV) at the end of November 2019.
  • The wholesale portfolio, showed an increase of 5.1% year on year, driven mainly by the positive performance of business loans which grew by 3.9% in 2019. It should be noted the positive performance of the corporate banking portfolio in the quarter, which managed to reverse the downward trend observed until September to end the year with a positive growth compared to 2018. The retail portfolio maintained the dynamism shown throughout 2019 and closed the year with a year-on-year growth rate of 8.1%, strongly supported by consumer loans (payroll and those loans used for the purchase of cars, mainly) and mortgages (up 13.1% and up 10.5% respectively, compared to December 2018). This portfolio also showed a double-digit year-on-year growth rate in the new loan production.
  • In terms of asset quality indicators, the NPL ratio stood at 2.4% while NPL coverage ratio stood at 136%.
  • Total customer funds (customer deposits under management, mutual funds and other off-balance sheet funds) grew by 7.0%, despite the highly competitive market. The rise can be explained by an increase in the demand deposits (up 6.2%), and the positive evolution of mutual funds (up 16.7%), driven by the wide range of these type of investment products. Regarding the funding mix, demand deposits represent 80% of the total customer deposits under management at the end of 2019.


BBVA in Mexico achieved a net attributable profit of €2,699m in 2019, up 8.2% year-on-year. The most relevant aspects related to the income statement are summarized below:

  • The strong performance of the net interest income, with a year-on-year growth of 5.9%, driven by higher income from the retail portfolio.
  • Net fees and commissions grew by 2.3%, despite the strong pressures from the competitive environment. This evolution is mainly explained by the increase in the credit card billing from customers.
  • NTI showed an excellent performance, with a 31.7% year-on-year growth derived mainly from the gains coming from portfolio sales.
  • Other operating income and expenses increased by 2.1% year-on-year, resulting from higher earnings in the insurance business and despite the higher contribution to the Deposit Guarantee Fund.
  • Gross income grew by 6.0% in year-on-year terms, exceeding the increase in operating expenses (up 4.9%) which, despite being heavily influenced by the increase in the contribution to the Foundation, follow a strict cost control policy. As a result, the efficiency ratio improved in 2019 to 32.9%.
  • The impairment on financial assets line increased by 3.6% mainly due to the higher requirement derived from the greater dynamism observed in the retail portfolio, and the negative impact of the deterioration in the macro scenario. Despite all of the above, the cumulative cost of risk stood at 3.01% in 2019, which is the lowest level of the last nine years.
  • In the provisions (net) and other gains (losses) line, the comparison was negative due to extraordinary income in the first half of 2018 from the sale of holdings in real estate developments by BBVA in Mexico.



  • In Turkish lira, positive activity performance and relevant improvement in the spread.
  • Operating expenses growth below the inflation rate.
  • Positive evolution of net fees and commissions and lower requirements for loan-loss provisions on financial assets.


(1) Excluding repos.




(1) At current exchange rate -10.5%.

(1) At current exchange rate -10.7%.


Income statement 2019 ∆% ∆%(1) 2018
Net interest income 2,814 (10.2) 0.1 3,135
Net fees and commissions 717 4.5 16.5 686
Net trading income 10 (11.7) (1.6) 11
Other operating income and expenses 50 (28.7) (20.5) 70
Gross income 3,590 (8.0) 2.6 3,901
Operating expenses (1,215) (2.6) 8.6 (1,247)
Personnel expenses (678) 3.3 15.2 (656)
Other administrative expenses (359) (20.8) (11.8) (453)
Depreciation (179) 29.3 44.1 (138)
Operating income 2,375 (10.5) (0.2) 2,654
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (906) (24.6) (16.0) (1,202)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results (128) n.s. n.s. (8)
Profit/(loss) before tax 1,341 (7.1) 3.5 1,444
Income tax (312) 6.5 18.7 (293)
Profit/(loss) for the year 1,029 (10.6) (0.3) 1,151
Non-controlling interests (524) (10.4) (0.2) (585)
Net attributable profit 506 (10.7) (0.5) 567
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 5,486 (30.1) (22.9) 7,853
Financial assets designated at fair value 5,268 (4.3) 5.6 5,506
Of which: Loans and advances 444 8.4 19.6 410
Financial assets at amortized cost 51,285 1.9 12.5 50,315
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 40,500 (2.4) 7.7 41,478
Tangible assets 1,117 5.5 16.4 1,059
Other assets 1,260 (16.9) (8.4) 1,517
Total assets/liabilities and equity 64,416 (2.8) 7.3 66,250
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 2,184 17.9 30.1 1,852
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 4,473 (33.6) (26.7) 6,734
Deposits from customers 41,335 3.6 14.3 39,905
Debt certificates 4,271 (28.4) (21.0) 5,964
Other liabilities 9,481 2.3 12.9 9,267
Economic capital allocated 2,672 5.7 16.6 2,529
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (2) 39,662 (3.3) 6.7 40,996
Non-performing loans 3,663 27.4 40.5 2,876
Customer deposits under management (2) 41,324 3.6 14.3 39,897
Off-balance sheet funds (3) 3,906 35.0 48.9 2,894
Risk-weighted assets 56,642 0.3 10.6 56,486
Efficiency ratio (%) 33.8 32.0
NPL ratio (%) 7.0 5.3
NPL coverage ratio (%) 75 81
Cost of risk (%) 2.07 2.44

(1) Figures at constant exchange rate.

(2) Excluding repos.

(3) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.


Unless expressly stated and communicated otherwise, rates of changes explained ahead, both for activity and for income, will be presented at constant exchange rates. These rates, together with changes at current exchange rates, can be observed in the attached tables of the financial statements and relevant business indicators.

The most relevant aspects related to the area’s activity year-to-date as of December 31, 2019 were:

  • Lending activity (performing loans under management) rose by 6.7% year-to-date (up 8.2% in quarterly terms) mainly driven by Turkish Lira loan growth. Significant performance of Turkish Lira loans in the last quarter of 2019 by 6.6% where foreign currency loans remained stable after the contraction in the first nine months of 2019 (in U.S. dollar terms).
  • Turkish Lira commercial loans grew year-to-date thanks to a strong performance in the first quarter supported by the Credit Guarantee Fund (CGF) utilization and short term corporate loans. In addition, consumer loans expanded in year-on-year terms of, explained by the improvement in the last quarter of the year mainly driven by the General Purpose Loans and thanks to the declining interest rate environment. Additionally, credit cards continued to show solid performance on a year-on-year basis.
  • In terms of asset quality, the NPL ratio slightly decreased to 7.0% from 7.2% as of September 30, 2019. The NPL coverage ratio stands at 75% December 31, 2019.
  • Customer deposits under management (64% of total liabilities in the area as of December 31, 2019) remained the main source of funding for the balance sheet and increased by 14.3% on a year-on-year basis. It is worth mentioning the good performance of demand deposits, which increased by 38.6% year-on-year and 12.3% in the last quarter. Demand deposits share in total deposits is 38.1%.


Turkey generated a net attributable profit of €506m in 2019 representing a flattish year-on-year evolution (down 0.5%). The net attributable profit of this business area in the fourth quarter increased by 31.5%. The most significant aspects of the year-on-year evolution in the income statement are the following:

  • Net interest income remains stable mainly thanks to the successful price management that led to increase in both Turkish Lira and Foreign currency spreads offset by a sharp reduction in inflation-linked bonds contribution.
  • Income from net fees and commissions grew by 16.5%. This significant increase was mainly driven by the positive performance in payment systems and backed by money transfers and non-cash loans.
  • Flat NTI despite the unfavorable market conditions.
  • Gross income grew by 2.6% in 2019 compared to 2018, thanks to the increase in core banking revenues.
  • Operating expenses increased by 8.6%, significantly below the average inflation rate during the last 12 months which stood an average of 15.5%. As a result of strict cost-control discipline, the efficiency ratio remained at low levels (33.8%).
  • Impairment on financial assets declined by 16.0% on a year-on-year basis due to lower negative impacts from the macro scenario update and higher big ticket provisions coming from the wholesale-customer portfolio in 2018. As a result, the cumulative cost of risk of the area stood at 2.07%.
  • Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results subtracts €128m versus €8m in 2018 due to higher provisions for contingent liabilities and commitments.

South America


  • Positive evolution of activity in the main countries: Argentina, Colombia and Peru.
  • Improved efficiency ratio, supported by the growth in net interest income and the control in operating expenses.
  • Greater NTI contribution in the year due to the positive effect derived from Prisma sale in Argentina and the positive contribution of foreign exchange transactions.
  • Net attributable profit impacted by Argentina's inflation adjustment.
  • Positive contribution of the main countries to the Group’s attributable profit.


(1) Excluding repos.



(1) At current exchange rate: +14.3%.


(1) At current exchange rate: +24.8%.


Income statement 2019 ∆% ∆% (1) 2018
Net interest income 3,196 6.2 15.2 3,009
Net fees and commissions 557 (11.9) (5.0) 631
Net trading income 576 42.3 58.1 405
Other operating income and expenses (479) 39.1 33.6 (344)
Gross income 3,850 4.0 14.3 3,701
Operating expenses (1,574) (7.9) 1.6 (1,709)
Personnel expenses (794) (6.1) 4.2 (846)
Other administrative expenses (609) (17.5) (9.0) (738)
Depreciation (171) 36.7 45.6 (125)
Operating income 2,276 14.3 25.2 1,992
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (777) 21.7 29.4 (638)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results (103) 57.8 83.4 (65)
Profit/(loss) before tax 1,396 8.3 20.1 1,288
Income tax (368) (21.6) (16.3) (469)
Profit/(loss) for the year 1,028 25.5 42.3 819
Non-controlling interests (307) 27.1 38.8 (241)
Net attributable profit 721 24.8 43.8 578
BBVA Chile (2) - - - 64
Net attributable profit excluding BBVA Chile 721 40.4 64.0 514
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 8,601 (4.3) 5.3 8,987
Financial assets designated at fair value 6,120 8.6 13.1 5,634
Of which: Loans and advances 114 (11.7) (13.2) 129
Financial assets at amortized cost 37,869 3.3 7.4 36,649
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 35,701 3.6 7.5 34,469
Tangible assets 968 19.1 25.3 813
Other assets 1,438 (37.2) (34.1) 2,290
Total assets/liabilities and equity 54,996 1.1 6.1 54,373
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 1,860 37.1 36.0 1,357
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 3,656 18.9 20.0 3,076
Deposits from customers 36,104 0.7 6.4 35,842
Debt certificates 3,220 0.4 0.9 3,206
Other liabilities 7,664 (10.3) (4.8) 8,539
Economic capital allocatedo 2,492 5.8 11.9 2,355
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% ∆% (1) 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (3) 35,598 3.1 7.0 34,518
Non-performing loans 1,853 6.1 6.6 1,747
Customer deposits under management (4) 36,123 0.4 6.0 35,984
Off-balance sheet funds (5) 12,864 10.3 10.7 11,662
Risk-weighted assets 45,674 6.9 13.5 42,724
Efficiency ratio (%) 40.9 46.2
NPL ratio (%) 4.4 4.3
NPL coverage ratio (%) 100 97
Cost of risk (%) 1.88 1.44
  • (1) Figures at constant exchange rates.
  • (2) Earnings generated by BBVA Chile until its sale on July 6, 2018.
  • (3) Excluding repos.
  • (4) Excluding repos and including specific marketable debt securities.
  • (5)Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.


Operating income Net attributable profit
Country 2019 ∆% ∆% (1) 2018 2019 ∆% ∆% (1) 2018
Argentina 548 213.6 n.s. 175 133 n.s. n.s. (32)
Chile 134 (53.7) (51.9) 289 55 (60.0) (58.5) 137
Colombia 639 0.2 5.6 638 267 19.1 25.5 224
Peru 827 13.4 9.2 730 202 5.9 1.9 191
Other countries (2) 128 (20.4) (16.5) 160 65 11.6 19.9 59
Total 2,276 14.3 25.2 1,992 721 24.8 43.8 578
  • (1) Figures at constant exchange rates.
  • (2) Venezuela, Paraguay, Uruguay and Bolivia. Additionally, it includes eliminations and other charges.


Argentina Chile Colombia Peru
31-12-19 31-12-18 31-12-19 31-12-18 31-12-19 31-12-18 31-12-19 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (1) (2) 2,929 2,716 1,806 1,935 12,853 12,040 15,030 13,859
Non-performing loans and guarantees given (1) 105 56 74 55 741 782 806 736
Customer deposits under management (1) (3) 4,366 3,851 6 10 12,696 12,761 14,643 13,331
Off-balance sheet funds (1) (4) 644 504 - - 1,389 1,309 1,821 1,729
Risk-weighted assets 6,093 8,036 2,121 2,243 14,172 12,680 19,293 15,739
Efficiency ratio (%) 46.9 73.7 33.0 42.1 36.2 37.1 35.8 36.0
TNPL ratio (%) 3.4 2.0 3.9 2.8 5.3 6.0 4.1 4.0
NPL coverage ratio (%) 161 111 91 93 98 100 96 93
Cost of risk (%) 4.22 1.60 2.79 0.81 1.67 2.16 1.45 0.98
  • (1) Figures at constant exchange rates.
  • (2) Excluding repos.
  • (3) Excluding repos and including specific marketable debt securities.
  • (4) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.

Activity and results

Unless expressly stated otherwise, all the comments below on rates of change, for both activity and earnings, will be given at constant exchange rates. These rates, together with the changes at current exchange rates, can be found in the attached tables of financial statements and relevant business indicators.

The most relevant aspects related to the area's activity as of December 31, 2019 were:

  • Lending activity (performing loans under management) remained above the end of the previous year, increasing by 7.0%. It is important to highlight the evolution of the retail portfolio, which continues to show positive performance especially in credit cards and consumer loans. With regard to asset quality, both the NPL ratio and NPL coverage ratio closed at 4.4% and 100%, respectively, slightly above the end of the previous year.
  • On the funding side, deposits from customers under management increased by 6.0% in the year, mainly due to the growth of time deposits and, to a lesser extent, demand deposits. Off-balance sheet funds grew by 10.7% in the same period.

With respect to results, South America generated a cumulative net attributable profit of €721m in 2019, amounting to year-on-year growth of 43.8% (up 24.8% at current exchange rates). The cumulative impact in 2019 of hyperinflation in Argentina on the area's net attributable profit was €-98m.

The most relevant aspects of the income statement are summarized below:

  • There was significant income generation from the net interest income, which grew 15.2% in the last twelve months (up +6.2% at current exchange rates).
  • Higher contribution from NTI (up 58.1%, up 42.3% at current exchange rates) due to the positive effect derived from Prisma sale in Argentina and the positive contribution of foreign exchange transactions.
  • Operating expenses were slightly higher than the previous year (up 1.6%, down 7.9% at current exchange rates).
  • Impairment on financial assets increased by 29.4% (up 21.7% at current exchange rates), bringing the cumulative cost of risk to 1.88% as of the end of December 2019.
  • Higher provisions (net) and other gains (losses) compared to the previous year (up 83.4%, up 57.8% at current exchange rates).

On homogeneous comparison, i.e. excluding the sale of BBVA Chile that was completed in July 2018, the net attributable profit grew by 40.4% in 2019 at current exchange rates compared to the previous year (+64.0% at constant exchange rates).

The most significant countries in the business area, Argentina, Colombia and Peru, performed as follows in 2019 in terms of activity and earnings:


  • Lending activity grew by 7.9% explained by the performance of retail loans, mainly due to the increased activity in consumer and credit card portfolios. With regards to asset quality, the NPL ratio increased compared to the last year and stood at 3.4% as of December 31, 2019. Despite this, it continued to perform better than the system and showed a decrease of 30 basis points in the quarter.
  • In terms of funding, deposits from customers under management increased by 13.4%, mainly supported by demand deposits, while off-balance sheet funds increased by 27.9%, both compared to December 2018 figures.
  • Net attributable profit was €133m, driven mainly by the strong performance of net interest income (due to the increased contribution from securities portfolios and a better customer spread) as well as an increase in NTI (positively impacted by the sale of the stake in Prisma Medios de Pago S.A. in the first quarter of 2019 and to foreign exchange transactions). This performance was negatively impacted by increased operating expenses, which were influenced by high levels of inflation and higher impairments on financial assets explained by the downgrade in the rating and by the situation of the country.


  • Lending activity grew 6.8% in the year explained by the good performance of the retail portfolio, especially consumer and mortgage loans and of the public sector loans. In terms of asset quality, the NPL ratio fell to 5.3% as of December 2019.
  • Deposits from customers under management remained flat compared to the end of 2018.
  • The net attributable profit stood at €267m, increasing by of 25.5% year-on-year basis, thanks to the generation of net interest income, the positive performance of the NTI (up 14.1%) due to sales of inflation-linked asset portfolios and the valuation of the security portfolio, lower level of impairments of financial assets and provisions and a lower tax rate, as a result of the court ruling declaring the corporate tax surcharge applicable to financial entities illegal.


  • Lending activity increased by 8.5% compared to the end of 2018 mainly explained by the evolution of the wholesale portfolio and also supported by the strong performance of retail portfolios, especially consumer lending and mortgages. With regards to asset quality, there was an increase in the NPL ratio, to 4.1%, and in NPL coverage ratio, which reached 96%.
  • Customer deposits under management increased by 9.8% in the year, mainly due to growth in the time deposits (up 27.0%).
  • Good performance in the net interest income, which grew by 7.3% year-on-year due to higher business volumes. The NTI also showed an important increase of 25.6% year-on-year due to foreign exchange transactions. As a result, the net attributable profit stood at €202m, showing a year-on-year growth of 1.9%, offset by higher operating expenses and a higher level of impairments on financial assets.

Rest of Eurasia


  • Good performance in lending, especially in Asia.
  • Flattish recurring revenue and positive performance of the NTI.
  • Controlled growth of operating expenses.
  • Improved risk indicators.


Income statement 2019 ∆% 2018
Net interest income 175 (0.0) 175
Net fees and commissions 139 0.4 138
Net trading income 131 29.2 101
Other operating income and expenses 9 n.s. (0)
Gross income 454 9.6 414
Operating expenses (293) 2.2 (287)
Personnel expenses (144) 5.7 (136)
Other administrative expenses (131) (9.2) (144)
Depreciation (18) 194.2 (6)
Operating income 161 26.1 127
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (4) n.s. 24
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results 6 n.s. (3)
Profit/(loss) before tax 163 10.0 148
Income tax (36) (31.3) (52)
Profit/(loss) for the year 127 32.3 96
Non-controlling interests - - -
Net attributable profit 127 32.3 96
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 247 3.8 238
Financial assets designated at fair value 477 (5.2) 504
Of which: Loans and advances - - -
Financial assets at amortized cost 22,224 24.9 17,799
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 19,660 18.4 16,598
Inter-area positions - - -
Tangible assets 72 81.2 39
Other assets 228 (10.5) 254
Total assets/liabilities and equity 23,248 23.4 18,834
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 57 36.7 42
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 1,039 (18.2) 1,271
Deposits from customers 4,708 (3.5) 4,876
Debt certificates 836 292.6 213
Inter-area positions 15,336 34.5 11,406
Other liabilities 399 47.9 270
Economic capital allocated 873 15.4 757
Relevant business indicators 31-12-19 ∆% 31-12-18
Performing loans and advances to customers under management (1) 19,654 18.7 16,553
Non-performing loans 350 (18.7) 430
Customer deposits under management (1) 4,708 (3.5) 4,876
Off-balance sheet funds (2) 500 29.1 388
Risk-weighted assets 17,975 16.1 15,476
Efficiency ratio (%) 64.6 69.3
NPL ratio (%) 1.2 1.7
NPL coverage ratio (%) 98 83
Cost of risk (%) 0.02 (0.11)

(1) Excluding repos.

(2) Includes mutual funds, pension funds and other off-balance sheet funds.

Activity and results

The most relevant aspects of the area's activity and earnings in 2019 were:

  • Lending activity (loans and advances to customers) increased 18.7% in 2019, mainly driven by the strong performance in Asia.
  • Credit risk indicators compare positively compared to the end of 2018: the non-performing loan ratio improved from 1.7% to 1.2 at the end of 2019 and the NPL coverage ratio increased from 83% to 98%.
  • Customer deposits under management fell by 3.5% in 2019, affected by the negative interest rate environment in Europe.
  • As regards to earnings, the NTI performed strongly (up 29.2% year-on-year) due to the contribution of commercial activity in the Global Markets area, which compensated for the decreased dynamism of the net interest income and commissions, which remained flat. Continued management of discretionary expenses resulted in controlled growth of operating expenses (up 2.2% year-on-year). The impairment on financial assets compares negatively with the previous year, due to the releases made in 2018 explained by the lower reserve requirement provisions in Europe. As a result, the area's net attributable profit in 2019 was €127m (up 32.3% year-on-year).

Corporate Center


Income statement 2019 ∆% 2018
Net interest income (233) (13.4) (269)
Net fees and commissions (73) 24.0 (59)
Net trading income (54) (65.0) (155)
Other operating income and expenses 21 (66.1) 63
Gross income (339) (19.3) (420)
Operating expenses (955) 9.6 (871)
Personnel expenses (591) 12.1 (527)
Other administrative expenses (173) 20.3 (144)
Depreciation (190) (4.6) (200)
Operating income (1,294) 0.2 (1,291)
Impairment on financial assets not measured at fair value through profit or loss (0) (98.4) (2)
Provisions or reversal of provisions and other results (1,481) n.s. 830
Profit/(loss) before tax (2,775) n.s. (463)
Income tax (1) 258 119.3 118
Profit/(loss) for the year (1) (2,517) n.s. (346)
Non-controlling interests 0 (91.8) 3
Net attributable profit (1) (2,517) n.s. (343)
Of which:
The United States goodwill impairment (1,318)
Capital gains from the sale of BBVA Chile 633
Net attributable profit excluding the goodwill impairment in the United States and the capital gains from the sale of BBVA Chile (1,199) 22.8 (976)
  • (1) As a result of the amendment to IAS 12 "Income Taxes", and in order to make the information comparable, the 2018 income statement has been restated.
Balance sheets 31-12-19 ∆% 31-12-18
Cash, cash balances at central banks and other demand deposits 836 14.2 732
Financial assets designated at fair value 2,458 (10.2) 2,738
Of which: Loans and advances - - -
Financial assets at amortized cost 2,480 (6.9) 2,665
Of which: Loans and advances to customers 813 (17.9) 990
Inter-area positions 21,621 54.2 14,026
Tangible assets 2,240 42.4 1,573
Other assets 20,394 (9.8) 22,598
Total assets/liabilities and equity 6,787 (58.3) 16,281
Financial liabilities held for trading and designated at fair value through profit or loss 14 (65.1) 39
Deposits from central banks and credit institutions 718 (2.1) 733
Deposits from customers 308 n.s. 36
Debt certificates 7,764 (5.5) 8,212
Inter-area positions (32,067) 40.6 (22,808)
Other liabilities 566 (70.5) 1,917
Economic capital allocated (23,989) 9.9 (21,833)
Shareholders' funds 53,474 7.0 49,985

The Corporate Center recorded a negative net attributable profit of €2,517m in 2019, resulting from the goodwill impairment of the United States for an amount of €1,318m in December 2019. The 2018 net attributable profit was €-343m, as it included the net capital gains from the sale of BBVA Chile. In addition, the most significant parts of the change in the 2019 statement was:

  • The NTI had a positive year-on-year comparison, as the losses generated in 2019 were lower than those in 2018, mainly due to increased capital gains in the portfolio of industrial and financial holdings.
  • Other operating income and expenses primarily include Telefónica, S.A. dividends, as well as the income of companies accounted for by the equity method, including holdings in real estate companies. The positive contribution of this line in 2019 was 66.1% less than in 2018.
  • Operating expenses include the expenses from the corporate functions and whose year-on-year increase (+9.6%) is related to the expenses associated with data and cybersecurity.
  • The line of provisions or reversal of provisions and other gains (losses) shows, in 2019, the goodwill impairment in the United States, and in 2018, the capital gains generated by the sale of BBVA Chile