A first class workforce is one of our Strategic Priorities

Our most important asset is the people who make up the BBVA Group

38 years

We support the transformation of BBVA with initiatives such as:

Model of people management

More transversal, transparent and effective, that each employee can occupy the most appropriate role for our profile in order to bring the greatest value, with the greatest commitment, and learn and grow professionally

Forms of working

Evolution to an agile organizational model, in which teams are directly responsible for what they do, building everything from customer feedback and which are focused on the delivery of solutions that best meet current and future needs of the clients


We incorporate talent in a range of capacities not usually found in the financial sector, but which are key (data specialists, customer experience, etc.)

Corporate culture

Of collaboration and entrepreneurship, which revolves around a set of values and behaviors that are shared by the individuals of the Group and which generate identity traits that differentiate it

Our Values

El cliente es lo primero

Customer comes first

Pensamos en grande

We think big

Somos un solo equipo

We are one team

Continuous learning

€49.5 M
46 hours

2018 data

Nuevas capacidades

Training on the new required capabilities:

  • Agile
  • Design Thinking
  • Data
  • Behavioral Economics

Organization of work

Practical ideas have been promoted to favor work-life balance and to respect the digital disconnection

We are one team

And being one team implies respecting each other's time. To archive this we can be less invasive of other people's agendas and respect their digital disconnection. Respect and trust will help us biuld stronger relationship as one team

We are the best team

And being the best team also demands being more productive and efficient with our time. To achieve this we can make a better use of the meetings, reducing their number, their length and the number of people convened. Being on time and using simpler and clearer documentation


  • When calling a meeting, set it by default for 45 minutes
  • When preparing a meeting, avoid using powerpoint and write instead a 1-2 page memo outlining your story's main points using short, crisp paragraphs
  • Set a fixed time to leave the office as a reference for your team
  • Do not send emails between 8 pm and 8 am, or on the weekends