
financial statements 2013

7. Risk management

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The BBVA Group understands the risk management function as one of the essential and differentiating elements of its competitive strategy. In this context, the aim of the Global Risk Management (GRM) Corporate Area is to preserve the BBVA Group’s solvency, help define its strategy with respect to risk and assume and facilitate the development of its businesses. Its activity is governed by the following principles:

  • The risk management function is single, independent and global.
  • The risks assumed by the BBVA Group must be compatible with the capital adequacy target and must be identified, measured and assessed. Risk monitoring and management procedures and sound mechanisms of control and mitigation systems must likewise be in place.
  • All risks must be managed integrally during their life cycle, and be treated differently depending on their nature and with active portfolio management based on a common measure (economic capital).
  • It is each operating segment’s responsibility to propose and maintain its own risk profile, within its autonomy in the corporate action framework (defined as the set of risk control policies and procedures defined by the BBVA Group), using an appropriate risk infrastructure to control their risks.
  • The infrastructures created for risk control must be equipped with means (in terms of people, tools, databases, information systems and procedures) that are sufficient for their purpose, so that there is a clear definition of roles and responsibilities, thus ensuring efficient allocation of resources among the corporate area and the risk units in operating segments.

In light of these principles, integrated risk management is structured around five main components:

  • A governance and organizational system for the risk function, which considers:
    • Definition of roles and responsibilities for different functions and areas
    • Organizational structure of the GRM Corporate Area and Risk Units of the operating segments, including relationship and codependency mechanisms
    • Committee Schemes at a Corporate and operating segment levels
    • Structure delegation of functions and risks
    • Internal control system in line with the nature and volume of risk exposure
  • A general risk framework, where the Group’s risk profile objective is defined and where the tolerance levels that the Group is willing to assume is clearly defined in order to carry out its strategic plan without relevant deviations, even in stress situations.
  • A risk management corporate governance scheme which includes:
    • a regulatory body of policies and procedures, tolerances and corrective actions
    • Annual risk planning scheme whereby Risk Appetite is incorporated into the Group’s business decision making process
    • ongoing management of financial and non-financial risks
  • A Framework for Identification, Assessment, Monitoring and Reporting of risks assumed in base and stress scenarios, allowing prospective and dynamic risk assessment
  • An infrastructure that encompasses the set of tools, methodologies and risk culture that is the basis on which the differentiated risk management scheme is founded.
Corporate governance system

The BBVA Group has developed a corporate governance system in line with the best international practices, which adapts to the regulatory requirements of the countries where its operating segments carry out their business.

The Board of Directors is, in accordance with the Regulations of the Board, the body responsible for approving the policy control and risk management, as well as performing the periodic monitoring of internal information and control systems. Based on the general policies established by the Board of Directors, the Executive Committee (EC) sets corporate policies that previously been approved by the Board of Directors and the Group's risk limits by geographies, sectors and portfolios composing all the corporate action framework on risk . In this context, and for the adequate performance of its functions, the EC has a key role in developing the Risk Committee of the Board which, among other functions, analyzes and evaluates proposals on these issues that are risen to the EC for approval, performing a continuous monitoring of risk evolution and approving transactions that are considered relevant for qualitative or quantitative reasons.

Risk management in the BBVA Group from a corporate action framework set by the governing bodies of the Bank is carried out by corporate risk management units and the operating segments themselves. Thus, the risk function in the Group (Global Risk Management , hereinafter GRM) , is distributed among the risk units of the operating segments and the GRM corporate area, the latter being responsible for ensuring compliance with policies and global strategies. The risk units of the operating segments advise and manage risk profiles within their autonomy, though they always respect the corporate framework for action.

The Corporate GRM Area combines a vision by risk type with a global vision. It is divided into six units, as follows:

  • Corporate Risk Management and Risk Portfolio Management: Responsible for management and control of the BBVA Group’s financial risks. In addition, this area focuses on fiduciary risk management, insurance, Asset Management and monitors the retail banking business from a cross functional point of view.
  • Operational and Control Risk: Manages operational risk, internal risk area control and the internal validation of the measurement models and the acceptance of new risks.
  • Technology & Methodologies: Responsible for the management of the technological and methodological developments required for risk management in the Group.
  • Technical Secretariat: Undertakes the contrast of the proposals made to the Risk Management Committee and the Risk Committee.
  • Planning, Monitoring & Reporting: Responsible for the development of the ERM framework and the definition and monitoring of risk appetite. It also prepares reporting requirements, both internal and regulatory, for those risks the Group is exposed to.
  • GRM South America: Responsible for credit risk management and monitoring in South America.

The head of the GRM Department is the Chief Risk Officer, and, among his responsibilities, ensures that the Group's risks are managed according to the defined policy, relying on the GRM corporate area units and the risk units of the operating segments. In turn, the risk managers of the operating segments maintain a hierarchical reporting line with the head of their operating segment and a functional reporting to the Group Chief Risk Officer. This structure ensures the independence of the role of local risk and alignment with the policies and objectives of the Group. This structure gives the Corporate GRM Area reasonable comfort with respect to:

  • integration, control and management of all the Group’s risks;
  • the application throughout the Group of standard principles, policies and metrics; and
  • the necessary knowledge of each geographical area and each business.

This organizational scheme is complemented by various committees, which include the following:

  • The Global Risk Management Committee: This committee is made up of the risk managers from the risk units located in the operating segments and the managers of the GRM Corporate Area units. This committee meets on a monthly basis and among its responsibilities are the following:
    • establishing the Group’s risk strategy and presenting its proposal to the appropriate governing bodies, and in particular to the Board of Directors, for their approval,
    • monitoring the management and control of risks in the Group, and
    • adopting any necessary actions.
  • The Risk Management Committee: Its permanent members are the Global Risk Management director, the Corporate Risk Management director and the Technical Secretariat. The other committee members propose the operations that are analyzed in its working sessions. The committee analyzes and, if appropriate, authorizes financial programs and operations within its scope and submits the proposals whose amounts exceed the set limits to the Risks Committee, when its opinion on them is favorable.
  • The Assets and Liabilities Committee (ALCO): The committee is responsible for actively managing structural interest rate and foreign exchange risk positions, global liquidity and the Group’s capital base.
  • The Technology and Methodologies Committee: The committee decides on the effectiveness of the models and infrastructures developed to manage and control risks that are integrated in the operating segments, within the framework of the operational model of Global Risk Management.
  • The New Businesses and Products Committees: Their functions are to analyze and, where appropriate, give technical approval to and implement new businesses, products and services prior to their marketing: to undertake subsequent control and monitoring of new authorized products; and to foster orderly business operations to ensure they develop in a controlled environment.
  • The Global Corporate Assurance Committee: Its task is to undertake a review at both Group and operating segment level of the control environment and the effectiveness of the operational risk internal control and management systems, as well as to monitor and analyze the main operational risks the Group is subject to, including those that are cross-cutting in nature.
Internal control system

The BBVA Group’s internal control system is based on the best practices developed in “Enterprise Risk Management – Integrated Framework” by the Committee of Sponsoring Organizations of the Treadway Commission (COSO) as well as in “Framework for Internal Control Systems in Banking Organizations” by the Bank for International Settlements (BIS). The Group’s system for internal control is therefore part of the Integral Risk Management Framework.

The system of internal control of the Group reaches all areas of the organization and is designed to identify and manage the risks that the Group companies are facing and ensuring that the corporate objectives are met.

The control model has a three-line defense system:

  • The first line is formed by the Group's operating segments, which are responsible for the control within their scope and implementation of the measures set by higher authorities.
  • The second line are the specialists control units (Compliance, Global Accounting & Informational Management / Financial Internal Control , Risk Internal Control, IT Risk , Fraud & Security, Operational Control and production director support units , such as Human Resources , Legal , etc. ...). This line supervises the control of the different units from a horizontal hierarchy stand point. Also, reporting to this line is the operational risk corporate management unit, which provides a common methodology and management tools.
  • The third line is the Internal Audit unit, which conducts an independent review of the model, verifying compliance and effectiveness of corporate policies and providing independent information on the control model.

Find following list shows the main principles that support the internal control system:

  • Its core element is the “process.”
  • The form in which the risks are identified, assessed and mitigated must be unique for each process; and the systems, tools and information flows that support the internal control and operational risk activities must be unique, or at least be administered fully by a single unit.
  • The responsibility for internal control lies with the BBVA Group’s operating segments. These units, along with the specialized units mentioned above, are responsible for the implementation of the system of control within its scope of responsibility and managing the existing risk by proposing any improvements to processes it considers appropriate.
  • Given that some operating segments have a global scope of responsibility, there are cross-cutting control functions which supplement the control mechanisms mentioned earlier.
  • The Operational Risk Management Committee in each operating segment is responsible for approving suitable mitigation plans for each existing risk or weakness. This committee structure culminates at the Group’s Global Corporate Assurance Committee.

Within the GRM area, the Group has set up a unit of Internal Risk Control and Risk Validation that is independent from the units that develop models, manage processes and execute controls, and provide expert resources for the management of the different types of risks. Its objectives are:

  • Ensure that there is a policy, process and measures identified for each risk relevant to the group.
  • Ensure that these are implemented and applied in the manner in which they were defined.
  • Control and communication any identified deficiencies and setting goals for improvement.
  • Internal validation of models, independent from the model development process.

Both units report their activities and report their working plans to the Risk Committee of the Board.

The Internal Risk Control is built into the second line of defense. It has a global scope, both geographically and in terms of type of risk, reaching to all those risk types managed by the Corporate Risk Area. For the development of its function, the unit has a team structure at the corporate level and at the geography level in the case of the most important geographies in which the Group operates. As in the Corporate Area, the local units are maintained independent from the operating segment processes and from those units that execute controls. It maintains however a functional dependency to the Internal Risk control unit. The lines of action of this unit are set at a Group level, adapting and executing at a local level as well as reporting the most relevant aspects.

Risk Appetite Framework

The Group Risk policy is aimed towards a moderate risk profile through conservative management and a global banking business model diversified by geographical area, type of assets, portfolios and customers. The Group has a large international presence, both in emerging and developed countries, maintaining a medium/low risk profile in each geography while seeking sustainable growth over time.

In order to achieve the above, a number of key metrics have been established that characterize the objective of the entity behavior and are enforced across the organization. These metrics are related to the solvency, liquidity and recurrence of results; and depending on the circumstances prevailing in each case, determine the risk in the Group and allow to reach the desired objectives.

Tolerance levels for key metrics are proposed by the GRM and approved by the Executive Committee. These metrics define the risks that the group is willing to assume. They defined the Group’s Risk Appetite and therefore are considered permanent save for exceptions.

Also, on an annual basis, the Executive Committee establishes, after a proposal from GRM and favorable report of the Risk Committee, limits for the main types of risks present in the Group, such as credit, liquidity, funding and market. The compliance with these limits is monitored periodically through Risk committees. For credit risk, limits are defined at portfolio and/or sector level for each operating segment. In credit risk limits defined portfolio level and / or sector and for each operating segment. These thresholds are the maximum exposure to lending for the BBVA Group for a time horizon of one year.

The Group's objective is not to eliminate all risks, but to take a prudent level of risk that will generate results while maintaining adequate levels of capital and funding in order to generate recurring profits.

Corporate Scheme of Risk Management

Corporate Scheme of Risk Management includes macro processes as detailed below:

  • Regulatory enhancement process for the Risk area. GRM has established a set of principles, policies and procedures that serve as foundation to the regulatory structure of the risk function. The objectives are:
    • Consistency of all policies of the Group, Holding and local level, with the guiding principles of risk appetite and within themselves.
    • Uniformity between the operating segments in the implementation of risk policies, avoiding disparities in the risks taken based on the operating segment.
    • Framework of action, establishing the general lines of action for the operating segments, respecting the autonomy of these units.
  • Annual Planning Process: Planning is done taking into account the risk appetite and establishes a series of limits by type of asset that ensure consistency with the global objective profile of the Group's risk.
  • Management of the main risks which are faced by the Group are the following:
    • Credit risk:

This arises from the probability that one party to a financial instrument will fail to meet its contractual obligations for reasons of insolvency or inability to pay and cause a financial loss for the other party. This includes management of counterparty risk, issuer credit risk, liquidation risk and country risk.

Management of credit risk covers the analytic process before decisions have been taken, decision making, instrumentation, monitoring formalized and recovery operations, as well as the entire process of control and reporting at customer level, segment, industry, operating segment or subsidiary. The main principles on which decision-making should be supported within credit risk are: a sufficient customer generation of resources and capital solvency and the existence of adequate and effective collateral. The management of credit risk in the Group has a comprehensive structure that allows all functions making decisions objectively and independently throughout the life cycle risk.

  • Market risk:

This is originated by the likelihood of losses in the value of the positions held as a result of changes in the market prices of financial instruments. The BBVA Group manages this risk in terms of probability of VaR (Value at Risk). It includes three types of risks:

  • Interest-rate risk: This arises from variations in market interest rates.
  • Exchange Rate risk: This is the risk resulting from variations in foreign-currency exchange rates.
  • Price risk: This is the risk resulting from variations in market prices, either due to factors specific to the instrument itself, or alternatively to factors which affect all the instruments traded on a specific market.
    • Liquidity risk

Control, monitoring and management of liquidity risk and funding aims in the short term, ensuring compliance with payment obligations of the BBVA Group in the time and manner provided, without the need to obtain funds under unfavorable conditions. In the mid-term it aims to ensure the adequacy of the Group's financial structure and its evolution in the context of the economic, market and regulatory changes.

  • Structural risk, includes the following:
  • Interest rate structural risk: The management of this kind of risk seeks to maintain exposure levels for the BBVA Group in line with its strategy and risk profile to address changes in market interest rates. For this aim, ALCO carries out an active balance sheet management through operations intended to optimize the level of risk in relation to the expected results and with respect to the maximum tolerable risk levels. The activity of the ALCO uses the interest rate risk measurements performed by the Corporate Area GRM.
  • Exchange rate structural risk: This risk arises primarily from exposure to changes in exchange rates arising from foreign companies to the BBVA Group and endowment funds to branches abroad financed in a different currency the investment. Managing this risk is based on a simulation model of scenarios to quantify the changes in value that can be produced with a given confidence level and a horizon predetermined, and ALCO is the responsible for arranging hedging transactions, to restrict the equity impact due to the changes in exchange rates according to their projected trend.
  • Structural equity risk: This risk arises due to the possible negative impact due to the impairment value of its investments in Industrial and Financial entities with medium and long horizons. The Corporate area GRM is responsible for measurement and effective monitoring of the structural risk of equity, estimating for this reason the sensitivity and the capital required to cover any unexpected losses arising from changes in value of the companies comprising the investment portfolio of the Group, with a confidence level in accordance with the target entity rating, taking into account liquidity positions and the statistical behavior of the assets under consideration.
    • Operational risk:

This arises from the possibility of human error, inadequate or faulty internal processes, system failures or external events. This definition includes the legal risk and excludes strategic and/or business risk and reputational risk The operational risk management in the Group is based on the levers of value that generates advanced AMA (advanced measurement approach): knowledge, identification, prioritization and management of potential and actual risks, supported by indicators to analyze the evolution, define alerts and check the controls.

Framework for identifying, analyzing and monitoring risk

The process of identification, assessment and monitoring / reporting have the following objectives:

  • Evaluate the performance of risk appetite in the present moment.
  • Identified and evaluate risk situation that may compromise the performance of the risk appetite.
  • Evaluate the performance of risk appetite to future under basis and stress scenario.
Infrastructure: Technology, Culture and Risk Methodologies
  • Technology: assessing the adequacy of information systems and technology necessary for the performance of the functions within the framework of integrated risk management of the Group.
  • The BBVA Group’s main activities with respect to the management and control of its risks are as follows:
    • Calculation of exposure to risks of the different portfolios, taking into account any possible mitigating factors (guarantees, balance netting, collaterals, etc.).
    • Calculation of the probabilities of default (hereinafter, “PD”).
    • Estimation of the foreseeable losses in each portfolio, assigning a PD to new operations (rating and scoring).
    • Measurement of the risk values of the portfolios in different scenarios through historical simulations.
    • Establishment of limits to potential losses according to the different risks incurred.
    • Determination of the possible impacts of structural risks on the BBVA Group’s consolidated income statement.
    • Identification and quantification of operational risks, by operating segments, to facilitate mitigation through appropriate corrective actions.
  • Risk Culture

In accordance with best practice and in line with recent regulatory recommendations, BBVA has implemented a robust risk culture that spreads all levels of the organization so that principles of risk management could be unique, and known throughout the group.

Global Risk Management Risk Culture diffuses as a value and as a fundamental part of its management model, with the aim to strengthening the direction of the risk management, emphasizing that this culture could be communicated, understood, accepted and controlled throughout the organization.

Risk Culture has opted for three different areas:

  • Communication, which aims to spread understanding of the Risk Management Framework of the Group consistently and integrated throughout the organization through the most appropriate channels of communication.
  • Training, in which specific formats have been developed to raise awareness of risks in the organization and ensure certain standards in skills and knowledge of Risk Management
  • Compensation, area where it is intended that the financial and non-financial incentives could support the values and culture of risk at all levels and for which they have been established mechanisms based on the risk management, in accordance with the objectives established by the Group.

It has been established continuously monitored to verify proper implementation of these areas and their development.

7.1 Credit risk

7.1.1 Credit risk exposure

In accordance with IFRS 7, the BBVA Group’s maximum credit risk exposure (see definition below) by headings in the balance sheet as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 is provided below. It does not consider the availability of collateral or other credit enhancements to guarantee compliance with payment obligations. The details are broken down by financial instruments and counterparties.

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Maximum Credit Risk Exposure Millions of Euros
Notes 2013 2012 2011
Financial assets held for trading
29,708 28,265 20,946
Debt securities 10 29,602 28,020 20,946
24,696 23,370 17,955
Credit institutions
2,734 2,545 1,889
Other sectors
2,172 2,106 1,102
Customer lending
106 244 -
Other financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss
664 753 708
Debt securities 11 664 753 708
142 174 129
Credit institutions
16 45 44
Other sectors
506 534 535
Available-for-sale financial assets
71,439 62,615 48,507
Debt securities 12 71,439 62,615 48,507
48,728 38,926 32,476
Credit institutions
10,431 13,157 7,067
Other sectors
12,280 10,532 8,964
Loans and receivables
364,030 384,097 377,519
Loans and advances to credit institutions 13.1 22,792 25,372 24,400
Loans and advances to customers 13.2 336,759 354,973 350,239
32,400 34,917 34,941
4,982 4,738 4,697
28,679 30,731 34,834
Real estate and construction
40,486 47,223 49,418
Trade and finance
47,169 51,912 54,736
Loans to individuals
149,891 151,244 137,437
33,151 34,208 34,176
Debt securities 13.3 4,481 3,751 2,880
3,175 2,375 2,128
Credit institutions
297 453 461
Other sectors
1,009 923 291
Held-to-maturity investments 14 - 10,163 10,955
- 9,210 9,896
Credit institutions
- 393 451
Other sectors
- 560 608
Derivatives (trading and hedging)
41,294 49,208 53,561
507,135 535,101 512,196
Valuation adjustments
1,068 338 530
Total Financial Assets Risk
508,203 535,439 512,726

Financial guarantees (Bank guarantees, letter of credits,..)
33,543 37,019 37,629
Drawable by third parties
87,542 83,519 86,375
4,354 1,360 3,143
Credit institutions
1,583 1,946 2,417
Other sectors
81,605 80,213 80,815
Other contingent commitments
6,628 6,624 4,313
Total Contingent Risks and Commitments 34 127,713 127,161 128,317
Total Maximum Credit Exposure
635,916 662,601 641,043

The maximum credit exposure of the table above is determined by type of financial asset as explained below:

  • In the case of financial assets recognized in the consolidated balance sheets, exposure to credit risk is considered equal to its gross accounting value, not including certain valuation adjustments (impairment losses, derivatives and others), with the sole exception of trading and hedging derivatives.
  • The maximum credit risk exposure on financial guarantees granted is the maximum that the Group would be liable for if these guarantees were called in, and that is their carrying amount.
  • Our calculation of risk exposure for derivatives is based on the sum of two factors: the derivatives market value and their potential risk (or "add-on").

The first factor, market value, reflects the difference between original commitments and market values on the reporting date (mark-to-market). As indicated in Note 2.2.1 to the consolidated financial statements, derivatives are accounted for as of each reporting date at fair value in accordance with IAS 39.

The second factor, potential risk (‘add-on’), is an estimate (using internal models) of the maximum increase to be expected on risk exposure over a derivative market value (at a given statistical confidence level) as a result of future changes in the fair value over the remaining term of the derivatives.

The consideration of the potential risk ("add-on") relates the risk exposure to the exposure level at the time of a customer’s default. The exposure level will depend on the customer’s credit quality and the type of transaction with such customer. Given the fact that default is an uncertain event which might occur any time during the life of a contract, the BBVA Group has to consider not only the credit exposure of the derivatives on the reporting date, but also the potential changes in exposure during the life of the contract. This is especially important for derivatives, whose valuation changes substantially throughout their terms, depending on the fluctuation of market prices.

7.1.2 Mitigation of credit risk, collateralized credit risk and other credit enhancements

In most cases, maximum credit risk exposure is reduced by collateral, credit enhancements and other actions which mitigate the Group’s exposure. The BBVA Group applies a credit risk hedging and mitigation policy deriving from a banking approach focused on relationship banking. The existence of guarantees could be a necessary but not sufficient instrument for accepting risks, as the assumption of risks by the Group requires prior evaluation of the debtor’s capacity for repayment, or that the debtor can generate sufficient resources to allow the amortization of the risk incurred under the agreed terms.

The policy of accepting risks is therefore organized into three different levels in the BBVA Group:

  • Analysis of the financial risk of the operation, based on the debtor’s capacity for repayment or generation of funds;
  • The constitution of guarantees that are adequate, or at any rate generally accepted, for the risk assumed, in any of the generally accepted forms: monetary, secured, personal or hedge guarantees; and finally,
  • Assessment of the repayment risk (asset liquidity) of the guarantees received.

The procedures for the management and valuation of collaterals are set out in the Internal Manuals on Credit Risk Management Policies and Procedures (retail and wholesale), which establish the basic principles for credit risk management, including the management of collaterals assigned in transactions with customers.

The methods used to value the collateral are in line with the best market practices and imply the use of appraisal of real-estate collateral, the market price in market securities, the trading price of shares in mutual funds, etc. All the collaterals assigned must be properly drawn up and entered in the corresponding register. They must also have the approval of the Group’s legal units.

The following is a description of the main types of collateral for each financial instrument class:

  • Financial instruments held for trading: The guarantees or credit enhancements obtained directly from the issuer or counterparty are implicit in the clauses of the instrument.
  • Trading and hedging derivatives: In derivatives, credit risk is minimized through contractual netting agreements, where positive- and negative-value derivatives with the same counterparty are offset for their net balance. There may likewise be other kinds of guarantees, depending on counterparty solvency and the nature of the transaction.

The Group uses credit derivatives to mitigate credit risk in its loan portfolio and other cash positions and to hedge risks assumed in market transactions with other clients and counterparties. Credit risk originating from the derivatives in which the Group operates is mitigated through the contractual rights existing for offsetting accounts at the time of their settlement. This has reduced the Group’s exposure to credit risk to €25,475 million as of December 31, 2013, €32,586 million as of December 31, 2012 and €34,770 million as of December 31, 2011.

Derivatives may follow different settlement and netting agreements, under the rules of the International Swaps and Derivatives Association (ISDA). The most common types of settlement triggers include bankruptcy of the reference credit institution, acceleration of indebtedness, failure to pay, restructuring, repudiation and dissolution of the entity. Since the Group typically confirms over 99% of the credit derivative transactions in the Depository Trust & Clearing Corporation (DTCC), substantially the entire credit derivatives portfolio is registered and matched against BBVA’s counterparties.

  • Other financial assets designated at fair value through profit or loss and Available-for-sale financial assets: The guarantees or credit enhancements obtained directly from the issuer or counterparty are inherent to the structure of the instrument.
  • Loans and receivables:
    • Loans and advances to credit institutions: These usually only have the counterparty’s personal guarantee.
    • Loans and advances to customers: Most of these operations are backed by personal guarantees extended by the counterparty. There may also be collateral to secure loans and advances to customers (such as mortgages, cash guarantees, pledged securities and other collateral), or to obtain other credit enhancements (bonds, hedging, etc.).
    • Debt securities: The guarantees or credit enhancements obtained directly from the issuer or counterparty are inherent to the structure of the instrument.

Collateralized loans granted by the Group as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, excluding balances deemed impaired, is broken down in the table below:

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Collateralized Credit Risk Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Mortgage loans 125,564 137,870 129,536
Operating assets mortgage loans 3,778 3,897 3,574
Home mortgages 108,745 119,235 108,190
Rest of mortgages (1) 13,041 14,739 17,772
Secured loans, except mortgage 23,660 23,125 23,915
Cash guarantees 300 377 286
Secured loan (pledged securities) 570 997 589
Rest of secured loans (2) 22,790 21,751 23,041
Total 149,224 160,995 153,451
(1) Loans with mortgage collateral (other than residential mortgage) for property purchase or construction. (2) Includes loans with cash collateral, other financial assets with partial collateral.
  • Financial guarantees, other contingent risks and drawable by third parties: These have the counterparty’s personal guarantee.

7.1.3 Policies for preventing excessive risk concentration

In order to prevent the build-up of excessive concentrations of credit risk at the individual, country and sector levels, the BBVA Group maintains maximum permitted risk concentration indices updated at individual and portfolio sector levels tied to the various observable variables within the field of credit risk management. The limit on the Group’s exposure or financial commitment to a specific customer therefore depends on the customer’s credit rating, the nature of the risks involved, and the Group’s presence in a given market, based on the following guidelines:

  • The aim is, as far as possible, to combine the customer’s credit needs (commercial/financial, short-term/long-term, etc.) with the interests of the Group.
  • Any legal limits that may exist concerning risk concentration are taken into account (relationship between risks with a customer and the capital of the entity that assumes them), the markets, the macroeconomic situation, etc.
  • To properly management risk exposures of transactions over 2.5% of the Group’s Net Equity any transactions over this threshold will be authorized by the Risk Committee of the Bank’s Board of Directors.
Risk concentrations by geography

Below is a breakdown of the balances of financial instruments registered in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets by their concentration in geographical areas and according to the residence of the customer or counterparty. It does not take into account valuation adjustments, impairment losses or loan-loss provisions:

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Risks by Geographical Areas
Millions of Euros
Spain Europe,
Mexico USA South
Other Total
Financial assets -

Financial assets held for trading 14,882 33,091 15,707 2,677 3,412 2,345 72,114
Loans and advances to customers - - - 107 - - 107
Debt securities 6,320 5,838 13,410 424 2,608 1,002 29,602
Equity instruments 2,752 953 632 118 148 163 4,766
Derivatives 5,810 26,300 1,665 2,028 656 1,180 37,639
Other financial assets designated at fair
value through profit or loss
211 106 1,591 503 2 - 2,413
Loans and advances to credit institutions - - - - - - -
Debt securities 107 54 5 497 - - 663
Equity instruments 104 52 1,586 6 2 - 1,750
Available-for-sale portfolio 42,074 8,587 10,380 7,729 5,626 3,011 77,407
Debt securities 38,732 8,453 10,329 7,247 5,535 1,143 71,439
Equity instruments 3,342 134 51 482 91 1,868 5,968
Loans and receivables 194,383 26,712 44,414 39,650 53,886 4,984 364,031
Loans and advances to credit institutions 5,224 9,171 2,366 2,707 1,909 1,415 22,792
Loans and advances to customers 187,400 17,519 42,048 36,047 50,173 3,569 336,759
Debt securities 1,759 22 - 896 1,804 - 4,481
Held-to-maturity investments - - - - - - -
Hedging derivatives 434 2,113 8 60 10 4 2,629
Total Risk in Financial Assets 251,984 70,609 72,100 50,618 62,935 10,344 518,591
Contingent risks and liabilities

Contingent risks 15,172 9,038 767 2,344 5,292 929 33,542
Contingent liabilities 28,096 17,675 16,109 24,485 7,002 803 94,170
Total Contingent Risk 43,268 26,713 16,876 26,829 12,294 1,732 127,712
Total Risks in Financial Instruments 295,252 97,322 88,976 77,447 75,229 12,076 646,303
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Risks by Geographical Areas
Millions of Euros
Spain Europe
Mexico USA South
Other Total
Financial assets -

Financial assets held for trading 13,768 39,360 15,035 4,751 3,643 3,272 79,830
Loans and advances to customers - - - 244 - - 244
Debt securities 5,726 5,155 12,960 577 2,805 796 28,020
Equity instruments 1,270 519 101 543 239 243 2,915
Derivatives 6,772 33,686 1,973 3,387 599 2,233 48,651
Other financial assets designated at fair
value through profit or loss
296 87 13 2,134 - - 2,531
Loans and advances to credit institutions - - - - - - -
Debt securities 190 42 9 512 - - 753
Equity instruments 106 45 4 1,622 - - 1,777
Available-for-sale portfolio 36,109 6,480 9,601 7,163 6,128 1,085 66,567
Debt securities 33,107 6,267 9,035 7,112 6,053 1,040 62,615
Equity instruments 3,002 213 566 51 75 45 3,952
Loans and receivables 209,786 31,375 46,384 40,259 51,978 4,314 384,096
Loans and advances to credit institutions 3,220 11,042 4,549 3,338 2,065 1,157 25,372
Loans and advances to customers 205,216 19,979 41,835 36,040 48,753 3,151 354,973
Debt securities 1,350 354 - 880 1,160 6 3,751
Held-to-maturity investments 7,279 2,884 - - - - 10,162
Hedging derivatives 914 3,798 159 226 5 18 5,120
Total Risk in Financial Assets 268,151 83,984 71,192 54,532 61,754 8,691 548,305
Contingent risks and liabilities

Contingent risks 16,164 10,074 872 3,159 5,858 891 37,019
Contingent liabilities 26,514 19,678 13,564 22,027 7,097 1,264 90,142
Total Contingent Risk 42,678 29,752 14,435 25,186 12,955 2,155 127,161
Total Risks in Financial Instruments 310,829 113,736 85,627 79,718 74,709 10,846 675,466
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Risks by Geographical Areas
Millions of Euros
Spain Europe,
Mexico USA South
Other Total
Financial assets -

Financial assets held for trading 12,955 33,187 11,676 4,664 5,452 2,538 70,472
Debt securities 5,075 2,039 10,933 565 2,030 304 20,946
Equity instruments 662 357 741 69 125 238 2,192
Derivatives 7,218 30,791 2 4,030 3,297 1,996 47,334
Other financial assets designated at fair
value through profit or loss
234 107 1,470 509 454 - 2,774
Debt securities 117 77 6 508 1 - 709
Equity instruments 117 30 1,464 1 453 - 2,065
Available-for-sale portfolio 26,546 5,390 7,825 8,151 5,164 654 53,730
Debt securities 22,371 5,184 7,764 7,518 5,068 601 48,506
Equity instruments 4,175 206 61 633 96 53 5,224
Loans and receivables 207,858 32,598 42,489 42,646 44,535 7,397 377,523
Loans and advances to credit institutions 3,034 10,079 4,877 2,570 2,195 1,647 24,402
Loans and advances to customers 203,459 22,392 37,612 39,384 41,650 5,744 350,241
Debt securities 1,365 127 - 692 690 6 2,880
Held-to-maturity investments 7,374 3,582 - - - - 10,956
Debt securities 395 3,489 485 244 16 56 4,685
Total Risk in Financial Assets 255,362 78,353 63,945 56,214 55,621 10,645 520,140
Contingent risks and liabilities

Contingent risks 16,149 10,169 1,098 3,986 4,733 1,494 37,629
Contingent liabilities 30,848 18,429 11,929 22,002 6,192 1,288 90,688
Total Contingent Risk 46,997 28,598 13,027 25,988 10,925 2,782 128,317
Total Risks in Financial Instruments 302,359 106,951 76,972 82,202 66,546 13,427 648,457

The breakdown of the main figures in the most significant foreign currencies in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is set forth in Appendix VII.

Sovereign risk concentration

Sovereign risk management

The risk associated with the transactions involving sovereign risk is identified, measured, controlled and tracked by a centralized unit integrated in the BBVA Group’s Risk Area. Its basic functions involve the preparation of reports in the countries where sovereign risk exists (called “financial programs”), tracking such risks, assigning ratings to these countries and, in general, supporting the Group in terms of reporting requirements for any transactions involving sovereign risk. The risk policies established in the financial programs are approved by the relevant risk committees.

The country risk unit tracks the evolution of the risks associated with the various countries to which the Group are exposed (including sovereign risk) on an ongoing basis in order to adapt its risk and mitigation policies to any macroeconomic and political changes that may occur. Moreover, it regularly updates its internal ratings and forecasts for these countries. The internal rating assignment methodology is based on the assessment of quantitative and qualitative parameters which are in line with those used by certain multilateral organizations such as the International Monetary Fund (IMF) and the World Bank (WB), rating agencies and export credit organizations.

Sovereign risk exposure

The table below provides a breakdown of exposure to financial instruments, as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, by type of counterparty and the country of residence of such counterparty. The below figures do not take into account valuation adjustments, impairment losses or loan-loss provisions:

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Risk Exposure by countries Millions of Euros
Risk (*)
Financial Institutions Other Sectors Total %
Spain 59,114 11,870 166,677 237,661 51.1%
United Kingdom 3 5,405 4,377 9,785 2.1%
Italy 3,888 422 2,617 6,927 1.5%
France 942 2,640 2,316 5,898 1.3%
Portugal 385 238 5,179 5,802 1.2%
Germany 1,081 1,338 1,206 3,625 0.8%
Ireland - 221 487 708 0.2%
Turkey 10 65 163 238 0.1%
Greece - - 72 72 0.0%
Rest of Europe 2,608 2,552 4,239 9,399 2.0%
Europe 68,031 24,751 187,333 280,115 60.2%
Mexico 26,629 2,810 38,312 67,751 14.6%
The United States 5,224 3,203 41,872 50,299 10.8%
Rest of countries 7,790 5,480 53,649 66,919 14.4%
Total Rest of Countries 39,643 11,493 133,833 184,969 39.8%
Total Exposure to Financial Instruments 107,674 36,244 321,166 465,084 100.0%
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Risk Exposure by countries Millions of Euros
Risk (*)
Financial Institutions Other Sectors Total %
Spain 62,558 11,839 182,785 257,182 52.9%
United Kingdom 13 159 400 572 0.1%
Italy 2 7,095 2,336 9,433 1.9%
France 4,203 405 3,288 7,896 1.6%
Portugal 443 590 5,763 6,796 1.4%
Germany 1,739 3,291 2,631 7,661 1.6%
Ireland 1,298 1,025 734 3,057 0.6%
Turkey - 280 456 736 0.2%
Greece - - 99 99 0.0%
Rest of Europe 1,664 2,484 5,256 9,404 1.9%
Europe 71,920 27,168 203,748 302,836 62.3%
Mexico 25,059 5,492 36,133 66,684 13.7%
The United States 3,942 3,768 42,157 49,867 10.3%
Rest of countries 7,521 5,484 53,481 66,486 13.7%
Total Rest of Countries 36,523 14,744 131,771 183,037 37.7%
Total Exposure to Financial Instruments 108,443 41,912 335,519 485,873 100.0%
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Millions of Euros

Risk Exposure by countries Sovereign
Risk (*)
Financial Institutions Other Sectors Total %
Spain 56,473 6,883 178,065 241,420 52.7%
United Kingdom 120 6,547 3,498 10,164 2.2%
Italy 4,301 487 4,704 9,493 2.1%
France 279 829 6,715 7,824 1.7%
Portugal 619 1,653 3,038 5,310 1.2%
Germany 582 902 908 2,392 0.5%
Ireland 0 182 212 394 0.1%
Turkey 17 42 291 350 0.1%
Greece 109 0 32 141 0.0%
Rest of Europe 647 4,319 5,549 10,515 2.3%
Europe 63,147 21,844 203,011 288,002 62.8%
Mexico 22,875 5,508 31,110 59,493 13.0%
The United States 3,501 3,254 42,550 49,305 10.8%
Rest of countries 7,281 3,800 50,386 61,467 13.4%
Total Rest of Countries 33,657 12,562 124,046 170,266 37.2%
Total Exposure to Financial Instruments 96,805 34,405 327,058 458,268 100.0%
(*) In addition, as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, undrawn lines of credit, granted mainly to the Spanish government or government agencies and amounted to €1,942 million, €1,613 million and €3,525 million, respectively.

The exposure to sovereign risk set out in the above table includes positions held in government debt securities in countries where the Group operates. They are used for ALCO’s management of the interest-rate risk on the balance sheets of the Group’s entities in these countries, as well as for hedging of pension and insurance commitments by insurance entities within the BBVA Group.

Sovereign risk exposure in Europe

In December 2013, sovereign risk exposure in Europe data was published by Group’s credit entities as of June 30, 2013 and December 31, 2012. This publication was made under the European Banking Authority (hereinafter "EBA" acronym for "European Banking Authority") scheme.

The table below provides a breakdown of the exposure of the Group’s credit institutions to European sovereign risk as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, by type of financial instrument and the country of residence of the counterparty, under EBA requirements:

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Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Union Countries (1) Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives (2) Total
Contingent risks and commitments %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure
Spain 5,251 24,339 - 23,430 258 (25) 53,253 1,924 82.8%
Italy 733 2,691 - 90 - (6) 3,508 - 5.5%
France 874 - - - - (1) 873 - 1.4%
Germany 1,064 - - - - (1) 1,063 - 1.7%
Portugal 64 19 - 302 - - 385 17 0.6%
United Kingdom - - - - (13) 3 (10) 1 -
Greece - - - - - - - - -
Hungary - 65 - - - - 65 - 0.1%
Ireland - - - - - - - - -
Rest of European Union 2,100 3,038 - 38 - 10 5,186 - 8.1%
Total Exposure to Sovereign Counterparties (European Union) 10,086 30,152 - 23,860 245 (20) 64,323 1,942 100.0%
(1) This table shows sovereign risk balances with EBA criteria. Therefore, sovereign risk of the Group’s insurance companies (€11.093 million as of December 31, 2013) is not included. (2) Includes credit derivatives CDS (Credit Default Swaps) shown at fair value. Excel Download Excel
Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Union Countries (1) Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives (2) Total
Contingent risks and commitments %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure
Spain 5,022 19,751 6,469 26,624 285 5 58,156 1,595 86.6%
Italy 610 811 2,448 97 - (3) 3,963 - 5.9%
France 1,445 - 254 - - (2) 1,697 - 2.5%
Germany 1,291 - - - (4) (1) 1,286 - 1.9%
Portugal 51 18 15 359 - - 443 17 0.7%
United Kingdom - - - - (19) - (19) 1 -
Greece - - - - - - - - -
Hungary - 66 - - - - 66 - 0.1%
Ireland - - - - - - - - -
Rest of European Union 1,066 379 24 78 - 1 1,548 - 2.3%
Total Exposure to Sovereign Counterparties (European Union) 9,485 21,025 9,210 27,158 262 - 67,140 1,613 100.0%
(1) This table shows sovereign risk balances with EBA criteria. Therefore, sovereign risk of the Group’s insurance companies (€5,093 million as of December 31, 2012) is not included. (2) Includes credit derivatives CDS (Credit Default Swaps) shown at fair value. Excel Download Excel
Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Union Countries (1) Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives (2) Total
Contingent risks and commitments %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure
Spain 4,366 15,225 6,520 26,637 96 - 52,844 3,455 89.1%
Italy 350 634 2,956 184 - (23) 4,101 - 6.9%
France 513 6 69 - (3) (2) 583 - 1.0%
Germany 338 12 254 - - (3) 601 - 1.0%
Portugal 39 11 13 216 - (1) 278 65 0.5%
United Kingdom - 120 - - (3) - 117 1 0.2%
Greece - 10 84 15 - (8) 101 - 0.2%
Hungary - 53 - - - - 53 - 0.1%
Ireland - 7 - - - 1 8 - 0.0%
Rest of European Union 155 351 - 130 - 2 638 4 1.1%
Total Exposure to Sovereign Counterparties (European Union) 5,761 16,429 9,896 27,182 89 (34) 59,323 3,525 100.0%
(1) This table shows sovereign risk balances with EBA criteria. Therefore, sovereign risk of the Group’s insurance companies (€3,972 million as of December 31, 2013) is not included. (2) Includes credit derivatives CDS (Credit Default Swaps) shown at fair value.

The following table provides a breakdown of the notional value of the CDS in which the Group’s credit institutions act as sellers or buyers of protection against the sovereign risk of European countries:

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Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Countries Millions of Euros
Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection seller Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection buyer
Notional value Fair value Notional value Fair value
Spain 14 - 62 (25)
Italy 622 (15) 595 9
Germany 205 - 200 (1)
France 204 - 149 (1)
Portugal 75 (3) 75 3
Poland - - - -
Belgium - - - -
United Kingdom 135 3 126 -
Greece 14 - 14 -
Hungary 1 - - -
Ireland 21 - 21 -
Rest of European Union 591 12 478 (2)
Total exposure to Sovereign Counterparties 1,882 (3) 1,720 (17)
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Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Countries Millions of Euros
Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection seller Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection buyer
Notional value Fair value Notional value Fair value
Spain 68 14 97 (9)
Italy 518 (22) 444 19
Germany 216 (1) 219 -
France 196 (1) 134 (1)
Portugal 91 (6) 89 6
Poland - - - -
Belgium 281 (4) 232 5
United Kingdom 56 1 64 (1)
Greece 18 - 18 -
Hungary 2 - - -
Ireland 82 - 82 -
Rest of European Union 149 2 155 (2)
Total exposure to Sovereign Counterparties 1,677 (17) 1,534 17
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Exposure to Sovereign Risk by European Countries Millions of Euros
Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection seller Credit derivatives (CDS) and other contracts in which the Group act as a protection buyer
Notional value Fair value Notional value Fair value
Spain 20 2 20 (2)
Italy 283 38 465 (61)
Germany 182 4 184 (6)
France 102 3 123 (6)
Portugal 85 21 93 (22)
Poland - - - -
Belgium - - - -
United Kingdom 20 2 20 (2)
Greece 53 25 66 (33)
Hungary - - 2 -
Ireland 82 10 82 (9)
Rest of European Union 294 31 329 (29)
Total exposure to Sovereign Counterparties 1,119 136 1,382 (170)

The main counterparties of these CDS are credit institutions with a high credit quality. The CDS contracts are standard in the market, with the usual clauses covering the events that would trigger payouts.

As it can be seen in the above tables, exposure to sovereign risk in Europe is concentrated in Spain. As of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, the breakdown of total exposure faced by the Group’s credit institutions to Spain and other countries, by maturity of the financial instruments, is as follows:

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Maturities of sovereign risks European Union Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives Total (*) %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure

Up to 1 Year 1,935 846 - 5,627 8 - 8,416 13.1%
1 to 5 Years 1,531 15,523 - 5,574 41 - 22,669 35.2%
Over 5 Years 1,784 7,969 - 12,229 209 (25) 22,166 34.5%
Rest of Europe

Up to 1 Year 3,198 645 - 311 (13) - 4,141 6.4%
1 to 5 Years 847 3,016 - 8 - 4 3,875 6.0%
Over 5 Years 791 2,153 - 111 - 1 3,056 4.8%
Total Exposure to European Union Sovereign Counterparties 10,086 30,152 - 23,860 245 (20) 64,323 100.0%
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Maturities of sovereign risks European Union Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives Total (*) %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure

Up to 1 Year 2,183 1,944 2 10,267 35 - 14,431 21.5%
1 to 5 Years 1,832 12,304 1,239 4,409 26 - 19,810 29.5%
Over 5 Years 1,007 5,503 5,228 11,948 224 5 23,915 35.6%
Rest of Europe

Up to 1 Year 2,564 46 33 367 7 - 3,019 4.5%
1 to 5 Years 952 190 1,927 34 (19) (5) 3,079 4.6%
Over 5 Years 947 1,038 781 131 (11) - 2,886 4.3%
Total Exposure to European Union Sovereign Counterparties 9,485 21,025 9,210 27,158 262 - 67,140 100.0%
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Maturities of sovereign risks European Union Millions of Euros
Debt securities Loans and Receivables Derivatives Total (*) %
Financial Assets Held-for-Trading Available-for-Sale Financial Assets Held-to-Maturity Investments Direct Exposure Indirect Exposure

Up to 1 Year 2,737 779 36 9,168 1 - 12,721 21.4%
1 to 5 Years 1,025 11,630 1,078 4,265 67 - 18,065 30.5%
Over 5 Years 604 2,816 5,406 13,204 27 - 22,057 37.2%
Rest of Europe

Up to 1 Year 684 219 72 370 3 (1) 1,347 2.3%
1 to 5 Years 297 267 2,439 38 (1) (17) 3,023 5.1%
Over 5 Years 414 718 865 137 (8) (15) 2,111 3.6%
Total Exposure to European Union Sovereign Counterparties 5,761 16,429 9,896 27,182 89 (33) 59,324 100.0%
(*) Additionally, as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, there were undrawn lines of credit mainly with Spanish government, amounting to 1,942, 1,613 and 3,525 million euros, respectively.

Valuation and impairment methods

The valuation methods used to assess the instruments that are subject to sovereign risks are the same ones used for other instruments included in the relevant portfolios and are detailed in Note 8 to these consolidated financial statements. They take into account the exceptional circumstances that have taken place over the last two years in connection with the sovereign debt crisis in Europe.

Specifically, the fair value of sovereign debt securities of European countries has been considered equivalent to their listed price in active markets (Level 1 as defined in Note 8).

Risks related to the developer and real-estate sector in Spain

One of the main Group activities of the Group in Spain is focused on developer and mortgage loans. The policies and strategies established by the Group to deal with risks related to the developer and real-estate sector are explained below:

Policies and strategies established by the Group to deal with risks related to the developer and real-estate sector

BBVA has teams specializing in the management of the Real-Estate Sector risk, given its economic importance and specific technical component. This specialization is not only in the Risk-Acceptance teams, but throughout the handling, commercial, problem risks and legal, etc. It also includes the research department (BBVA Research), which helps determine the medium/long-term vision needed to manage this portfolio. Specialization has been increased and the management teams in the areas of recovery and the Real Estate Unit itself have been reinforced.

The policies established to address the risks related to the developer and real-estate sector, aim to accomplish, among others, the following objectives: to avoid concentration in terms of customers, products and regions; to estimate the risk profile for the portfolio; and to anticipate possible worsening of the portfolio.

Specific policies for analysis and admission of new developer risk transactions

In the analysis of new operations, the assessment of the commercial operation in terms of the economic and financial viability of the project has been one of the constant points that have helped ensure the success and transformation of construction land operations for customers’ developments.

As regards the participation of the Risk Acceptance teams, they have a direct link and participate in the committees of areas such as Recoveries and the Real Estate Unit. This guarantees coordination and exchange of information in all the processes.

The following strategies have been implemented with customers in the developer sector: avoidance of large corporate transactions, which had already reduced their share in the years of greatest market growth; non active participation in the second-home market; commitment to public housing financing; and participation in land operations with a high level of urban development security, giving priority to land open to urban development.

Risk monitoring policies

The base information for analyzing the real estate portfolios is updated monthly. The tools used include the so-called “watch-list”, which is updated monthly with the progress of each client under watch, and the different strategic plans for management of special groups. There are plans that involve an intensification of the review of the portfolio for financing land, while, in the case of ongoing promotions, they are classified based on the rate of progress of the projects.

These actions have enabled BBVA to identify possible impairment situations, by always keeping an eye on BBVA’s position with each customer (whether or not as first creditor). In this regard, key aspects include management of the risk policy to be followed with each customer, contract review, deadline extension, improved collateral, rate review (repricing) and asset purchase.

Proper management of the relationship with each customer requires knowledge of various aspects such as the identification of the source of payment difficulties, an analysis of the company’s future viability, the updating of the information on the debtor and the guarantors (their current situation and business course, economic-financial information, debt analysis and generation of funds), and the updating of the appraisal of the assets offered as collateral.

BBVA has a classification of debtors in accordance with legislation in force in each country, usually categorizing each one’s level of difficulty for each risk.

Based on the information above, a decision is made whether to use the refinancing tool, whose objective is to adjust the structure of the maturity of the debt to the generation of funds and the customer’s payment capacity.

As for the policies relating to risk refinancing with the developer and real-estate sector, they are the same as the general policies used for all of the Group’s risks (see Note7.1.8). In the developer and real estate sector, they are based on clear solvency and viability criteria for projects, with demanding terms for additional guarantees and legal compliance, given a refinancing tool that standardizes criteria and variables when considering any refinancing operation.

In the case of refinancing, the tools used for enhancing the Bank’s position are: the search for new intervening parties with proven solvency and initial payment to reduce the principal debt or outstanding interest; the improvement of the debt bond in order to facilitate the procedure in the event of default; the provision of new or additional collateral; and making refinancing viable with new conditions (period, rate and repayments), adapted to a credible and sufficiently verified business plan.

Policies applied in the management of real estate assets in Spain

The policy applied for managing these assets depends on the type of real-estate asset, as detailed below.

In the case of completed homes, the final aim is the sale of these homes to private individuals, thus diluting the risk and beginning a new business cycle. Here, the strategy has been to help subrogation (the default rate in this channel of business is notably lower than in any other channel of residential mortgages) and to support customers’ sales directly, using BBVA’s own channel (BBVA Services and our branches), creating incentives for sale and including sale orders for BBVA. In exceptional case we have even accepted partial haircuts, with the aim of making the sale easier.

In the case of ongoing construction work, the strategy has been to help and promote the completion of the works in order to transfer the investment to completed homes. The whole developer Works in Progress portfolio has been reviewed and classified into different stages with the aim of using different tools to support the strategy. This includes the use of developer accounts-payable financing as a form of payment control, the use of project monitoring supported by the Real Estate Unit itself, and the management of direct suppliers for the works as a complement to the developer’s own management.

With respect to land, the fact that the vast majority of the risk is urban land simplifies the management. Urban management and liquidity control to tackle urban planning costs are also subject to special monitoring.

Quantitative information on activities in the real-estate market in Spain

The following quantitative information on real-estate activities in Spain has been prepared using the reporting models required by Bank of Spain Circular 5/2011, of November 30.

As of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, exposure to the construction sector and real-estate activities in Spain stood at €22,760, €23,656 and €28,287 million, respectively. Of that amount, risk from loans to construction and real-estate development activities accounted for €13,505, €15,358 and€14,158 million, representing 8.8%, 8.7% and 8.1% of loans and advances to customers of the balance of business in Spain (excluding the government and other government agencies) and 2.3%, 2.4% and 2.4% of the total assets of the Consolidated Group.

Lending for real estate development according to the purpose of the loans as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 is shown below:

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December 2013
Financing allocated to construction and real estate development and its coverage
Millions of Euros
Gross Amount Drawn Over
the Guarantee Value
Specific coverage
Loans recorded by the Group’s credit institutions
(Business in Spain)
13,505 5,723 5,237
Of which: Impaired assets 8,838 4,152 4,735
Of which: Potential problem assets 1,445 501 502
Memorandum item:

Write-offs 692

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December 2012
Financing allocated to construction and real estate development and its coverage
Millions of Euros
Gross Amount Drawn Over the
Guarantee Value
Specific coverage
Loans recorded by the Group’s credit institutions
(Business in Spain)
15,358 6,164 5,642
Of which: Impaired assets 6,814 3,193 3,123
Of which: Potential problem assets 2,092 911 731
Memorandum item:

Write-offs 347

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December 2011
Financing allocated to construction and real estate development and its coverage
Millions of Euros
Gross Amount Drawn Over
the Guarantee Value
Specific coverage
Loans recorded by the Group’s credit institutions
(Business in Spain)
14,158 4,846 1,441
Of which: Impaired assets 3,743 1,725 1,123
Of which: Potential problem assets 2,052 911 318
Memorandum item:

Write-offs 182

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Memorandum item:
Consolidated Group Data (carrying amount)
Millions of Euros
December 2013 December 2012 December 2011
Total loans and advances to customers, excluding the Public Sector (Business in Spain) 152,836 176,123 174,467
Total consolidated assets (total business) 582,575 621,072 582,838
Impairment losses determined collectively (total business) 2,698 3,279 3,027

The following is a description of the real estate credit risk based on the types of associated guarantees:

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Credit: Gross amount (Business in Spain) Millions of Euros
December 2013 December 2012 December 2011
Without secured loan 1,303 1,441 1,105
With secured loan 12,202 13,917 13,053
Terminated buildings 7,270 8,167 6,930
Homes 6,468 7,148 6,431
Other 802 1,019 499
Buildings under construction 1,238 1,716 2,448
Homes 1,202 1,663 2,374
Other 36 53 74
Land 3,694 4,034 3,675
Urbanized land 2,120 2,449 2,404
Rest of land 1,574 1,585 1,271
Total 13,505 15,358 14,158

As of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, 63%, 64.3% and 66% of loans to developers were guaranteed with buildings (90.1%, 89.1% and 94% are homes), and only 27.4%, 26.3% and 26% by land, of which 57.4%, 60.7% and 65% is urbanized, respectively.

The information on the retail mortgage portfolio risk (housing mortgage) as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, is as follows:

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Housing-acquisition loans to households
(Business in Spain)
Millions of Euros
December 2013 December 2012 December 2011
With secured loan (gross amount) 82,680 87,224 79,043
of which: Impaired loans 5,088 3,163 2,371
Total 82,680 87,224 79,043

The loan to value (LTV) ratio of the above portfolio is as follows:

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December 2013
LTV Breakdown of secured loans to households for the purchase of a home
(Business in Spain)
Millions of Euros
Total risk over the amount of the last valuation available (Loan To Value-LTV)
Less than or equal to 40% Over 40% but less than or equal to 60% Over 60% but less than or equal to 80% Over 80% but less than or equal to 100% Over 100% Total
Gross amount 14,481 22,558 31,767 8,975 4,899 82,680
of which: Impaired loans 262 339 618 1,011 2,858 5,088
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December 2012
LTV Breakdown of secured loans to households for the purchase of a home
(Business in Spain)
Millions of Euros
Total risk over the amount of the last valuation available (Loan To Value-LTV)
Less than or equal to 40% Over 40% but less than or equal to 60% Over 60% but less than or equal to 80% Over 80% but less than or equal to 100% Over 100% Total
Gross amount 14,942 22,967 35,722 11,704 1,889 87,224
of which: Impaired loans 312 386 1,089 1,005 371 3,163
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December 2011
LTV Breakdown of secured loans to households for the purchase of a home
(Business in Spain)
Millions of Euros
Less than or equal to 40% Over 40% but less than or equal to 60% Over 60% but less than or equal to 80% Over 80% but less than or equal to 100% Over 100% Total
Gross amount 12, 408 19,654 32,887 12,870 1,224 79,043
of which: Impaired loans 276 218 695 922 260 2,371

Outstanding home mortgage loans as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 had an average LTV of 50%, 51% and 50% respectively.

As of December 31, 2013, the Group also had a balance of €853 million in non-mortgage loans for the purchase of housing (of which €36 million, respectively, were NPA).

The breakdown of foreclosed, acquired, purchased or exchanged assets from debt from loans relating to business in Spain, as well as the holdings and financing to non-consolidated entities holding such assets is as follows:

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Information about assets received in payment of debts (Business in Spain) Millions of Euros
Provisions Carrying Amount
Real estate assets from loans to the construction and real estate development sectors in Spain. 9,173 5,088 4,085
Terminated buildings 3,038 1,379 1,659
Homes 2,059 925 1,134
Other 979 454 525
Buildings under construction 845 439 406
Homes 819 423 396
Other 26 16 10
Land 5,290 3,270 2,020
Urbanized land 3,517 2,198 1,319
Rest of land 1,773 1,072 701
Real estate assets from mortgage financing for households for the purchase of a home 2,874 1,164 1,710
Rest of foreclosed real estate assets 918 411 507
Equity instruments, investments and financing to non-consolidated companies holding said assets 730 408 322
Total 13,695 7,071 6,624
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Information about assets received in payment of debts (Business in Spain) Millions of Euros
Provisions Carrying Amount
Real estate assets from loans to the construction and real estate development sectors in Spain. 8,894 4,893 4,001
Terminated buildings 3,021 1,273 1,748
Homes 2,146 877 1,269
Other 875 396 479
Buildings under construction 908 528 380
Homes 881 512 369
Other 27 16 11
Land 4,965 3,092 1,873
Urbanized land 3,247 2,048 1,199
Rest of land 1,718 1,044 674
Real estate assets from mortgage financing for households for the purchase of a home 2,512 1,020 1,492
Rest of foreclosed real estate assets 653 273 380
Equity instruments, investments and financing to non-consolidated companies holding said assets 702 383 319
Total 12,761 6,569 6,192
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Information about assets received in payment of debts (Business in Spain) Millions of Euros
Provisions Carrying Amount
Real estate assets from loans to the construction and real estate development sectors in Spain. 5,101 1,740 3,361
Terminated buildings 1,709 487 1,222
Homes 1,227 333 894
Other 482 154 328
Buildings under construction 360 115 245
Homes 357 114 243
Other 3 1 2
Land 3,032 1,138 1,894
Urbanized land 1,561 570 991
Rest of land 1,471 568 903
Real estate assets from mortgage financing for households for the purchase of a home 1,509 401 1,108
Rest of foreclosed real estate assets 403 167 236
Equity instruments, investments and financing to non-consolidated companies holding said assets 701 287 414
Total 7,714 2,595 5,119

As of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, the gross book value of the Group’s real-estate assets from corporate financing of real-estate construction and development was €9,173 million, €8,894 million and €5,101 million, respectively, with an average coverage ratio of 55.4%, 55% and 34.1%, respectively.

The gross book value of real-estate assets from mortgage lending to households for home purchase as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, amounted to €2,874 million, €2,512 million and €1,509 million, respectively, with an average coverage ratio of 40.5%, 40.6% and 26.6% respectively.

As of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, the gross book value of the BBVA Group’s total real-estate assets (business in Spain), including other real-estate assets received as debt payment, was €12,965 million, €12,059 million and €7,013 million, respectively. The coverage ratio was 51.4%, 51.3% and 32.9% respectively.

7.1.4 Credit quality of financial assets that are neither past due nor impaired

The BBVA Group has tools (“scoring” and “rating”) that enable it to rank the credit quality of its operations and customers based on an assessment and its correspondence with the probability of default (“PD”) scales. To analyze the performance of PD, the Group has a series of tracking tools and historical databases that collect the pertinent internally generated information, which can basically be grouped together into scoring and rating models.


Scoring is a decision-making model that contributes to both the arrangement and management of retail loans: consumer loans, mortgages, credit cards for individuals, etc. Scoring is the tool used to decide to originate a loan, what amount should be originated and what strategies can help establish the price, because it is an algorithm that sorts transactions by their credit quality. This algorithm enables the BBVA Group to assign a score to each transaction requested by a customer, on the basis of a series of objective characteristics that have statistically been shown to discriminate between the quality and risk of this type of transactions. The advantage of scoring lies in its simplicity and homogeneity: all that is needed is a series of objective data for each customer, and this data is analyzed automatically using an algorithm.

There are three types of scoring, based on the information used and on its purpose:

  • Reactive scoring: measures the risk of a transaction requested by an individual using variables relating to the requested transaction and to the customer’s socio-economic data available at the time of the request. The new transaction is approved or rejected depending on the score.
  • Behavioral scoring: scores transactions for a given product in an outstanding risk portfolio of the entity, enabling the credit rating to be tracked and the customer’s needs to be anticipated. It uses transaction and customer variables available internally. Specifically, variables that refer to the behavior of both the product and the customer.
  • Proactive scoring: gives a score at customer level using variables related to the individual’s general behavior with the entity, and to his/her payment behavior in all the contracted products. The purpose is to track the customer’s credit quality and it is used to pre-grant new transactions.

Rating tools, as opposed to scoring tools, do not assess transactions but focus on the rating of customers instead: companies, corporations, SMEs, public authorities, etc. A rating tool is an instrument that, based on a detailed financial study, helps determine a customer’s ability to meet his/her financial obligations. The final rating is usually a combination of various factors: on one hand, quantitative factors, and on the other hand, qualitative factors. It is a middle road between an individual analysis and a statistical analysis.

The main difference between ratings and scorings is that the latter are used to assess retail products, while ratings use a wholesale banking customer approach. Moreover, scorings only include objective variables, while ratings add qualitative information. And although both are based on statistical studies, adding a business view, rating tools give more weight to the business criterion compared to scoring tools.

For portfolios where the number of defaults is very low (sovereign risk, corporates, financial entities, etc.) the internal information is supplemented by “benchmarking” of the external rating agencies (Moody’s, Standard & Poor’s and Fitch). To this end, each year the PDs compiled by the rating agencies at each level of risk rating are compared, and the measurements compiled by the various agencies are mapped against those of the BBVA master rating scale.

Once the probability of default of a transaction or customer has been calculated, a "business cycle adjustment" is carried out. This is a means of establishing a measure of risk that goes beyond the time of its calculation. The aim is to capture representative information of the behavior of portfolios over a complete economic cycle. This probability is linked to the Master Rating Scale prepared by the BBVA Group to enable uniform classification of the Group’s various asset risk portfolios.

The table below shows the abridged scale used to classify the BBVA Group’s outstanding risk as of December 31, 2013:

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External rating
Standard&Poor's List
Internal rating
Reduced List (22 groups)
Probability of Default (basic points)
Average Minimum from >= Maximum
AAA AAA 1 - 2
AA+ AA+ 2 2 3
AA AA 3 3 4
AA- AA- 4 4 5
A+ A+ 5 5 6
A A 8 6 9
A- A- 10 9 11
BBB+ BBB+ 14 11 17
BBB BBB 20 17 24
BBB- BBB- 31 24 39
BB+ BB+ 51 39 67
BB BB 88 67 116
BB- BB- 150 116 194
B+ B+ 255 194 335
B B 441 335 581
B- B- 785 581 1,061
CCC CCC+ 1,191 1,061 1,336
CCC CCC 1,500 1,336 1,684
CCC CCC- 1,890 1,684 2,121
CCC CC+ 2,381 2,121 2,673
CCC CC 3,000 2,673 3,367
CCC CC- 3,780 3,367 4,243

The table below outlines the distribution of exposure, including derivatives, by internal ratings, to corporates, financial entities and institutions (excluding sovereign risk), of the main BBVA Group entities as of December 31, 2013 and 2012:

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Credit Risk Distribution by Internal Rating 2013 2012
(Millions of Euros)"
% "Amount
(Millions of Euros)"
AAA/AA+/AA/AA- 23,541 10.34% 24,091 9.95%
A+/A/A- 65,834 28.92% 73,526 30.37%
BBB+ 24,875 10.93% 31,951 13.20%
BBB 23,953 10.52% 23,410 9.67%
BBB- 29,692 13.04% 26,788 11.07%
BB+ 19,695 8.65% 15,185 6.27%
BB 10,273 4.51% 10,138 4.19%
BB- 6,198 2.72% 8,493 3.51%
B+ 6,792 2.98% 8,504 3.51%
B 6,111 2.68% 8,246 3.41%
B- 4,804 2.11% 5,229 2.16%
CCC/CC 5,875 2.58% 6,501 2.69%
Total 227,643 100.00% 242,064 100.00%

These different levels and their probability of default were calculated by using as a reference the rating scales and default rates provided by the external agencies Standard & Poor’s and Moody’s. These calculations establish the levels of probability of default for the BBVA Group’s Master Rating Scale. Although this scale is common to the entire Group, the calibrations (mapping scores to PD sections/Master Rating Scale levels) are carried out at tool level for each country in which the Group has tools available.

7.1.5 Financial assets past due but not impaired

The table below provides details of financial assets past due as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, but not considered to be impaired, listed by their first past-due date:

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Financial Assets Past Due but Not Impaired 2013 Millions of Euros
Less than 1 Month
1 to 2 Months
2 to 3 Months
Loans and advances to credit institutions - - -
Loans and advances to customers 659 46 161
Government 56 3 6
Other sectors 603 43 155
Debt securities - - -
Total 659 46 161
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Financial Assets Past Due but Not Impaired 2012 Millions of Euros
Less than 1 Month
1 to 2 Months
2 to 3 Months
Loans and advances to credit institutions 21 - -
Loans and advances to customers 1,067 620 310
Government 90 213 6
Other sectors 977 407 304
Debt securities - - -
Total 1,088 620 310
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Financial Assets Past Due but Not Impaired 2011 Millions of Euros
Less than 1 Month
1 to 2 Months
2 to 3 Months
Loans and advances to credit institutions - - -
Loans and advances to customers 1,973 386 361
Government 186 47 23
Other sectors 1,787 339 338
Debt securities - - -
Total 1,973 386 361

7.1.6 Impaired assets and impairment losses

The table below shows the composition of the impaired financial assets and risks as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, broken down by heading in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet:

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Impaired Risks.
Breakdown by Type of Asset and by Sector
Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Asset Instruments Impaired

Available-for-sale financial assets 90 96 125
Debt securities 90 96 125
Loans and receivables 25,477 20,001 15,452
Loans and advances to credit institutions 29 26 26
Loans and advances to customers 25,445 19,960 15,416
Debt securities 4 15 10
Total Asset Instruments Impaired (1) 25,568 20,097 15,577
Contingent Risks Impaired

Contingent Risks Impaired (2) 410 312 217
Total impaired risks (1) + (2) 25,978 20,409 15,793
Of which:

Government 170 165 135
Credit institutions 48 71 81
Other sectors 25,350 19,861 15,359
Mortgage 18,327 13,761 9,615
With partial secured loans 49 48 52
Rest 6,974 6,052 5,693
Contingent Risks Impaired 410 312 217
Total impaired risks (1) + (2) 25,978 20,409 15,793

All doubtful or impaired risks fall into this category individually, either by default or nonperforming criteria, or for reasons other than its default. The BBVA group classification as impaired financial assets is as follows::

  • The classification of financial assets impaired due to customer default is objective and individualized to the following criteria:
    • The total amount of debt instruments, whoever the holder and collateral, which have principal, interest or fees amounts past due for more than 90 days as contractually agreed following objective criteria through aging calculation systems, unless directly classified as charged off.
    • Contingent risks where the third party collateral individual becomes impaired.
  • The classification of financial assets impaired by reasons other than customer default is performed individually for all risks whose individual amount is material where there is reasonable doubt about their full repayment on contractually agreed terms as they show objective evidence of impairment adversely affected by the expected cash flows of the financial instrument. Objective evidence of impairment of an asset or group of financial assets includes observable data about the following:
    • Debtor’s material financial difficulties.
    • Continuous delay in interest of principal payments.
    • Refinancing of credit conditions by the counterparty.
    • Probable bankruptcy or other reorganization / liquidation.
    • Lack of an active market for a financial asset because of financial difficulties.
    • Observable data indicating a reduction in future cash flows from the initial recognition such as: a. Adverse changes in the payment status of the counterparty (delays in payments, provisions for credit cards to the limit, etc.).
    • National or local economic conditions that are correlated with “defaults” (unemployment, falling property prices, etc.).

The breakdown of impaired loans for default or reasons other than delinquency as of December 31, 2013.

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December 2013 Millions of Euros
Impaired        Allowance
for impaired
Balance of impaired loans - Past due 16,558 8,503
Balance of impaired loans - Other than past due 9,010 2,760
TOTAL 25,568 11,263
Of which:

No risk 235 122
Mortgage loans 18,327 6,688
Secured loans, except mortgage 49 20
Other 6,957 4,433

Provisions related to impaired loans secured by mortgage basically correspond to the difference between the fair value of the collateral and the carrying value.

Below are the details of the impaired financial assets as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, classified by geographical area and by the time since their oldest past-due amount or the period since they were deemed impaired:

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Impaired Assets by Geographic Area and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2013 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Spain 9,930 1,873 1,375 8,599 21,777
Rest of Europe 383 25 38 239 685
Mexico 795 148 114 410 1,467
South America 854 68 58 116 1,096
The United States 481 16 8 38 543
Total 12,443 2,130 1,593 9,402 25,568
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Impaired Assets by Geographic Area and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2012 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Spain 6,476 1,703 1,534 6,399 16,112
Rest of Europe 380 47 28 168 623
Mexico 941 112 153 289 1,495
South America 837 115 41 116 1,109
The United States 639 26 13 80 758
Total 9,273 2,003 1,770 7,052 20,097
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Impaired Assets by Geographic Area and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2011 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Spain 4,640 1,198 1,187 4,482 11,507
Rest of Europe 149 26 33 91 299
Mexico 809 141 130 199 1,280
South America 767 66 38 109 980
The United States 634 211 117 549 1,511
Total 7,000 1,642 1,505 5,429 15,577

Below are the details of the impaired financial assets as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011, classified by type of loan according to its associated guarantee, and by the time since their oldest past-due amount or the period since they were deemed impaired:

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Impaired Assets by Type of Guarantees and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2013 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Unsecured loans 4,689 529 375 1,364 6,957
Mortgage 7,470 1,601 1,218 8,038 18,327
Residential mortgage 3,250 406 432 2,390 6,478
Commercial mortgage (rural properties in operation and offices, and industrial buildings) 1,194 248 163 1,352 2,957
Other than those currently use as a family residential property of the borrower 938 225 323 2,029 3,515
Plots and other real estate assets 2,088 722 300 2,267 5,377
Other partially secured loans 49 - - - 49
Others 235 - - - 235
Total 12,443 2,130 1,593 9,402 25,568
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Impaired Assets by Type of Guarantees and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2012 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Unsecured loans 4,145 539 409 1,195 6,288
Mortgage 5,080 1,464 1,360 5,857 13,761
Residential mortgage 1,570 516 457 1,796 4,339
Commercial mortgage (rural properties in operation and offices, and industrial buildings) 715 251 190 1,111 2,267
Other than those currently use as a family residential property of the borrower 732 330 318 1,162 2,542
Plots and other real estate assets 2,063 367 395 1,788 4,613
Other partially secured loans 48 - - - 48
Others - - - - -
Total 9,273 2,003 1,770 7,052 20,097
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Impaired Assets by Type of Guarantees and Time Since Oldest Past-Due Amount 2011 Millions of Euros
Less than 6 Months
6 to 9 Months
9 to 12 Months
More than 12 Months
Unsecured loans 3,382 588 528 1,411 5,910
Mortgage 3,567 1,054 977 4,016 9,615
Residential mortgage 1,081 390 357 1,373 3,202
Commercial mortgage (rural properties in operation and offices, and industrial buildings) 629 210 160 795 1,794
Rest of residential mortgage 489 137 166 653 1,445
Plots and other real estate assets 1,369 316 294 1,194 3,174
Other partially secured loans 52 - - - 52
Others - - - - -
Total 7,000 1,642 1,505 5,429 15,577

The breakdown of impaired loans by sector as of December 31, 2012 and 2013 is shown below:

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Impaired loans by sector Millions of Euros
2013 2012
Impaired Loans Loan Loss Reserve Impaired Loans as a % of Loans by Type Impaired Loans Loan Loss Reserve Impaired Loans as a % of Loans by Type

Government 158 (11) 0.71% 145 (10) 0.57%
Credit institutions - - 0.00% 6 - -
Other sectors: 20,826 (10,268) 12.60% 15,013 (7,120) 8.25%
Agriculture 142 (70) 11.18% 123 (44) 8.65%
Industrial 1,804 (886) 13.10% 914 (387) 5.56%
Real estate and construction 10,387 (6,084) 41.02% 8,032 (4,660) 26.19%
Commercial and other financial 1,103 (579) 7.10% 989 (350) 5.74%
Loans to individuals 5,745 (1,660) 6.36% 3,733 (1,171) 3.88%
Other 1,645 (988) 8.67% 1,222 (508) 6.09%
Total Domestic 20,985 (10,279) 10.89% 15,164 (7,130) 7.20%

Government 11 (4) 0.11% 20 (1) 0.21%
Credit institutions 33 (26) 0.19% 29 (22) 0.13%
Other sectors: 4,449 (2,290) 3.20% 4,787 (2,242) 3.47%
Agriculture 170 (137) 4.59% 178 (92) 5.43%
Industrial 288 (159) 1.93% 146 (109) 1.02%
Real estate and construction 1,734 (715) 11.44% 1,661 (469) 9.98%
Commercial and other financial 269 (166) 0.85% 703 (471) 2.05%
Loans to individuals 1,202 (646) 2.02% 1,937 (961) 3.50%
Other 785 (467) 5.54% 162 (140) 1.14%
Total Foreign 4,493 (2,320) 2.69% 4,836 (2,265) 2.85%
General reserve - (2,396)
- (4,764)
Total impaired loans 25,478 (14,995)
20,000 (14,159)

The table below represents the accumulated financial income accrued as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 with origin in the impaired assets that, as mentioned in Note 2.2.1, are not recognized in the accompanying consolidated income statements as there are doubts as to the possibility of collection:

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Millions of Euros

2013 2012 2011
Financial Income from Impaired Assets 3,360 2,405 1,908

The changes in the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 in the impaired financial assets and contingent risks are as follows:

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Changes in Impaired Financial Assets and Contingent Risks Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Balance at the beginning 20,409 15,793 15,936
Additions (A) 17,708 14,318 13,001
Decreases (B) (7,692) (8,236) (8,953)
Cash collections and return to performing (6,593) (5,968) (5,726)
Foreclosed assets (1) (1,025) (1,098) (1,404)
Real estate assets received in lieu of payment (2) (74) (1,170) (1,823)
Net additions (A)+(B) 10,016 6,081 4,048
Amounts written-off (3,825) (4,372) (4,093)
Exchange differences and other (including Unnim) (622) 2,906 (98)
Balance at the end 25,978 20,409 15,793
(1) Reflects the total amount of impaired loans derecognized from the balance sheet throughout the period as a result of mortgage foreclosures. This is equivalent to the “Foreclosed assets auctioned” derecognized from inflows (€928, €1,037 and €1,313 million in 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively) and the inflows corresponding to "Foreclosed assets from finance leases" (€84, €61 and €91 million in 2013, 2012 and 2011, respectively). See Note 16 to the consolidated financial statements for additional information. (2) Reflects the total amount of impaired loans derecognized from the balance sheet throughout the period as a result of real estate assets received in lieu of payment. Does not reflect the acquisitions of real estate assets from customers with loans not yet impaired.

The changes in the year ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 in financial assets derecognized from the accompanying consolidated balance sheet as their recovery is considered unlikely (hereinafter “write-offs”) is shown below:

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Changes in Impaired Financial Assets Written-Off from the Balance Sheet Millions of Euros
2013 2012 2011
Balance at the beginning 19,265 15,870 13,367
Increase: 4,450 4,363 4,251
Decrease: (2,319) (1,753) (1,863)
Re-financing or restructuring (1) (9) (4)
Cash recovery (362) (337) (326)
Foreclosed assets (96) (133) (29)
Sales of written-off (1,000) (283) (809)
Debt forgiveness (685) (541) (604)
Time-barred debt and other causes (175) (450) (91)
Net exchange differences (645) 785 114
Balance at the end 20,752 19,265 15,870

As indicated in Note 2.2.1, although they have been derecognized from the balance sheet, the BBVA Group continues to attempt to collect on these write-offs, until the rights to receive them are fully extinguished, either because it is time-barred debt, the debt is forgiven, or other reasons.

7.1.7 Impairment losses

Below is a breakdown of the provisions recognized on the accompanying consolidated balance sheets to cover estimated impairment losses as of December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 in financial assets and contingent risks, according to the different headings under which they are classified in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet:

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Impairment losses and provisions for contingent risks
Millions of Euros
Notes 2013 2012 2011
Available-for-sale portfolio 12 198 339 566
Loans and receivables 13 14,995 14,159 9,139
Loans and advances to customers 13.2 14,950 14,115 9,091
Loans and advances to credit institutions 13.1 40 29 38
Debt securities 13.3 5 15 11
Held to maturity investment 14 - - 1
Impairment losses
15,192 14,498 9,705
Provisions to Contingent Risks and Commitments 25 346 322 266
15,538 14,820 9,971
Of which:

For impaired portfolio
12,969 9,861 6,883
For currently non-impaired portfolio
2,569 4,959 3,088

Below are the changes in the years ended December 31, 2013, 2012 and 2011 in the estimated impairment losses, broken down by the headings in the accompanying consolidated balance sheet:

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Millions of Euros
2013 Notes Available-for-sale portfolio Loans and receivables Contingent Risks and Commitments Total
Balance at the beginning
339 14,159 322 14,820
Increase in impairment losses charged to income
55 10,816 85 10,955
Decrease in impairment losses credited to income
(19) (4,878) (46) (4,944)
Impairment losses (net)(*) 48-49 36 5,938 38 6,011
Entities incorporated/disposed in the year
- (30) (1) (31)
Transfers to written-off loans
(164) (3,673) - (3,838)
Exchange differences and other
(12) (1,398) (13) (1,424)
Balance at the end
198 14,995 346 15,538
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Millions of Euros
2012 Notes Available-for-sale portfolio Loans and receivables Contingent Risks and Commitments Total
Balance at the beginning
566 9,138 266 9,970
Increase in impairment losses charged to income
71 10,419 91 10,581
Decrease in impairment losses credited to income
(30) (2,266) (36) (2,331)
Impairment losses (net)(*) 48-49 41 8,153 55 8,250
Entities incorporated/disposed in the year
1 2,066 5 2,073
Transfers to written-off loans
(18) (4,107) - (4,125)
Exchange differences and other
(251) (1,092) (4) (1,348)
Balance at the end
339 14,159 322 14,821
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Millions of Euros
2011 Notes Available-for-sale portfolio Loans and receivables Contingent Risks and Commitments Total
Balance at the beginning
619 9,473 264 10,356
Increase in impairment losses charged to income
60 5,963 16 6,038
Decrease in impairment losses credited to income
(37) (1,473) (24) (1,534)
Impairment losses (net)(*) 48-49 23 4,490 (8) 4,504
Entities incorporated/disposed in the year
- 32 - 32
Transfers to written-off loans
(75) (4,039) - (4,114)
Exchange differences and other
(1) (818) 11 (808)
Balance at the end
566 9,138 266 9,972
(*) Includes impairment losses on financial assets (Note 49) and the provisions for contingent risks (Note 48).

7.1.8 Refinancing and restructuring operations

Group policies and principles with respect to refinancing or restructuring operations

Refinancing/restructuring operations (see definition in the Glossary) are carried out with customers who have requested such an operation in order to meet their current debt payments if they are expected, or may be expected, to experience financial difficulty in making the payments in the future.

The basic aim of a refinanced/restructured operation is to provide the customer with a situation of financial viability over time by adapting repayment of the debt incurred with the Group to the customer’s new situation of fund generation. The use of refinancing or restructuring with for other purposes, such as for delaying loss recognition, is contrary to BBVA Group policies.

The BBVA Group’s refinancing/restructuring policies are based on the following general principles:

  • Refinancing and restructuring is authorized according to the capacity of customers to pay the new installments. This is done by first identifying the origin of the payment difficulties and then carrying out an analysis of the customers’ viability, including an updated analysis of their economic and financial situation and capacity to pay and generate funds. If the customer is a company, the analysis also covers the situation of the sector in which it operates.
  • With the aim of increasing the solvency of the operation, new guarantees and/or guarantors of demonstrable solvency are obtained where possible. An essential part of this process is an analysis of the effectiveness of both the new and original guarantees submitted.
  • This analysis is carried out from the overall customer or group perspective, and not only from the perspective of a specific operation.
  • Refinancing and restructuring operations do not in general increase the amount of the customer’s debt, except for the expenses inherent to the operation itself.
  • The capacity to refinance and restructure debt is not delegated to the branches, but decided on by the risk units.
  • The decisions adopted are reviewed from time to time with the aim of checking full compliance with refinancing and restructuring policies.

These general principles are adapted in each case according to the conditions and circumstances of each geographical area in which the Group operates, and to the different types of customers involved.

In the case of retail customers (private individuals), the main aim of the BBVA Group’s policy on refinancing/restructuring debt is to avoid default arising from a customer’s temporary liquidity problems by implementing structural solutions that do not increase the customer’s debt. The solution required is adapted to each case and the debt repayment is made easier, in accordance with the following principles:

  • Analysis of the viability of operations based on the customer’s willingness and ability to pay, which may be reduced, but should nevertheless be present. The customer must therefore repay at least the interest on the operation in all cases. No arrangements may be concluded that involve a grace period for both capital and interest.
  • No refinancing/restructuring operations may be concluded on debt that is not incurred with the BBVA Group.
  • Customers subject to refinancing or restructuring operations are excluded from commercial campaigns of any kind.

In the case of wholesale customers (basically businesses and corporations), refinancing/restructuring is authorized according to an economic and financial viability plan based on:

  • Forecast future income, margins and cash flows over a sufficiently long period (around five years) to allow entities to implement cost adjustment measures (industrial restructuring) and a business development plan that can help reduce the level of leverage to sustainable levels (capacity to access the financial markets).
  • Where appropriate, the existence of a divestment plan for assets and/or business segments that can generate cash to assist the deleveraging process.
  • The capacity of shareholders to contribute capital and/or guarantees that can support the viability plan.

In accordance with the Group’s policy, the conclusion of a debt refinancing/restructuring operation does not imply the debt is reclassified from "impaired" or "substandard" to outstanding risk; such a reclassification must be based on the analysis mentioned earlier of the viability and effectiveness of the new guarantees submitted.

The Group maintains the policy of including risks related to refinanced/restructured assets as either:

  • "Doubtful assets", as although the customer is up to date with payments, they are classified as impaired for reasons other than their default when there are significant doubts that the terms of their refinancing may not be met;.
  • "Substandard assets", because there is some material doubt as to possible non-compliance with the refinanced operation; or.
  • "Normal-risk assets" (although as mentioned in the table in the following section, they continue to be classified as "normal-risk assets with special monitoring" until the conditions established for their consideration as outstanding risk are met).

The conditions established for “normal-risk assets with special monitoring” to be reclassified out of this special monitoring category are as follows:

  • The customer must have paid past-due amounts (principal and interest) since the date of the renegotiation or restructuring of the operation;
  • At least two years must have elapsed since the renegotiation or restructuring of the operation;
  • The customer must have paid at least 20% of the outstanding principal amount of the loan as well as all the past-due amounts (principal and interest) that were outstanding as of the date of the renegotiation or restructuring of the operation; and
  • It is unlikely that the borrower will have financial difficulties and, therefore, it is expected that the borrower will be able to meet its debt payment obligations (principal and interest) in a timely manner.

The BBVA Group’s refinancing/restructuring policy provides for the possibility of multiple modifications, which shall be approved on an individual basis based on the risk profile of the relevant customer and its degree of compliance with the prior payment calendar.

The internal models used to determine allowances for loan losses consider the restructuring or renegotiation of a loan, as well as re-defaults on a loan, by assigning a lower internal rating to restructured/renegotiated loans than the average internal rating assigned to non-restructured/renegotiated loans. This downgrade results in an increase in the probability of default (PD) assigned to restructured/renegotiated loans (with the resulting PD being higher than the average PD of the non- renegotiated loans in the same portfolios).”

Quantitative information on refinancing and restructuring operations:
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(Millions of Euros)


Real estate mortgage secured Rest of secured loans (a) Unsecured loans

Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount
1 Government agencies 4 466 13 45 29 811
2 Other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs 7,289 2,108 1,121 204 22,531 2,380
Of which: Financing the construction and property development 1,131 635 72 20 306 199
3 Other individuals 60,366 2,587 5,506 643 87,169 414
4 Total 67,659 5,161 6,640 892 109,729 3,605
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Real estate mortgage secured Rest of secured loans (a) Unsecured loans Specific coverage

Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount
1 Government agencies 1 1 - - 2 25 1
2 Other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs 3,014 1,381 867 468 8,158 1,497 641
Of which: Financing the construction and property development 640 623 131 178 142 123 322
3 Other individuals 31,883 1,987 5,681 837 22,496 231 218
4 Total 34,898 3,369 6,548 1,304 30,656 1,753 860
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Real estate mortgage secured Rest of secured loans (a) Unsecured loans Specific coverage

Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount
1 Government agencies 1 1 4 13 13 2 0
2 Other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs 8,446 4,998 4,529 3,066 16,761 2,001 4,821
Of which: Financing the construction and property development 3,264 3,370 2,508 2,441 1,146 580 3,435
3 Other individuals 34,248 2,094 13,111 2,314 59,463 347 1,243
4 Total 42,695 7,093 17,644 5,392 76,237 2,349 6,065
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Real estate mortgage secured Rest of secured loans (a) Unsecured loans Specific coverage

Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount Number of operations Gross amount
1 Government agencies 6 468 17 58 44 838 1
2 Other legal entities and individual entrepreneurs 18,749 8,488 6,517 3,737 47,450 5,878 5,463
Of which: Financing the construction and property development 5,035 4,629 2,711 2,640 1,594 901 3,757
3 Other individuals 126,497 6,667 24,298 3,793 169,128 991 1,462
4 Total 145,252 15,623 30,832 7,588 216,622 7,707 6,925
(a) Includes mortgage-backed real estate operations with loan to values greater than 1, and secured operations, other than transactions secured by real estate mortgage whatever their loan to value.

In addition to these restructuring and refinancing transactions mentioned in this section, loans that were not considered impaired or renegotiated have been modified based on the criteria set out in paragraph 59 (c) of IAS 39. These loans have not been classified as renegotiated or impaired, since they were modified for commercial or competitive reasons (for instance, to improve our relationship with the client) rather than for economic or legal reasons relating to the borrower's financial situation.

NPL Ratio by type of renegotiated loan

The non performing ratio of the renegotiated portfolio is defined as the impaired balance of renegotiated loans that shows signs of difficulties as of the closing of the reporting period, divided by the total payment outstanding in that portfolio.

As of December 31, 2013, the non performing ratio for each of the portfolios of renegotiated loans is as follows:

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December 2013
NPL ratio renegotiated loan portfolio
Government agencies 1%
Commercial 56%
Of which: Construction and developer 78%
Other consumer 42%

45% of the renegotiated loans classified as doubtful was for reasons other than default (delinquency).

7.2 Market risk

Most of the headings on the Group's balance sheet that are subject to market risk are positions whose main metric for measuring their market risk is VaR.

Trading portfolio activities

The activity of each of the Group's trading floors is controlled and monitored by the risk unit. Measurement procedures are established in terms of the possible impact of negative market conditions on the trading portfolio of the Group's Global Markets units, both under ordinary circumstances and in situations of heightened risk factors.

The measurement model used to assess market risk is Value at Risk (VaR), which provides a forecast with a 99% probability of the maximum loss that can be incurred by the market positions of trading portfolios in a one-day horizon, stemming from fluctuations in equity prices, interest rates, foreign-exchange rates and commodity prices. In addition, for some positions, other risks also need to be considered, such as credit spread risk, basis risk, volatility and correlation risk.

BBVA and BBVA Bancomer have received approval from the Bank of Spain to use a model developed by the BBVA Group to calculate bank capital requirements for market risk. This model estimates VaR in accordance with the “historical simulation” methodology, which involves estimating the losses or gains that would have been produced in the current portfolio if the changes in market conditions occurring over a specific period of time were repeated. Using this information, it infers the maximum foreseeable loss in the current portfolio with a given level of confidence. It has the advantage of precisely reflecting the historical distribution of the market variables and not requiring any assumption of specific probability distribution. The historical period used in this model is two years.

In addition, the Bank follows the guidelines set out by Spanish and European authorities regarding other metrics to meet the Bank of Spain’s regulatory requirements. The new measurements of market risk for the trading portfolio include the calculation of stressed VaR (which quantifies the level of risk in extreme historical situations) and the quantification of default risks and downgrading of credit ratings of bonds and credit portfolio derivatives.

The limits structure of the BBVA Group's market risk determines a system of VaR and economic capital limits by market risk for each operating segment, with specific ad-hoc sub-limits by type of risk, activity and trading desk.

Validity tests are performed periodically on the risk measurement models used by the Group. They estimate the maximum loss that could have been incurred in the positions assessed with a certain level of probability (backtesting), as well as measurements of the impact of extreme market events on risk positions (stress testing). As an additional control measure, backtesting is conducted at trading desk level in order to enable more specific monitoring of the validity of the measurement models.

Trends in market risk

The changes in the BBVA Group’s market risk in 2013, measured as VaR without smoothing, with a 99% confidence level and a 1-day horizon, are as follows:

By geographical area, and as an annual average in 2013, 49.2% of the market risk corresponds to Global Markets (GM) Europe and GM Compass and 50.8% to the Group’s banks in Latin America, of which 35.0% is in GM Bancomer.

The average VaR in 2013 stood at €23 million, compared with €22 million in 2012 and €24 million in 2011. The number of risk factors currently used to measure portfolio risk is around 3,600. This number is dynamic and varies according to the possibility of doing business in other underlying assets and markets.

As of December 30, 2013, 2012 and 2011 VaR amounted to €22 million, €30 million and €18 million, respectively. These figures can be broken down as follows:

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VaR by Risk Factor Millions of Euros
Interest/Spread risk Currency risk Stock-market risk Vega/Correlation risk Diversification effect(*) Total

VaR average in the period

VaR max in the period 39 4 2 13 (24) 34
VaR min in the period 19 3 2 11 (18) 17
End of period VaR 22 4 3 11 (18) 22

VaR average in the period

VaR max in the period 35 2 3 11 (21) 31
VaR min in the period 21 3 1 11 (21) 15
End of period VaR 35 3 3 9 (19) 30

VaR average in the period

VaR max in the period

VaR min in the period

End of period VaR 27 3 7 4 (23) 18
(*) The diversification effect is the difference between the sum of the average individual risk factors and the total VaR figure that includes the implied correlation between all the variables and scenarios used in the measurement.

By type of market risk assumed by the Group’s trading portfolio, as of December 31, 2013, the main risks were interest-rate and credit spread risks, which declined by €13 million on the figure for December 31, 2012. Currency risk increased by €1 million and volatility and correlation risk increased by €2 million. Equity risk remained without significant changes with respect to the close of 2012.

The average daily change in VaR in 2013 on 2012 is basically due to Global Market Bancomer and Global Market South America increasing their average risk by 57% and 7% respectively in 2013 (with an average daily VaR of €8 million and €4 million, respectively). Global Market Europe reduced its average risk by 18% (with an average daily VaR in 2013 of €11 million).

Model validation

The internal market risk model is validated periodically by backtesting, both in BBVA, S.A. and in Bancomer.

The aim of backtesting is to validate the quality and precision of the internal model used by the BBVA Group to estimate the maximum daily loss of a portfolio, at a 99% level of confidence and a 250-day time horizon, by comparing the Group's results and the measurements of risk generated by the model. These tests showed that the internal market risk model of both BBVA, S.A. and Bancomer is adequate and precise.

Two types of backtesting were carried out in 2013:

1. "Hypothetical" backtesting: the daily VaR is compared with the results obtained, not taking into account the intraday results or the changes in the portfolio positions. This validates the appropriateness of the market risk metrics for the end-of-day position.

2. "Real" backtesting: the daily VaR is compared with the total results, including intraday transactions, but discounting the possible minimum charges or fees involved. This type of backtesting includes the intraday risk in portfolios.

In addition, each of these two types of backtesting was carried out at the level of risk factor or business type, thus making a deeper comparison of the results with respect to risk measurements.

In 2013, Bancomer carried out backtesting of the internal calculation model of VaR, comparing the daily results obtained with the estimated risk level estimated by the VaR calculation model. At the end of the year the comparison showed the model was functioning correctly, within the "green" zone (0-4 exceptions), thus validating the model, as has occurred each year since the internal market risk model was approved for the Group.

Backtesting in BBVA, S.A. did not reveal any exception in the year 2013. The sovereign debt and Spanish corporate credit spreads continued to narrow during the year and the equity markets have in general moved upward. To sum up, the backtesting carried out in 2013, both at the global group level and at the level of risk factor, did not detect any type of anomaly in the VaR calculation model.

In the case of Bancomer, portfolio losses only exceeded the daily VaR on one occasion, thus also validating the correct operation of the model according to Basel criteria.

Backtesting of the market risk model for BBVA SA Backtesting of the market risk model for BBVA Bancomer

Estimated VaR without smoothing versus daily results

Stress test analysis

A number of stress tests are carried out on the BBVA Group's trading portfolios. First, global and local historical scenarios are used that replicate the behavior of an extreme past event, such as for example the collapse of Lehman Brothers or the "Tequilazo" crisis. These stress tests are complemented with simulated scenarios, where the aim is to generate scenarios that have a significant impact on the different portfolios, but without being anchored to any specific historical scenario. Finally, for some portfolios or positions, fixed stress tests are also carried out that have a significant impact on the market variables affecting these positions.

Historical scenarios

The historical benchmark stress scenario for the BBVA Group is Lehman Brothers, whose sudden collapse in September 2008 led to a significant impact on the behavior of financial markets at a global level. The following are the most relevant effects of this historical scenario:

  • Credit shock: reflected mainly in the increase of credit spreads and downgrades in credit ratings.
  • Increased volatility in most of the financial markets (giving rise to a great deal of variation in the prices of different assets (currency, equity, debt).
  • Liquidity shock in the financial systems, reflected by a major movement in interbank curves, particularly in the shortest sections of the euro and dollar curves.

Simulated scenarios

Unlike the historical scenarios, which are fixed and thus do not adapt to the composition of portfolio risks at any one time, the scenario used to carry out the economic stress tests are based on a resampling methodology. This methodology uses dynamic scenarios that are recalculated regularly according to the main risks in the trading portfolios at any time. A simulation exercise is carried out on a window of data that is sufficiently extensive to include different periods of stress (data are taken from January 1, 2008 through to today), using a resampling of the historical observations. This generates a distribution of losses and gains that provides an analysis of the most extreme events occurred within the selected historical window. The advantage of this methodology is that the stress period is not pre-established, but rather a function of the portfolio held at any time. As it makes a high number of simulations (10,000) it can analyze the expected shortfall with greater richness of information than that available in the scenarios included in the VaR calculation.

The main characteristics of this methodology are the following:

  • The simulations generated respect the data correlation structure.
  • There is flexibility in terms of inclusion of new risk factors.
  • It allows a great deal of variability to be introduced into the simulations (desirable for considering extreme events).
Structural risk

Structural interest-rate risk

The aim of on-balance-sheet interest-rate risk management is to maintain the BBVA Group’s exposure to market interest-rate fluctuations at levels in keeping with its risk strategy and profile. In pursuance of this, the BBVA Group undertakes active balance-sheet management through operations intended to optimize the levels of risk assumed against expected earnings and respect the maximum levels of accepted risk. The Asset and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) is the body that makes the decisions to act according to the proposals of the Balance-Sheet Management unit, which designs and executes the strategies to be implemented, using internal risk metrics in accordance with the corporate model.

The Corporate Risk Management (CRM) area acts as an independent unit responsible for monitoring and analyzing risks, standardizing risk management metrics and providing tools that can anticipate potential deviations from targets. In addition, it monitors the level of compliance with the risk limits established by the Executive Committee, reporting regularly to the Risk Management Committee (RMC), the Board's Risk Committee and the Executive Committee, in particular in case of significant levels of risk assumed, in accordance with current corporate policy.

The interest-rate risk metrics designed by the CRM area periodically quantify the impact that a variation of 100 basis points in market interest rates would have on the BBVA Group’s net interest income and economic value (see Glossary). This is complemented with metrics in probabilistic terms; "economic capital" (maximum estimated loss in economic value) and the "risk margin" (the maximum estimated loss in net interest income). In all cases, the metrics are calculated as originated by the structural interest-rate risk of banking activity (excluding trading floor activity), based on simulation models of interest-rate curves. With the same frequency, the Group performs stress tests and scenario analyses to complement its assessment of its interest-rate risk profile.

The BBVA Group's corporate risk model allows hypotheses to be established on the behavior of certain products, particularly those without explicit or contractual expiry. These assumptions are based on studies that calculate the relationship between the return on these products and market rates. They enable specific balances to be disaggregated into "trend-based" (long-term) and "seasonal or volatile" (short-term residual maturity) balances.

In 2013, the weakness of the economic recovery, together with the fiscal adjustments and risks of deflation, have maintained interest rates in Europe and the U.S. at all-time lows. At the same time, the growth of emerging markets has slowed as a result of the fall in commodity prices and tougher financing conditions, leading to more expansive policies by central banks. In this interest-rate situation, the BBVA Group's structural interest-rate risk has remained under control, within the limits established by the Executive Committee. The current levels of the euro and US dollar, which are exceptionally low, also constitute a barrier to the Group's exposure, which has a favorable position with respect to rises in market rates.

Below are the average interest-rate risk exposure levels in terms of sensitivity of the main geographical areas of the BBVA Group in 2013:

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Impact on Net Interest Income (*) Impact on Economic Value (**)
Sensitivity to interest-rate analysis -
December 2013
100 Basis-Point Increase 100 Basis-Point Decrease 100 Basis-Point Increase 100 Basis-Point Decrease
Europe 6.41% (7.80)% 1.58% (1.92)%
Mexico 2.27% (2.27)% (1.39)% 1.59%
The United States 6.27% (8.11)% 1.60% (6.51)%
South America 1.53% (1.39)% (2.93)% 3.01%
BBVA Group 3.42% (3.90)% 0.80% (1.66)%
(*) Percentage of "1 year" net interest income forecast for each unit. (**) Percentage of core capital for each unit.

Structural currency risk

Structural currency risk is basically caused by exposure to variations in foreign-currency exchange rates that arise in the BBVA Group’s foreign subsidiaries and foreign branches financed in a different currency to that of the investment.

Structural exchange-rate risk management in BBVA aims to minimize the potential negative impact from fluctuations in exchange rates on the capital ratios and on the contribution to earnings of international investments maintained on a long-term basis by the Group.

The Asset and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) is the body that makes the decisions to act according to the proposals of the Balance-Sheet Management unit, which designs and executes the strategies to be implemented, using internal risk metrics in accordance with the corporate model.

The Corporate Risk Management (CRM) area acts as an independent unit responsible for monitoring and analyzing risks, standardizing risk management metrics and providing tools that can anticipate potential deviations from targets. In addition, it monitors the level of compliance with the risk limits established by the Executive Committee, reporting regularly to the Risk Management Committee (RMC), the Board's Risk Committee and the Executive Committee, in particular in case of significant levels of risk assumed, in accordance with current corporate policy.

The corporate measurement model is based on the simulation of exchange-rate scenarios, using their historical change and evaluating impacts in three core management areas: capital ratio, equity and the Group's income statement. The risk mitigation measures aimed at reducing exchange-rate risk exposures are considered in calculating risk estimates. The diversification resulting from investment in different geographical areas is also taken into account. In addition, in order to complement the metrics in the three core management areas, the risk measurements are complemented with analyses of scenarios, stress testing and backtesting, thus giving a more complete overview of the Group’s exposure.

In 2013, in an environment characterized by uncertainty and volatility in currency markets, the risk mitigation level of the carrying value of the BBVA Group's holdings in foreign currency remained at 39%. The estimated exposure coverage of 2013 earnings in foreign currency has been 43%.

In 2013, the average asset exposure sensitivity to a 1% depreciation in exchange rates against the euro in the main currencies to which BBVA is exposed stood at €200 million, with 34% in the Mexican peso, 26% in South American currencies, 23% in Asian and Turkish currencies, and 15% in the US dollar.

Structural equity risk

The BBVA Group's exposure to structural equity risk is basically derived from investments in industrial and financial companies with medium- and long-term investment horizons. This exposure is mitigated through net short positions held in derivatives of their underlying assets, used to limit portfolio sensitivity to potential falls in prices.

The Corporate Risk Management (CRM) area acts as an independent unit responsible for monitoring and analyzing risks, standardizing risk management metrics and providing tools that can anticipate potential deviations from targets. In addition, it monitors the level of compliance with the risk limits established by the Executive Committee, reporting regularly to the Risk Management Committee (RMC), the Board's Risk Committee and the Executive Committee, in particular in case of significant levels of risk assumed, in accordance with current corporate policy.

The structural equity risk metrics designed by CRM according to the corporate model contribute to the effective monitoring of risk by estimating the sensitivity figures and the capital necessary to cover possible unexpected losses due to variations in the value of the companies making up the Group’s equity portfolio, at a confidence level that corresponds to the institution’s target rating, and taking into account the liquidity of the positions and the statistical performance of the assets under consideration. These figures are supplemented by periodic stress tests, backtesting and scenario analyses.

The aggregate sensitivity of the BBVA Group's consolidated equity to a 1% fall in the price of shares stood at €31 million as of December 31, 2013, and the sensitivity of pre-tax profit is estimated at €1 million. These figures are estimated taking into account the exposure in shares valued at market prices, or if not applicable, at fair value (except for the positions in the Treasury Area portfolios) and the net delta-equivalent positions in options on their underlyings.

7.3 Liquidity risk

The aim of liquidity risk management, tracking and control is to ensure, in the short term, that the payment commitments of the BBVA Group entities can be duly met without having to resort to borrowing funds under burdensome terms, or damaging the image and reputation of the entities. In the medium term the aim is to ensure that the Group’s financing structure is ideal and that it is moving in the right direction with respect to the economic situation, the markets and regulatory changes.

Management of liquidity and structural finance within the BBVA Group is based on the principle of the financial autonomy of the entities that make it up. This approach helps prevent and limit liquidity risk by reducing the Group’s vulnerability in periods of high risk. This decentralized management avoids possible contagion due to a crisis that could affect only one or various BBVA Group entities, which must cover their liquidity needs independently in the markets where they operate. Liquidity Management Units have been set up for this reason in the geographical areas where the main foreign subsidiaries operate, and also for the parent BBVA S.A.

Thus a core principle of the BBVA Group’s liquidity management is the financial independence of its banking subsidiaries. This aims to ensure that the cost of liquidity is correctly reflected in price formation. Accordingly, a liquidity pool is maintained at an individual entity level, both in Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. and in the banking subsidiaries, including BBVA Compass, BBVA Bancomer and the Latin American subsidiaries. The only exception to this principle is Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Portugal), S.A., which is funded by Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Portugal), S.A. accounted for 0.91% of total consolidated assets and 0.56% of total consolidated liabilities as of December 31, 2013.

The Group's main source of funds is the customer deposit base, which consists primarily of demand, savings and time deposit accounts. In addition to relying on customer deposits, the Group also accesses the interbank market (overnight and time deposits) and domestic and international capital markets for our additional liquidity requirements. To access the capital markets, a series of domestic and international programs are in place for the issuance of commercial paper and medium- and long-term debt. A diversified liquidity pool of liquid assets and securitized assets are also generally maintained an individual entity level. Another source of liquidity is generation of cash flow from operations. Finally, funding requirements are supplemented with borrowings from the Bank of Spain and the European Central Bank (ECB) or the respective central banks of the countries where the subsidiaries are located.

The table below shows the types and amounts of instruments included in the liquidity pool of the most significant units:

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2013 Millions of Euros
BBVA Eurozone (1) BBVA Bancomer BBVA Compass Others
Cash and balances with central banks 10,826 6,159 1,952 6,843
Assets for credit operations with central banks 32,261 3,058 9,810 7,688
Central governments issues 16,500 229 904 7,199
Of Which: Spanish government securities 14,341 - - -
Other issues 15,761 2,829 2,224 489
Loans - - 6,682 -
Other non-eligible liquid assets 4,735 425 278 396
ACCUMULATED AVAILABLE BALANCE 47,822 9,642 12,040 14,927
(1) Included Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria, S.A. y Banco Bilbao Vizcaya Argentaria (Portugal), S.A.

The Asset and Liabilities Committee (ALCO) is the body that makes the decisions to act according to the proposals of the Balance-Sheet Management unit, which designs and executes the strategies to be implemented, using internal risk metrics in accordance with the corporate model. Both the evaluation and execution of actions in each of the Liquidity Management Units are carried out by ALCO and the management unit corresponding to these Liquidity Management Units.

The Corporate Risk Management (CRM) area acts as an independent unit responsible for monitoring and analyzing risks, standardizing risk management metrics and providing tools that can anticipate potential deviations from targets. In addition, it monitors the level of compliance with the risk limits established by the Executive Committee, reporting regularly to the Risk Management Committee (RMC), the Board's Risk Committee and the Executive Committee, in particular in case of significant levels of risk assumed, in accordance with current corporate policy.

The liquidity and funding risk metrics designed by CRM maintain an adequate risk profile for the BBVA Group's Liquidity and Funding Risk Appetite Framework, in accordance with the retail model on which its business activity is based. The objectives included in the decision-making process for managing liquidity and funding risk are specified for this purpose. Among the metrics, the loan-to-stable-customer-deposit ratio is one of the core management tools. It ensures that there are adequate levels of self-funding for lending on the balance sheet at all times. Once the levels of self-funding of the balance sheet have been established, the second core element is the correct diversification of the structure of wholesale funding, to avoid the excessive dependence on short-term funding. In addition, the internal metrics promote the short-term resistance of the liquidity risk profile, guaranteeing that each Liquidity Management Unit has sufficient collateral to face the risk of an unexpected change in the behavior of markets or wholesale counterparties that prevents access to funding or forces access at unreasonable prices.

In addition, the stress analyses are a fundamental element in the scheme of tracking liquidity risk and funding, as they anticipate deviations from the liquidity targets and limits established by the Risk Appetite Framework. They also play a key role in the design of the Liquidity Contingency Plan and in defining the measures for action that would be adopted to realign the risk profile should this be necessary. The stress scenarios cover a whole range of events and levels of severity, with the aim of revealing the vulnerability of the funding structure in the event of a comprehensive test on the whole of the balance sheet.

These stress results carried out regularly by CRM reveal that BBVA has a sufficient buffer of liquid assets to face the estimated liquidity shocks in a scenario such as a combination of a systemic crisis and an internal crisis with a major downgrade in the entity's rating (up to three notches).

In 2013, one of the most significant aspects has been a steady improvement in the stability of the wholesale funding markets in Europe as a result of the positive trend in sovereign risk premiums, in an environment of improving growth expectations for the Eurozone and high market liquidity. In this context, BBVA has managed to strengthen its liquidity position and improve its funding structure based on the growth of self-funding from stable customer funds.

With respect to the new regulatory framework, the BBVA Group has continued to develop an orderly plan to adapt to the regulatory ratios so as to allow it to adopt best practices and the most effective and strict criteria for their implementation sufficiently in advance. In January 2013 some of the aspects of the document published by the Banking Supervisory Committee published in December 2010 on the Liquidity Coverage Ratio (LCR) were updated and made more flexible. They include incorporating the ratio as a regulatory requirement on January 1, 2015, with a 60% demand for compliance, to be increased to 100% by January 2019.

In addition, the Bank Supervisory Committee has initiated once more the review of the “Net Stable Funding Ratio” (NSFR), which aims to increase the weight of medium- and long-term funding on the banks' balance sheets. It will be under review until mid-2016 and become a regulatory requirement starting on January 1, 2018.

The BBVA Group has continued to develop a plan to adapt to the regulatory ratios so as to allow it to adopt best practices and the most effective and strict criteria for their implementation sufficiently in advance.

7.4 Residual maturity

Below is a breakdown by contractual maturity of the balances of certain headings in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets, excluding any valuation adjustments or impairment losses:

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Contractual Maturities
Millions of Euros
Demand Up to 1 Month 1 to 3 Months 3 to 12 Months 1 to 5 Years Over 5 years Total
Asset -

Cash and balances with central banks 30,851 2,200 706 734 396 - 34,887
Loans and advances to credit institutions 3,641 11,474 2,637 1,552 2,389 1,098 22,791
Loans and advances to customers 27,428 26,551 19,930 43,295 87,828 131,833 336,865
Debt securities 146 2,991 1,944 14,793 45,846 40,463 106,183
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 1,081 1,435 3,589 12,705 21,359 40,169
Total 62,066 44,297 26,652 63,963 149,164 194,753 540,895
Liabilities -

Deposits from central banks 82 13,722 1,350 1,015 14,525 - 30,694
Deposits from credit institutions 3,314 22,796 8,911 5,570 8,897 2,766 52,254
Deposits from customers 140,846 55,418 14,692 44,575 33,080 10,994 299,605
Debt certificates (including bonds) - 4,039 383 9,901 35,581 12,640 62,544
Subordinated liabilities - 38 1 993 1,389 7,847 10,268
Other financial liabilities 316 4,253 404 297 367 21 5,658
Short positions 7,528 - - - - - 7,528
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 904 1,448 3,749 12,778 21,032 39,912
Total 152,086 101,170 27,189 66,100 106,617 55,300 508,463
Contingent Liabilities - - - - - - -
Financial guarantees 751 1,455 212 1,561 3,059 432 7,471
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Contractual Maturities
Millions of Euros
Demand Up to 1 Month 1 to 3 Months 3 to 12 Months 1 to 5 Years Over 5 years Total
Asset -

Cash and balances with central banks 31,488 2,514 605 364 505 - 35,477
Loans and advances to credit institutions 3,351 14,459 1,479 1,732 3,367 984 25,372
Loans and advances to customers 23,005 33,029 22,157 41,892 92,784 142,352 355,218
Debt securities 198 3,243 4,464 11,156 46,217 40,024 105,301
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 1,318 1,361 3,765 15,655 31,444 53,544
Total 58,041 54,563 30,066 58,910 158,529 214,804 574,912
Liabilities -

Deposits from central banks 18 8,095 3,232 - 34,495 350 46,190
Deposits from credit institutions 3,839 29,488 2,136 7,137 8,937 3,909 55,446
Deposits from customers 136,039 45,859 14,758 50,202 26,578 8,251 281,687
Debt certificates (including bonds) - 6,065 4,115 17,991 38,966 14,787 81,924
Subordinated liabilities - 50 - 724 3,242 7,090 11,106
Other financial liabilities 4,263 1,813 383 253 844 34 7,590
Short positions 6,580 - - - - - 6,580
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 1,085 1,260 3,804 15,314 30,759 52,222
Total 150,739 92,455 25,884 80,111 128,377 65,179 542,744
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Contractual Maturities
Millions of Euros
Demand Up to 1 Month 1 to 3 Months 3 to 12 Months 1 to 5 Years Over 5 years Total
Asset -

Cash and balances with central banks 27,070 1,393 636 319 411 - 29,829
Loans and advances to credit institutions 2,599 7,083 1,307 3,492 7,137 2,783 24,401
Loans and advances to customers 17,539 37,705 22,276 44,594 90,649 137,476 350,239
Debt securities 806 2,199 2,643 7,684 37,919 32,744 83,995
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 1,795 1,873 4,694 16,200 27,310 51,872
Total 48,014 50,175 28,735 60,783 152,316 200,313 540,336
Liabilities -

Deposits from central banks 3 19,305 2,609 - 10,950 1 32,868
Deposits from credit institutions 2,101 26,009 4,173 5,315 15,228 3,500 56,326
Deposits from customers 112,877 67,324 16,521 39,964 27,957 6,624 271,267
Debt certificates (including bonds) - 2,012 1,861 11,246 45,440 16,971 77,530
Subordinated liabilities - - 109 37 4,856 9,427 14,429
Other financial liabilities 4,667 1,194 330 456 1,167 1,217 9,031
Short positions 4,611 - - - - - 4,611
Derivatives (trading and hedging) - 1,683 1,632 5,219 15,494 25,249 49,277
Total 124,259 117,527 27,235 62,237 121,092 62,989 515,339