
financial statements 2012

17. Investments in entities accounted for using the equity method

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The breakdown of the balances of “Investments in entities accounted for using the equity method” in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Investments in Entities Accounted for Using the Equity Method Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Associate entities 6,469 5,567 4,247
Jointly controlled entities 326 276 300
Total 6,795 5,843 4,547

17.1 Associates

The following table shows the carrying amount of the most significant of the Group’s investments in associates:

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Investments in Entities Accounted for Using the Equity Method Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Grupo CITIC 5,965 5,387 4,022
Metrovacesa (*) 317 - -
Tubos Reunidos, S.A. 54 51 51
BBVA Elcano Empresarial II, S.C.R.R.S., S.A. 24 23 37
BBVA Elcano Empresarial, S.C.R.R.S., S.A. 24 23 37
Rest of associate 85 83 100
Total 6,469 5,567 4,247
(*) As of December 31, 2011 and 2010 this stake was recorded in the line item "Available-for-sale financial assets- Equity instruments".

Appendix IV shows the details of the associates as of December 31, 2012.

The following is a summary of the gross changes in 2012, 2011 and 2010 under this heading in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets:

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Associates Entities. Changes in the Year Breakdown of Goodwill Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Balance at the beginning 5,567 4,247 2,614
Acquisitions and capital increases 10 425 1,210
Disposals (16) (20) (9)
Transfers and others 908 915 432
Balance at the end 6,468 5,567 4,247
Of which:

Goodwill 1,683 1,700 1,574
CITIC Group 1,683 1,696 1,570
Rest - 4 4

The changes in 2012 correspond mainly to CNCB earnings. The reclassification of the investment in Metrovacesa, S.A. from the heading "Available-for-sale financial assets" is also included in 2012.

The changes in 2011 in the line item “Acquisitions and capital increases” in the above table correspond to the capital increase made by the Group in CNCB to maintain its percentage stake, at a cost of €425 million. The changes in the entry “Transfers and other” correspond mainly to the CNCB earnings (see Note 41), together with the positive movements in exchange rates.

Agreement with the CITIC Group

The BBVA Group’s investment in the CITIC Group includes the investment in Citic International Financial Holdings Limited (CIFH) and China Citic Bank Corporation Limited (CNCB). As of December 31, 2012, BBVA had a 29.68% stake in CIFH and 15% in CNCB.

The BBVA Group has several agreements with the CITIC Group that are considered of strategic importance for both: for BBVA, because financial activity could be developed in continental China through this alliance and, for CNCB, because it allows CITIC to develop its international business. The BBVA Group has the status of “sole strategic investor” in CNCB.

17.2 Investments in jointly-controlled entities

The breakdown of the balance under this heading in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Jointly Controlled Entities Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Corporación IBV Participaciones Empresariales S.A. 135 78 71
Occidental Hoteles Management, S.L. 67 68 88
Fideicomiso F/403853-5 BBVA Bancomer SºS ZIBAT 22 20 22
I+D Mexico, S.A. 15 16 22
Fideicomiso F/70413 Mirasierra 14 12 14
Fideicomiso F/402770-2 Alamar 11 10 11
Fideicomiso F/403112-6 Dos lagos 10 10 11
Altitude Software SGPS, S.A. 9 10 10
Las Pedrazas Golf, S.L. 2 7 10
Rest 41 45 41
Total 326 276 300
Of which

Goodwill 9 9 9

If the jointly-controlled entities accounted for using the equity method had been accounted for by the proportionate consolidation method, the effect on the Group’s main consolidated figures as of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 would have been as follows:

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Jointly Controlled Entities. Effect on the Group's main figures Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Assets 1,180 1,025 1,062
Liabilities 891 703 313
Net operating income (35) 28 15

Details of the jointly-controlled entities accounted for using the equity method as of December 31, 2012 are shown in Appendix IV.

17.3 Associates and jointly-controlled entities accounted for by the equity method

The following table provides relevant information of the balance sheets and income statements of associates and jointly-controlled entities accounted for using the equity method as of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, respectively.

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Associates and Jointly Controlled Entities
Financial Main figures (*)
Millions of Euros
2012 (*) 2011 (*) 2010 (*)

Associates Jointly Controlled Entities Associates Jointly Controlled Entities Associates Jointly Controlled Entities
Current Assets 37.424 116 28.789 249 19.979 279
Non-current Assets 22.817 957 18.598 694 17.911 780
Current Liabilities 49.036 313 39.326 152 32.314 179
Non-current Liabilities 11.205 760 8.061 790 5.576 879
Net sales 1.453 105 1.121 158 855 168
Operating Income 748 (32) 575 28 450 15
Net Income 526 (44) 424 (5) 339 1
(*) Dates of the company’s financial statements updated at the most recent available information.
Information applying the corresponding ownership and without the corresponding standardization and consolidation adjustments.

17.4 Notifications about acquisition of holdings

Appendix V provides notifications on acquisitions and disposals of holdings in associates or jointly-controlled entities, in compliance with Article 155 of the Corporations Act and Article 53 of the Securities Market Act 24/1988.

17.5 Impairment

As described in Note 2.2.8, the cash-generating units to which goodwill has been allocated are periodically tested for impairment by including the allocated goodwill in their carrying amount. This analysis is performed at least annually and always if there is any indication of impairment. The valuation of the goodwill of the CITIC Group has been reviewed by independent experts (other than the Group’s accounts auditor) by applying different valuation methods on the basis of each asset and liability.

As of December 31, 2012, there is no impairment on the goodwill of jointly-controlled entities and associates recognized by the Group as of that date, except for the insignificant impairment estimated on the goodwill of the companies BBVA Elcano I and BBVA Elcano II, each for €2 million. No impairment losses on the goodwill of jointly-controlled entities and associates were recognized in 2011 and 2010.
