
financial statements 2012

31. Valuation adjustments

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The breakdown of the balance under this heading in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Valuation Adjustments Notes Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Available-for-sale financial assets 12.4 (145) (682) 333
Cash flow hedging
36 30 49
Hedging of net investments in foreign transactions
(322) (158) (158)
Exchange differences
(1,356) (1,937) (978)
Non-current assets held for sale
(104) - -
Entities accounted for using the equity method
158 188 (16)
Other valuation adjustments (*)
(451) (228) -
(2,184) (2,787) (770)
(*) Actuarial gains and losses (see note 2.2.12).

The balances recognized under these headings are presented net of tax.
