
financial statements 2012

55. Related-party transactions

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As financial institutions, BBVA and other companies in the Group engage in transactions with related parties in the normal course of their business. All of these transactions are of little relevance and are carried out under normal market conditions.

55.1 Transactions with significant shareholders

As of December 31, 2012 there were no shareholders considered significant (see Note 27).

55.2 Transactions with BBVA Group entities

The balances of the main aggregates in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets arising from the transactions carried out by the BBVA Group with associates and jointly controlled companies accounted for using the equity method (see Note 2.1) are as follows:

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Balances arising from transactions with Entities of the Group Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010

Loans and advances to credit institutions 189 520 87
Loans and advances to customers 820 372 457

Deposits from credit institutions - 5 -
Customer deposits 180 94 89
Debt certificates - - 8
Memorandum accounts:

Contingent risks 97 68 55
Contingent commitments 114 236 327

The balances of the main aggregates in the accompanying consolidated income statements resulting from transactions with associated and jointly controlled entities that are consolidated by the equity method, are as follows:

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Balances of Income Statement arising from transactions with Entities of the Group Millions of Euros
2012 2011 2010
Income statement:

Financial incomes 26 14 14
Financial costs 1 2 2

There were no other material effects in the consolidated financial statements arising from dealings with these companies, other than the effects from using the equity method (see Note 2.1) and from the insurance policies to cover pension or similar commitments, as described in Note 26. As of December 31, 2012, the notional amount of the futures transactions arranged by the BBVA Group with those companies amounted to €2,342 million (of which €2,254 million corresponded to futures transactions with the CITIC Group.

In addition, as part of its normal activity, the BBVA Group has entered into agreements and commitments of various types with shareholders of subsidiaries and associates, which have no material effects on the accompanying consolidated financial statements.

55.3 Transactions with members of the Board of Directors and the Management Committee

The information on the remuneration of the members of the BBVA Board of Directors and the Management Committee is included in Note 56.

As of December 31, 2012 and 2011 there were no loans granted by the Group’s credit institutions to the members of the Bank’s Board of Directors (€531 thousand as of December 31, 2010). As of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the amount disposed of the loans granted by the Group’s entities to the members of the Management Committee (excluding the executive directors) amounted to €7,401, €6,540 and €4,924 thousand, respectively.

As of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the amount disposed of the loans granted to parties related to the members of the Bank’s Board of Directors amounted to €13,152, €20,593 and €28,493 thousand, respectively. As of these dates, there were no loans granted to parties linked to members of the Bank’s Management Committee.

As of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010 no guarantees had been granted to any member of the Board of Directors.

As of December 31, 2012 and 2010, no guarantees had been granted to any member of the Management Committee, and the amount of guarantees granted as of December 31, 2011 totaled €9 thousand.

As of December 31, 2012, 2011 and 2010, the amount disposed for guarantee and commercial loan transactions arranged with parties related to the members of the Bank’s Board of Directors and Management Committee totaled €3,327, €10,825 and €4,424, thousand, respectively.

55.4 Transactions with other related parties

In 2012, 2011 and 2010, the Group did not perform any transactions with other related parties that did not belong to the normal course of their business, that were not under market conditions or that were relevant for the consolidated equity, financial situation or earnings of the BBVA Group.
