[Note 1: The data in the tables below incorporate the best estimates with respect to:
- The remuneration in kind in 2014 (calculated based on the remuneration in kind in 2013)
- The amount of the bonus generated in 2014 in Argentina, Chile, Uruguay and Paraguay
- The pension benefits in some geographical areas such as the U.S., where average data have been used
Note 2: To calculate the economic value of the shares delivered in 2014, the listing price of €8.99/share has been taken, which is the valuation price of the 2014 IED.
Note 3: To calculate the economic value of the outstanding shares, the valuation price of the IED in the year of generation of the variable remuneration has been taken]
Below is a breakdown by area of activity of the total remuneration of the Identified Staff received in 2014, whose variable component will be paid according to the settlement and payment scheme established in section 10.3.2 c. Payment will be complete in 2017, subject to the aforementioned "malus clauses":
TABLE 68: Remuneration of the Identified Staff in 2014 (I)
(Thousand euros)
Remuneration of identified Staff 2014(1) | Total remuneration |
Commercial Banking (2) | 114,532 |
Investment Banking (3) | 48,891 |
Asset Management (4) | 9,301 |
Other (5) | 92,361 |
Total for the Identified Staff | 265,085 |
The following table gives aggregate information on the remuneration of the Identified Staff in 2014, broken down by type of employee and senior executive:
TABLE 69: Remuneration of the Identified Staff in 2014 (II)
(Thousand euros)
Renumeration of the Identified Staff in 2014 (1) |
Executive directors |
Non-executive directors |
Other senior executives | Rest of Identified Staff | Total Identified Staff |
Total fixed fenumeration paid in 2014 (2) | 4,568 | 3,668 | 9,848 | 134,147 | 152,231 |
Total variable renumeration paid in 2014 (3) | 5,663 | 0 | 10,245 | 93,986 | 109,894 |
In cash | 2,453 | 0 | 4,576 | 68,420 | 75,450 |
In shares or related instruments | 3,210 | 0 | 5,669 | 25,565 | 34,444 |
In other instruments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Outstanding deferred variable renumeration (4) | 5,872 | 0 | 10,707 | 32,915 | 49,495 |
Consolidated | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Not consolidated | 5,872 | 0 | 10,707 | 32,915 | 49,495 |
In cash | 2,727 | 0 | 5,069 | 16,046 | 23,843 |
In shares or related instruments | 3,145 | 0 | 5,638 | 16,869 | 25,652 |
In other instruments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Deferred remuneration granted and/or paid in 2014 (5) | 2,983 | 0 | 4,762 | 14,608 | 22,532 |
Amount of explicit ex post performance adjustment applied in the year on remuneration paid in previous years | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of beneficiaries | 3 | 12 | 13 | 378 | 406 |
Number of employees receiving severance pay | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Total severance pay paid in the year | 0 | 0 | 0 | 16,920 | 16,920 |
Securitized positions | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Of the total compensation paid, the highest paid to a single member amounts to €6,227,255, with a seniority in the company of 21.5 years at the time of departure.
The annual variable remuneration of the members of the Identified Staff for 2014 was determined at the close of that year.
In accordance with the settlement and payment system established for the Identified Staff for the annual variable remuneration in 2014, a percentage of the annual variable remuneration for 2014 will be paid in 2015 (50% in the case of executive directors and members of the Management Committee and 60% in the other cases). The rest will be deferred, to be paid in thirds in 2016, 2017 and 2018. This results in the following amounts:
TABLE 70: Remuneration of the Identified Staff in 2014 (III)
(Miles de euros)
Remuneration for the Identified Staff corresponding to 2014 (1) | Executive directors |
Non-executive directors |
Other senior executives | Rest of Identified Staff | Total for Identified Staff |
Amount of variable remuneration corresponding to 2014 received in 2013 | 2,962 | 0 | 6,220 | 51,089 | 60,271 |
In cash | 1,481 | 0 | 3,110 | 25,518 | 30,109 |
In shares or related instruments | 1,481 | 0 | 3,110 | 25,571 | 30,162 |
In other instruments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Amount of variable remuneration corresponding to 2014 that has been deferred (2) | 2,962 | 0 | 6,220 | 34,073 | 43,255 |
In cash | 1,481 | 0 | 3,110 | 17,019 | 21,610 |
In shares or related instruments | 1,481 | 0 | 3,110 | 17,054 | 21,645 |
In other instruments | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 | 0 |
Number of beneficiaries | 3 | 12 | 13 | 378 | 406 |
The number of employees receiving remuneration of 1 million euros or more is as follows:
TABLE 71: Number of people with total remuneration in excess of €1 million in 2014
Total remuneration in 2014 (1) | Number of people |
Between 5 million euros and 6 million euros | 1 |
Between 4.5 million euros and 5 million euros | 0 |
Between 4 million euros and 4.5 million euros | 0 |
Between 3.5 million euros and 4 million euros | 1 |
Between 3 million euros and 3.5 million euros | 2 |
Between 2.5 million euros and 3 million euros | 3 |
Between 2 million euros and 2.5 million euros | 2 |
Between 1.5 million euros and 2 million euros | 5 |
Between 1 million euros and 2 million euros | 28 |