
Information of Prudential Relevance 2014

9.3. Assets committed in finance transactions

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As of December 31, 2014, the assets committed (provided as collateral or security with respect to certain liabilities) and those unencumbered are as follows:

TABLE 63: Assets committed or unencumbered

(Millions of euros)

Committed assets Uncommitted assets
Book value Book value
Assets 130,585 501,357
Equity instruments 3,602 10,706
Debt securities 54,454 74,433
Other assets 72,530 416,217

The assets committed correspond mainly to loans linked to the issue of mortgage-covered bonds, public-covered bonds and long-term securitized bonds (see Note 21.3 to the Group's Annual Consolidated Financial Statements); debt securities delivered under repurchase agreements; and pledged collateral and loans or debt instruments to have access to certain funding transactions with central banks. Collateral provided to collateral derivative operations is also included as committed assets.

As of December 31, 2014, the collateral received mainly for repurchase agreements or security lending and the collateral that could largely be committed with the aim of obtaining funding, is as follows:

TABLE 64: Collateral committed or potentially committed

(Millions of euros)

Collateral assigned
Fair value of committed collateral assigned or treasury stock issued Fair value of collateral assigned or treasury stock issued available for commitment
Collateral received 18,496 4,899
Equity instruments 1 78
Debt securities 18,496 3,873
Other collateral assigned - -
Treasury stock issued, except for public-covered bonds or securitized bonds - 534

As of December 31, 2014, the associated financial liabilities issued are as follows:

TABLE 65: Committed assets/collateral assigned and associated liabilities

(Millions of euros)

Committed assets/collateral assigned and associated liabilities
Liabilities hedged, contingent liabilities or title ceded Assets, collateral assigned and treasury stock issued, except for mortgage-covered bonds and committed securitized bonds
Book value of those financial liabilities 136,372 149,082
