
financial statements 2014

37. Income from equity instruments

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The balances for this heading in the accompanying consolidated income statements correspond to dividends on shares and equity instruments other than those from shares in entities accounted for using the equity method (see Note 38), as can be seen in the breakdown below:

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Millions of Euros
Dividend Income 2014 2013 2012
Dividends from:

Financial assets held for trading 137 72 106
Available-for-sale financial assets 394 163 285
Total 531 235 390

The increase between 2013 and 2014 is mainly due to two factors:

  • The resumption of Telefonica S.A. dividends in 2014,
  • The reclassification of CNCB in October 2013 to “Financial assets held for sale”, which means that dividend payments are accounted for as equity instruments.