
financial statements 2015

Responsible banking

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One of the most relevant news in 2015 was the achievement of the goal set for Yo Soy Empleo (I am Employment), which created 10,000 jobs in two years. Those who benefited most were: SMEs; self-employed workers, with 1,250 aid packages; and younger workers, with 40% of the aid. All hirings are for more than one year and 55% are permanent contracts. Additionally, 150 aid packages were granted for hiring people with disabilities. Training is a fundamental element, with 2,750 courses given to 3,000 entrepreneurs, and hiring has been boosted through the intermediation with 1,000 recruitment processes in 500 companies.

Financial Literacy

The Financial Literacy Day was held for the first time on October 5 with the support of BBVA. It aims to raise awareness in society of the need to have proper financial planning, to save and to be well informed to be able to make the right economic decisions at any stage of life.

BBVA has announced the local and regional winners in South America of the Camino al Éxito Awards (Path to Success) 2015, which can access non-interest funding of up to 250,000 dollars.

Products with a high social impact

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals Fund (SDG-F) has recognized the BBVA Microfinance Foundation as one of the 13 private institutions worldwide that are members of its Private Sector Advisory Panel. United Nations has highlighted this institution for its activity in favor of poverty eradication, dignified work and gender equality.

Momentum Project has held the Social Investment Day, the major social entrepreneurship event where the thirteen participating companies presented their growth plans to experts and potential investors.

The holding of the Impact Challenge Blue BBVA has been a resounding success. This innovation event is designed for young participants to find solutions to two challenges, one technological and one social.


Education for society

Social entrepreneurship and education in values will take center stage in the 2016 edition of Ruta BBVA, which will travel around Spain and Mexico.

BBVA and the Latin American Foundation for Education, Science and Culture have signed a partnership agreement to continue working together in favor of children with various initiatives.

The team

BBVA has been the most highly rated company, in the financial sector, in the annual ranking of the best companies to work for prepared by Great Place To Work®. It is also in eighth place on the global list of the 25 best companies to work for in the world.

Territorios Solidarios (Solidarity Territories) is also back. This 4th edition will support 178 projects in Spain with 1.65 million euros donated and 600,000 beneficiaries.

Once more, BBVA has held the BBVA Charity Run, which allocated the money raised to the Cáritas Multiplica charity store. This project helps low-income people (currently 713) so they can have access to the food and hygiene products they need at affordable prices.

The environment

BBVA has demonstrated its commitment to the fight against climate change with its support for several declarations on the eve of the Paris Climate Summit (COP21). These include those made by the Spanish Green Growth Group on the major role of companies in achieving a more sustainable development; the European Financial Services Round Table (EFR), which stresses the commitment of its associate international financial companies to reducing their carbon emissions and advising their customers in the transition to a more sustainable future; and the Alliance of Energy Efficiency Financing Institutions, which states the unique position of the financial sector for channeling the funding of activities that promote energy efficiency.

The 10th edition of the BBVA Foundation Awards for Biodiversity Conservation has been held, which are endowed with 580,000 euros and pay tribute to people and institutions that are making progress in research in favor of nature.

Science and Culture

The Spanish Royal Mathematical Society (RSME) and the BBVA Foundation have joined forces to support research in mathematics as an essential factor of progress in all aspects of life. Both institutions have created the Vicent Caselles awards to honor the work of young mathematicians.

The BBVA Foundation and CERN (Organisation Européenne pour la Recherche Nucléaire) have also held a new series of conferences on the challenges and advances in particle physics.

Lastly, the BBVA Foundation, the Spanish Association of Symphony Orchestras (AEOS) and Plena Inclusión have implemented Mosaico de Sonidos (Mosaic of Sound), a program that turns people with intellectual or development disabilities into composers and performers using music to promote creativity, personal development and integration.
