
financial statements 2015

20. Other assets and liabilities

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The breakdown of the balance under these headings in the accompanying consolidated balance sheets is as follows:

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Other assets and liabilities. Breakdown by nature Millions of euros
2015 2014 2013

Inventories 4,303 4,443 4,636
Real estate companies 4,172 4,389 4,556
Others 131 54 79
Transactions in progress 148 230 223
Accruals 804 706 643
Unaccrued prepaid expenses 558 491 452
Other prepayments and accrued income 246 215 190
Other items 3,311 2,715 2,183
Total Assets 8,566 8,094 7,684

Transactions in progress 52 77 58
Accruals 2,609 2,370 2,199
Unaccrued prepaid expenses 2,009 1,772 1,592
Other prepayments and accrued income 600 598 608
Other items 1,949 2,072 2,204
Total Liabilities 4,610 4,519 4,460

The heading "Inventories" includes the net book value of land and building purchases that the Group’s Real estate entities have available for sale or as part of their business. Balances under this heading include mainly real estate assets acquired by these entities from distressed customers (mostly in Spain), net of their corresponding losses. The losses included under the heading “Financial losses on other assets (net)” of the accompanying consolidated financial statements were €209 million, €192 and €270 million for the years ended December 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013 respectively (see Note 47).The roll-forward of our inventories from distressed customers is provided below:

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Inventories from Distressed Customers Millions of euros
2015 2014 2013
Gross value

Balance at the beginning 9,119 9,343 8,706
Business combinations and disposals (*) 580 - -
Acquisitions 797 479 896
Disposals (1,188) (973) (889)
Others 137 268 630
Balance at the end 9,445 9,117 9,343
Accumulated impairment losses (5,291) (4,898) (4,939)
Carrying amount 4,154 4,219 4,404
(*) Catalunya Banc acquisition