
financial statements 2015

6. Operating segment reporting

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The information about operating segments is provided in accordance with IFRS 8. Operating segment reporting represents a basic tool in the oversight and management of the BBVA Group’s various activities. The BBVA Group compiles reporting information on as disaggregated level as possible, and all data relating to the businesses these units manage is recognized in full. These minimum level units are then aggregated in accordance with the organizational structure determined by the BBVA Group management into higher level units and, ultimately, the reportable segments themselves.

During 2015, there have been changes in the reporting structure of the operating segments of the BBVA Group with regard to the current structure during 2014. The increase of participation in Garanti up to 39.9%, (see Note 3), the balance sheet and income statement of Garanti is now presented separately from the Eurasia operating segment. Additionally, some operating expenses related to technology are reclassified from the Corporate Center to the area of banking activities in Spain are reclassified. This reclassification is a result of the transfer of management skills, resources and responsibilities, in terms of technology from the Corporate Center to the area of banking activities in Spain. Thus the business areas are now as follows:

  • Banking activity in Spain includes, as in previous years, the Retail Network, Corporate and Business Banking (CBB), Corporate & Investment Banking (CIB), BBVA Seguros and Asset Management. It also includes the portfolios, finance and structural interest-rate positions of the euro balance sheet. Since April 24 it also includes the activity, balance sheet and earnings of the banking business of Catalunya Banc.
  • Real estate activity in Spain

It mainly combines loans to real-estate developers and foreclosed real estate assets.

  • Turkey

Includes the 39.9% stake in Garanti as of December 31, 2015.

  • Mexico

Comprising of the banking and insurance businesses. The banking business includes retail business through its Commercial Banking, Consumer Finance and Corporate and Institutional Banking units; and wholesale banking through CIB.

  • The United States

Encompasses the Group’s businesses in the United States.

  • South America

Includes the banking and insurance businesses that BBVA carries out in the region.

  • Rest of Eurasia

Includes the business carried out in the rest of Europe and Asia, i.e. the retail and wholesale businesses of the BBVA Group in the area.

Finally, Corporate Center is an aggregate that contains the remainder of the items that have not been allocated to the other operating segments, as it basically corresponds to the Group’s holding function. It groups together the costs of the headquarters that have a corporate function; management of structural exchange-rate positions; specific issues of capital instruments to ensure adequate management of the Group’s global solvency; portfolios and their corresponding results, whose management is not linked to customer relations, such as industrial holdings; certain tax assets and liabilities; funds due to commitments with pensioners; goodwill and other intangibles; and the results of certain corporate transactions.

The breakdown of the BBVA Group’s total assets by operating segments as of December 31, 2015, 2014 and 2013 is as follows:

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Millions of euros
Total Assets by Operating Segments 2015 2014 (*) 2013 (*)
Banking Activity in Spain 339,643 318,446 314,956
Real Estate Activity in Spain 17,310 17,365 19,975
Turkey (**) 89,003 22,342 19,453
Rest of Eurasia 23,626 22,325 21,771
Mexico 99,472 93,731 81,801
South America 70,661 84,364 77,874
United States 86,454 69,261 53,046
Subtotal Assets by Operating Segments 726,170 627,834 588,876
Corporate Center and other adjustments (***) 23,908 4,108 (6,179)
Total Assets BBVA Group 750,078 631,942 582,697
(*) The figures corresponding to December 2014 and 2013 have been restated in order to allow homogeneous comparisons due to changes in the scope of operating segments. (**) The information is presented under management criteria, pursuant to which Garanti’s assets and liabilities in 2014 and 2013 have been proportionally integrated based on our 25.01% interest in Garanti. After the agreement mentioned in Note 3 came into effect and the Garanti Group began consolidating. (***) Other adjustments include adjustments made to account for the fact that, in our Consolidated Financial Statements, Garanti was accounted for using the equity method until the acquisition of an additional 14.89% rather than using the management criteria referred above.

The attributable profit and main earning figures in the consolidated income statements for the year ended December 31, 2015 by operating segments are as follows:

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Main Margins and Profits by Operating Segments Millions of euros
BBVA Group Operating Segments Corporate Center Adjusments (*)
Spain Real Estate Activity in Spain Turkey Rest of Eurasia Mexico South America United States

Net interest income 16,022 4,000 66 2,194 183 5,393 3,202 1,811 (424) (404)
Gross income 23,362 6,804 (16) 2,434 473 7,069 4,477 2,652 (212) (318)
Net operating income (**) 11,254 3,302 (150) 1,273 121 4,456 2,498 846 (982) (109)
Operating profit /(loss) before tax 4,603 1,492 (713) 853 111 2,769 1,814 705 (1,152) (1,276)
Profit 2,642 1,046 (492) 371 76 2,090 905 537 (1,891) -

Net interest income 14,382 3,830 (38) 735 189 4,910 4,699 1,443 (651) (734)
Gross income 20,725 6,621 (220) 944 736 6,522 5,191 2,137 (575) (632)
Net operating income (**) 10,166 3,534 (373) 550 393 4,115 2,875 640 (1,328) (240)
Operating profit /(loss) before tax 3,980 1,220 (1,287) 392 320 2,519 1,951 561 (1,615) (83)
Profit 2,618 858 (901) 310 255 1,915 1,001 428 (1,249) -
2013 (*)

Net interest income 13,900 3,838 4 713 195 4,478 4,660 1,402 (678) (713)
Gross income 20,752 6,103 (111) 929 788 6,194 5,583 2,047 (343) (439)
Net operating income (**) 9,956 2,860 (253) 522 459 3,865 3,208 618 (1,290) (34)
Operating profit /(loss) before tax 954 1 (1,868) 339 248 2,358 2,354 534 (1,421) (1,590)
Profit 2,084 428 (1,268) 264 185 1,802 1,224 390 (941) -
(*) The figures corresponding to 2014 and 2013 have been restated in order to allow homogeneous comparisons due to changes in the scope of operating segments (see Note 1.3). (**) Gross Income less Administrative Cost and Amortization (***) Includes adjustments due to the fact. In our Consolidated Financial Statements, Garanti Group was accounted for using the equity method instead of using management criteria as referenced earlier.

The accompanying Management Report shows more detail about the consolidated Income Statement as well as the main Balance sheet heading by operating segment.
