

Our highly developed human resources policies, processes and tools allow us to identify the available internal talent considered critical to the Group and manage it selectively. In addition, most of the internal recruitment processes have been published through the “apúntate” platform, BBVA’s job posting tool, in order to guarantee that the best professionals occupy the most important functions and to boost transparency and objectivity in team development and promotion.

Talent management is a crucial element in BBVA.

BBVA also aims to eliminate all barriers to the professional development of women in the Group. To this end, in 2010 continued to make progress in the gender diversity project to ensure that the best professionals fill the most important positions in each of the different areas, units and geographical areas. Given the importance of this project, a strategic committee has been set up with the task of proposing and supporting the implementation of initiatives, as well as monitoring the Group’s position on this issue.

Technology is not only an important part of the selection, training and development processes; it also enables people to work within new mobility and flexibility schemes. Throughout 2010 different types of distance working have been tried as a means of making progress in the search for new models that provide a better reconciliation of the needs of the Organization and individuals. Technology also enables a global and uniform introduction of other processes within the Group, such as “performance evaluation” and “skills management.” But the use of technology to provide a better service to the employee is also evident in the deployment of employee care services (SAE), which combine various channels (call center, email, portals, etc.) to provide a swift response to any query from the staff related to human resources policies and processes. Currently, more than 95% of the BBVA team can take advantage of this personal services channel.

In addition, a Satisfaction Survey is carried out online every two years to discover the opinion of the people in BBVA. The survey was last carried out in September and October 2010, with 76% of the workforce taking part (compared with 71% in the previous survey). There has been positive progress in the level of satisfaction among our teams, with an increase of over 4 points in the employees who are “very satisfied.” The model used has been designed with the aim of making BBVA “the best place to work,” and thus puts particular emphasis identifying potential areas for improvement.

BBVA Group. Satisfaction survey 2010 results
