
Consolidated time series


Income statements

(Million euros)

  IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 6/2008) IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/2004) Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/1991
  2010 2009 2008 2007 2006 2008 2007 2006 2005 2004 2004 2003 2002 2001 2000 1999 1998
Net interest income 13,320 13,882 11,686 9,628 8,138 11,891 9,769 8,374 7,208 6,160 7,069 6,741 7,808 8,824 6,995 5,760 5,516
Gross income/ordinary revenues 20,910 20,666 18,978 17,271 15,143 19,853 18,133 15,701 13,024 11,120 11,053 10,656 12,241 13,352 11,143 9,108 8,374
Operating income/operating profit 11,942 12,308 10,523 9,441 8,340 11,279 10,544 8,883 6,823 5,591 5,440 4,895 5,577 5,599 4,376 3,457 3,120
Income before tax 6,422 5,736 6,926 8,495 7,030 6,926 8,495 7,030 5,592 4,137 4,149 3,812 3,119 3,634 3,876 2,902 2,374
Net income 4,995 4,595 5,385 6,415 4,971 5,385 6,415 4,971 4,071 3,108 3,192 2,897 2,466 3,009 2,914 2,168 1,785
Net attributable profit 4,606 4,210 5,020 6,126 4,736 5,020 6,126 4,736 3,806 2,923 2,802 2,227 1,719 2,363 2,232 1,746 1,424

Balance sheet and business activity

(Million euros)

  IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 6/2008) IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/2004) Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/1991
  31-12-10 31-12-09 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-05 31-12-04 31-12-04 31-12-03 31-12-02 31-12-01 31-12-00 31-12-99 31-12-98
Loans to customers 338,857 323,441 335,260 313,178 258,317 333,029 310,882 256,565 216,850 172,083 170,248 148,827 141,315 150,220 137,467 113,607 99,907
Total assets 552,738 535,065 542,650 501,726 411,663 543,513 502,204 411,916 392,389 329,441 311,072 287,150 279,542 309,246 296,145 238,166 202,911

Customer funds on balance sheet 378,388 371,999 376,380 337,518 286,828 374,308 334,844 283,645 259,200 207,701 199,485 182,832 180,570 199,486 185,718 139,934 119,941
. Deposits from customers 275,789 254,183 255,236 219,609 186,749 267,140 236,183 192,374 182,635 149,892 147,051 141,049 146,560 166,499 154,146 105,077 99,351
. Debt certificates 85,180 99,939 104,157 102,247 86,482 90,180 82,999 77,674 62,842 45,482 44,326 34,383 27,523 25,376 26,460 31,552 17,562
. Subordinated liabilities 17,420 17,878 16,987 15,662 13,597 16,987 15,662 13,597 13,723 12,327 8,108 7,400 6,487 7,611 5,112 3,305 3,028
Other customer funds 147,572 137,105 119,028 150,777 142,064 119,017 150,777 142,064 142,707 121,553 121,553 113,074 108,815 124,496 118,831 102,677 74,221
Total customer funds 525,960 509,104 495,408 488,295 428,892 493,324 485,621 425,709 401,907 329,254 321,038 295,906 289,385 323,982 304,549 242,611 194,162

Additional information

  IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 6/2008) IFRS (Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/2004) Bank of Spain’s Circular 4/1991
  31-12-10 31-12-09 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-08 31-12-07 31-12-06 31-12-05 31-12-04 31-12-04 31-12-03 31-12-02 31-12-01 31-12-00 31-12-99 31-12-98
Dividends (million euros)(1) 1,752 1,574 2,361 2,717 2,220 2,301 2,717 2,220 1,801 1,499 1,499 1,247 1,109 1,222 1,123 854 699
Number of shareholders (thousands) 953 884 904 890 864 904 890 864 985 1,081 1,081 1,159 1,179 1,204 1,300 1,268 1,338
Number of shares (millions) (2) 4,491 3,748 3,748 3,748 3,552 3,748 3,748 3,552 3,391 3,391 3,391 3,196 3,196 3,196 3,196 2,931 2,861
Number of employees 106,976 103,721 108,972 111,913 98,553 108,972 111,913 98,553 94,681 87,112 84,117 86,197 93,093 98,588 108,082 88,556 86,349
. Spain 28,416 27,936 29,070 31,106 30,582 29,070 31,106 30,582 31,154 31,056 30,765 31,095 31,737 31,686 33,733 37,052 37,847
. Abroad 78,560 75,785 79,902 80,807 67,971 79,902 80,807 67,971 63,527 56,056 53,352 55,102 61,356 66,902 74,349 51,504 48,502
Number of branches 7,361 7,466 7,787 8,028 7,499 7,787 8,028 7,499 7,328 6,751 6,848 6,924 7,504 7,988 8,946 7,491 7,226
. Spain 3,024 3,055 3,375 3,595 3,635 3,375 3,595 3,635 3,578 3,385 3,375 3,371 3,414 3,620 3,864 4,336 4,495
. Abroad 4,337 4,411 4,412 4,433 3,864 4,412 4,433 3,864 3,750 3,366 3,473 3,553 4,090 4,368 5,082 3,155 2,731

(1) 2008 includes stock dividend in the form of shares (valued at the closing price on 17-04-2009).

(2) The data for the period from 1998 to 1999 were re-calculated based on the share exchange ratio (5 BBV shares for 3 Argentaria shares).
