
BBVA in 2012

Management priorities

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In the above situation, Corporate & Investment Banking has continued to show highly resilient earnings, leveraging its relationship with key customers and its geographical diversification. In other words, thanks to its customer-centric and diversified business model, greater efficiency, cost control and prudent risk management, this area has managed to maintain the net attributable profit generated in 2011. To do so, the management priorities in 2012 have focused on:

  • Boosting geographical and product diversification in the markets where BBVA has competitive advantages.
  • Offering added-value services to customers.
  • Growing in profitable products within the new regulatory context, where optimizing capital consumption is a key aspect.
  • Developing technological platforms and products focused on meeting the transactional needs of customers. In this regard, progress has been made in the development of the transactional platform, with the launch of “BBVA Global Net Cash”.
  • Developing liabilities products that adapt better to the economic context and customer needs, making a distinction between BBVA risk and Spain risk.

Regulatory pressure will continue to increase in the future and the economic recovery will take place unevenly and at a different pace in the various geographical areas. Facing this situation, BBVA CIB will continue to boost the customer-centric approach, geographical and product and service diversification, efficiency in cost and capital consumption, and prudent risk management. To do so, actions will be carried out on the following points:

  • Boosting the cross-border business and collaboration with the Group’s local networks in all geographical areas.
  • Operating in core markets as a key differentiation element.
  • Making the most of BBVA’s competitive advantages in emerging markets.
  • Using the Bank’s networks as a key lever to make the business structure more profitable.
  • Investing in growth in transactional products and strengthening the value chain integration model: origination, structuring, distribution and trading.
  • Moving towards a less capital-intensive model.
  • Simplifying business management to become more efficient and flexible in relations with customers.
  • Continuing to invest in technological platforms.