
BBVA in 2012

BBVA Group

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2012 Highlights

BBVA generates high recurring revenues to absorb the year’s provisioning effort

1. Highly positive trend of net interest income during the year...
27 Net interest income

(Million euros)

2. …reflected in gross income…
28 Recurring gross income (1)

(Million euros)

(1) Recurring = net of NTI and dividends
3. …thanks to adequate diversification across emerging and developed markets
29 Gross income breakwodn (1)


4. This, combined with suitable cost management tailored for the needs of each region…
30 Gross income and operating costs

(Year-on-year rate in percentage)

5. …means to remain one of the top banks in efficiency with high recurring operating income…
31 Efficiency and recurring operating income
(1) Peer group: BARCL, BNPP, CASA, CMZ, CS, DB, HSBC, ISP, LBG, RBS, SAN, SG, UBS, UCI, Figures at September 2012, including BBVA.
6. …that can support the year’s provisioning effort without any difficulty
32 Loan-loss and real-estate provisioning

(Million euros)

Operating income/loan-loss and real-estate provisioning


7. In summary, a solid income statement
Income statement

(Million euros)

Accumulated Year-on-year change 2012-2011

2012 Absolute Percentage
Net interest income 15,122 +1,970 15.0
Gross income 22,441 +2,414 12.1
Operating income 11,655 +1,365 13.3
Provisions related to real estate in Spain –4,437 –3,737 n.m.
Rest of provisions –5,559 +585 –9.5
Income before tax 1,659 –1,787 –51.9
Net attributable profit 1,676 –1,328 –44.2

Risk under control

33 NPA and coverage ratios



(Billion euros)

Core capital ratios improved and dividend maintained

1. Solid position and the ability to generate more
34 Core capital ratio (BIS II)


Continuous improvement in funding structure

1. Excellent balance sheet management in a complex enviroment
Note: total 2012 issues do not include 13 billion euros issued by Garanti.

In short, solid fundamentals
