
The BBVA brand

Consistency in what we say and what we do, key to the continued strengthening of our brand

We at BBVA understand the brand to be the promise we make to our stakeholders and the experiences they have with us. Therefore, in order for our brand to continue increasing in strength, experiences must reflect our promise. This requires consistency between what we say and what we do. BBVA brand management means, therefore, taking a multi-disciplinary approach (our principles, culture, behavior and processes) as well as an outside approach (communication, visual identity, tone of voice, etc.).

At BBVA, we the employees are the brand

BBVA employees, through their daily interactions with clients and other stakeholders, are the primary experience creators. For that reason, we at BBVA say the employees are the brand. We have guidelines in place to help us provide a consistent experience through our multiple points of contact (branches, tellers, online banking, publicity…). Our vision guides us on our path: “We’re working for a better future for people”, the mission: “We are committed to offering the best solutions to our clients, profitable growth to shareholders and value for the society at large" and the position of the brand, which revolves on three axes: principles, innovation and from people for people.

adelante. much more than a slogan

adelante., (meaning forward in Spanish) our creative idea, is the synthesis of our vision, mission and position, and brings out the idea of the future. The future is unsure and abstract and is a soothing and encouraging voice that lets people know that we will accompany them in all stages of their lives and provide solutions to make their dreams and projects a reality. Implies “creating the future" in terms that are positive and sustainable for all stakeholders.

What have we achieved in 2009?

This year has been very positive in terms of strengthening brand management. In September 2009, the Communication and Image Office became the Global Office for Communication and Branding, and places greater strategic and organizational emphasis on the duties related to the brand, identity, reputation and advanced parameters for management and reporting.

In 2009 we have worked to focus our brand positioning primarily on our clients. “For people” now means, above all, a focus on our clients. The results of this new focus will be seen in 2010, which will translate into communication and concrete changes in the way we do things; this, in turn, will positively impact our clients’ satisfaction and the brand’s capacity to attract all stakeholders.

Also, 2009 has been a year for consolidating the and BBVA Leagues, sponsorships that strengthen the exposure of the brand, as a team sport, and reinforce BBVA’s position as a company of "people" with a team spirit.

During 2009, brand management in BBVA has been very highly valued by experts. According to the last ranking prepared by MillwardBrown Optimor on the Top 100 Most Valuable Brands, BBVA rose to number 55, signifying that the value of the BBVA brand has grown 33% and situates the Group in the list of the 20 brands rising globally (Top Risers List), as the only Spanish brand, together with Movistar, on the list. Furthermore, in the global ranking of financial brands, BBVA now holds number 12 of 20 banks. Also, according to the Sustainable Asset Management (SAM) company, BBVA improved its brand’s overall score by four points in 2009, as compared to the slight decrease, of two points, in the mean for the financial sector.

Brand management score


Brand management score

One of the aspects most highly valued by experts is precisely having the homogenous measurement tools available that enable monitoring of how the brand is perceived and valued in the principal countries in which the Group operates.

BBVA brand awareness


Spain Mexico Argentina Chile Peru Colombia Venezuela The United States

2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009 2008 2009
Awareness 67.0 66.0 85.0 88.0 62.0 62.0 22.0 18.0 72.0 69.0 37.0 34.0 78.7 60.2 N/A N/A
Awareness (rank) 1st 1st 1st 1st 2nd 2nd 5th 5th 2nd 2nd 4th 4th 3rd 3rd N/A N/A
Reputation with customers 70.9 73.5 67.6 68.6 75.0 74.6 72.2 72.4 75.8 70.5 67.3 63.7 N/A 70.2 N/A 68.2
Reputation data from January to September 2009. The data for awareness in 2009 are for the January-December period in all countries except Mexico, Colombia and Venezuela, where they run through to November.
A variation between two years is only statistically significant when it is equal to or over 1 point.
Awareness data source: Advance Tracking Programme, MillwardBrown.
Reputation data source: RepTrak, Reputation Institute.