
Expected losses

Expected losses in the non-doubtful loan book expressed in attributed terms and adjusted to the economic cycle average, stood at €2,400 million euros at the close of December 2009, an increase of 8.2% compared with the same date in 2008.

The main portfolios of the BBVA Group experience use of expected loss and economic capital, as shown in the accompanying table.

The use of attributable expected losses by areas of business as of December 31, 2009, was as follows:

  • Spain and Portugal, with an exposure which accounts for 48.0% of the total, had an expected loss to exposure ratio of 0.40%.
  • WB&AM accounted for 23.7% of exposure, with a ratio of expected loss to exposure of 0.10%.
  • Mexico had a weight of 12.6% and a ratio of 1.03%.
  • The United States had a weight of 9.2% and a ratio of 0.65%.
  • South America had a weight of 6.5% and an expected loss ratio of 1.05%.

Risk statistics for the BBVA Group’s main portfolios not in default


Exposure² Expected loss Economic capital
Portfolios¹ Million euros Million euros % Million euros %
Retail mortgage

Spain 75,188 124 0.17 1,192 1.59
Mexico 6,885 138 2.01 381 5.53
Others 7,122 35 0.49 198 2.79
Total 89,195 297 0.33 1,772 1.99
Other retail portfolios

Spain 17,529 234 1.34 875 4.99
Mexico 9,519 328 3.44 602 6.32
Others 9,696 280 2.88 597 6.16
Total 36,744 842 2.29 2,074 5.64
Companies and institutions

Spain 154,833 423 0.27 4,643 3.00
Mexico 15,166 160 1.06 544 3.58
Others 84,471 323 0.38 1,932 2.29
Total 254,470 906 0.36 7,119 2.80
¹ Excludes securitized loans. ² Includes off-balance-sheet positions to which the corresponding conversion factors are applied.

Attributable expected losses (balances not in default) by business area

(Percentage over exposure. 31-12-09)

Attributable expected losses (balances not in default) by business area