
Wholesale Banking & Asset Management

Wholesale Banking & Asset Management


Management priorities in 2009

  • In Corporate and Investment Banking: consolidation of a industry-based model of customer coverage and improvement in the product mix, with focus on products of greater added-value.
  • In Global Markets: strengthening and increasing the recurrency of the franchise, with leadership in fixed-income and equity products, greater diversification outside of Spain and consolidation of the business among customers in Asia.
  • In Asset Management: progress in globalization, maintenance of leadership in mutual funds in Spain and Mexico and in pension funds in Spain, and strengthening the third-party platform (Quality Funds).
  • In Asia: aside BBVA’s mentioned region’s strengthening, the wholesale banking platform has tripled its size.

Customer base

  • More than 80% of income in the area in 2009 comes from its customers, with whom it has strengthened its strategic relationships, with an emphasis on a globalized service in products of greater added-value and appropriate risk management.

The mission of Wholesale Banking & Asset Management is to provide a service for customers who demand sophisticated solutions on a global basis

For this reason, our objective is to become a reference global provider and manager offering an integrated range of high added-value products in markets, investment banking and asset management. To achieve this target, we use a business model that has been successfully tested in extreme circumstances in the recent past. It is based on three pillars: customer focus, sound risk management and the talent of our teams.

More information about Wholesale Banking & Asset Management
