



Management priorities in 2009

  • Protection of net interest income, despite lower interest rates and the change in the asset mix.
  • Efficiency management through Transformation Plans.
  • Strict risk quality control in all phases: origination, monitoring and recovery.

Customer base

  • During the last years of crisis, Bancomer focused on strengthening its broad customer base. A great effort has been made to retain and secure its top value segments through more customized service for preferred customers and the development of a specialized service network for the segment of SME and large corporates.

In 2009, Bancomer managed to strengthen its franchise and improve the efficiency of its distribution network through the use of technological innovation

Network productivity has been increased by incorporating latest-generation ATMs (cash-deposit and cash-recycling ATMs, etc.). At the same time, to speed up transactions at the teller window and improve the service provided for the customer, the model of banking correspondents has been introduced. This will increase points of sale by more than 12,000 units over 2010.

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